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Antique cars and Facebook


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I enjoy simpler times. I also place a high value on privacy. I am not exactly a social butterfly, but I most enjoy surrounding myself with like minded individuals.

I have old car guy friends that are on Facebook. They seem to think that it is the greatest thing since sliced bread, as far as keeping tabs on one another.

Myself, I tend to think that it can become a major time waster. With my own wife as a Facebook junkie, she shares with me the occasional tidbits of useless information about her network of friends and family. Of course I must pretend to pay attention to her while she speaks. Married folks will understand that one.

For several years, my buddies have tried to persuade me into joining. I ask those who do the Facebook thing: Just what exactly am I missing out on?

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It is sort of like these forums. It allows you to see photos and posts from your friends. It can be a great way to keep up with friends who don't live nearby. It allows you to enjoy instant communication via the internet. It is also an excellent way to read news articles. When I read my local newspaper or watch the TV news, I have usually already heard about the articles and new stories online, via facebook. Sometimes I wish I had never set up my facebook profile because I am hooked. And yes, it is an excellent way to waste time, especially if you tend to want to read everything that you come across. :)

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Well said, Tom in New Hampshire!  

My feelings are in line with yours, with one differance.  I have a Facebook account, but regret it.

I was badgered into trying it,  I thought i'd try friending 3 people I've know for 50 years for starters.

These friends are all close friends and we talk via telephone regularly because we live in far away


What I discovered:  1.  All are much better talkers than writers. 

                                2.  Stuff they share with their children and grandchildren is of little interest to me.

                                3.  Cute crap that they get form their other friends is of little importance to me.

                                4.  "So & So has updated their status", means they found a new coffee cup slogan.

                                5.  "Friend requests"  from middle aged women are of no interest.

                                6.   I'm to polite to un-friend anybody, so I just ignore it all.

The whole experience reminds me of the CB Radio craze of the 1970's.  Millions of people blabbing away to the world about nothing.  If you want to talk with me, I have email and a telephone, or stop by Dobbin's Barn where I'll be doing something constructive.

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Guest AlCapone

Well said, Tom in New Hampshire!  

My feelings are in line with yours, with one differance.  I have a Facebook account, but regret it.

I was badgered into trying it,  I thought i'd try friending 3 people I've know for 50 years for starters.

These friends are all close friends and we talk via telephone regularly because we live in far away


What I discovered:  1.  All are much better talkers than writers. 

                                2.  Stuff they share with their children and grandchildren is of little interest to me.

                                3.  Cute crap that they get form their other friends is of little importance to me.

                                4.  "So & So has updated their status", means they found a new coffee cup slogan.

                                5.  "Friend requests"  from middle aged women are of no interest.

                                6.   I'm to polite to un-friend anybody, so I just ignore it all.

The whole experience reminds me of the CB Radio craze of the 1970's.  Millions of people blabbing away to the world about nothing.  If you want to talk with me, I have email and a telephone, or stop by Dobbin's Barn where I'll be doing something constructive.

Why don't you cancel your account ? I did and I have absolutely no regrets at all. I sent all my important friends a note explaining my reasons and not one took exception. If they had they were not good friends in the first place, For me if wax a time waster that I did not have time for! Wayne

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Well said for sure!!!


I don't have a face book account and have no desire to have one.  Whatever is posted on Facebook never goes away and can come back at a later date to bite you firmly in the ash.  Personal comments made on Facebook can come to the attention of one's professional peers and/or management, with disastrous results.  For example, anyone in law enforcement or other sensitive profession would be crazy :o  unwise to post regularly on a social medium like Facebook.


Just my opinion,


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BUT......there are some great car sites on Facebook.  Groups are posting some great stuff.  The AACA Antique Automobile Club of America group page is approaching 7,000 members with virtually no issues and some very enjoyable content from all over the world.  I have a personal page that I mostly post car stuff.  I do not post much but it does keep me in contact with others who I have an otherwise difficult time to stay in touch with.  The other HUGE advantage to me is I get updates on my granddaughter often so it works for me. 

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Agree Steve.  Good question "what am I missing" got me thinking about that.  Like Matt, I find myself using FB more and more - initially as another tool to network on car stuff, but it is highly customizable in that you can seek out and follow things of interest.  So it becomes a very convenient tool in my mind vs. a time sink.  This is a great forum but think of FB as one forum,if you will, for multiple things that interest you.  I follow a couple of sports teams, a couple of bands, several family members/friends and several automotive sites.  In 20 minutes or so I can get up to speed on a ton of things of interest though not all car related .  You need to filter it though, stopped following most of the political pages for example, due to overload.  Essentially, just another way to keep on top of what interests you.  


Admittedly, videos of dogs that sound like they are speaking in English sometimes amuse me although my wife likes those more than me. 

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Guest AlCapone

BUT......there are some great car sites on Facebook.  Groups are posting some great stuff.  The AACA Antique Automobile Club of America group page is approaching 7,000 members with virtually no issues and some very enjoyable content from all over the world.  I have a personal page that I mostly post car stuff.  I do not post much but it does keep me in contact with others who I have an otherwise difficult time to stay in touch with.  The other HUGE advantage to me is I get updates on my granddaughter often so it works for me. 

Does AACA share or sell their members list to any other companies, or individuals? Wayne

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NO...with one caveat.  From time to time we have special programs for our members like the membership album, a credit card program (now defunct) and the likelihood that we have found a great new way to save our members money on homeowners and car insurance (Not antique cars).  This will be introduced soon..


We do not let any third party use our membership lists for anything but what our mutual program allows.  At the present time we are not allowing anymore telemarketing with these programs either. 

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