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Problems posting pics, need your help


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  • 2 weeks later...

That appears to be a new/different problem Mike. Did you click "Clear editor"? Hopefully Peter is following this thread and will check out your particular problem, maybe it is tied to the other.


I and others are still having the same previous problems with posting. Very frustrating when trying to post and you never know what will upload and what will not. Such is not good when forums are loosing members to other social media every day.


2 out of 4 pictures I just tried did not load. I tried the same 4 over on the '54 Buick Highway forum which has I think the same Invision Power Services software and they all loaded without problem. Peter has no problem uploading and says he can't fix what he can't duplicate. Hopefully someone with more technical skills than I who is having the problem will be able to figure something out. Again I appreciate the help from those who have submitted their finding thus far. 





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OK, I just went back to the file and in Windows Photo Viewer, flipped pic 1697 and it uploaded this time. While this may show "something" why did 98 and 99 load ok in the inverted mode while 96 and 97 did not initially? Maybe there is a glitch in the systems "automatic flipper". Perhaps we should consult with House of Pancakes, see if they have a remedy.


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Data on your photo shows it was taken with an Apple iphone 5s in Hull, GA along with other data.  I am thinking that the forum software does not like all that extra garbage!

Again, the only time I have had uploading problems, it was with iphone photos.  They uploaded fine after stripping the metadata or by just renaming the file and changing the file extension from .JPG to .jpg.

That adds extra steps with a desktop computer and negates the ease of popping a photo with your iphone and sending to the forum.

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I've been gone from IT for a long time but the "God syndrome" happens often enough. If he isn't already using one, Peter needs to have a Joe User account to be able to replicate things. Of course, if the issue is related to iOS handling of images, one would need to have access to Apple products / images to replicate. 



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  • 3 weeks later...

Bringing this back up as I had to just step away from it for awhile. If a few more members could test and see if they too have problems, perhaps there will be strength in numbers and I can get some more help from the administrator or perhaps the group that handles AACA's site.

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I have a sneaking suspicion that the iphone is taking small video clips and not pictures, this is why they will not load.  After cropping, they are saved as just a picture.


To find out if yoir picture is a short video or not, hold your finger against the screen over the picture and see if the image moves and you get sound.


This should be just a setting change on the phone.  



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5 minutes ago, jackofalltrades70 said:

I have a sneaking suspicion that the iphone is taking small video clips and not pictures, this is why they will not load.


But as Matt (the other Matt)  determined above it is not only happening with cell phones. Thanks for your help btw!!!

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Took six pictures with cell phone, rotated #2 and #5. Attempted to upload with cell phone-  #1 failed to load, #2 the rotated one, loaded, # 3 failed to load, #4,5,6 all queued but #4 got stuck for 10 minutes "uploading". Gave up, closed it and came to the computer to post this 

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Same six pictures I just previously tried. This time I transferred them via a WIFI transfer tool to my PC and tried downloading from my PC. As you can see from the screen snip below it doesn't seem to make a damn how or in what orientation they are presented for upload.




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12 hours ago, MrEarl said:

Peter G are you following this


I still can't post any pictures I copy and paste from the memory card of my digital camera to a picture file on my Accer PC without first resizing them.

That is my solution so far.....


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On 1/3/2017 at 7:32 PM, jackofalltrades70 said:

I have a sneaking suspicion that the iphone is taking small video clips and not pictures, this is why they will not load.  After cropping, they are saved as just a picture.


To find out if yoir picture is a short video or not, hold your finger against the screen over the picture and see if the image moves and you get sound.


This should be just a setting change on the phone.  




Matt, I had tried rotating pictures before and it didn't affect the success of upload. But I just rotated one and cropped one in a post I made in the Garage & Memorabilia forum and they both posted, AFTER not posting as original, so you may be onto something. I looked into settings on my phone and there is an option to "Optimize iPhone Storage or "Download and Keep Original", would either of these effect ability of a picture to be downloaded?  I may try switching and see.

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I personally never had the problem until Lamar asked me to try and post. I think Matt W may be on to something. Maybe not the only problem, but it can't help.



Wait... what?

That's right, my earlier answer is still here as if I can only make one post per thread.



Did anybody else notice that Senior 55 Century with the chrome slider bezels? (Post 70, pic 4)


Edited by buick5563
More snark (see edit history)
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