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Never seen this done before!!


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that's pretty interesting. Only problem for me is living in the California desert things just never get that rusty. :lol:

Wish I was back east so I could try this cool trick too.

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I'll have to try it.  I bet it'll work without the wax, but the wax has to help at least a bit.  I'm thinkin' that the key is the application of small amounts of heat to a small area.  This heats and expands the nut before the heat can be transferred to the stud, expanding it in turn.  The stud is pressed into a large heat sink (the axle and brake drum) which would absorb the heat more rapidly than it could be transferred from the nut ... or sumthin'. 
That's my theory anyway, and I'm stickin' to it until someone either overwhelms me with logic or buys me a beer.
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