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Tip your mechanic?


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Is there ever any extra money left over after paying your restoration bill? If so I must change over to '32s shop! :rolleyes:

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When I was a gas pump jockey in high school I would get a few tips. Also, I "may or may not" have made a couple bucks on the side doing evening tire repairs - "mostly may" :D

Marrs, still looking for the "right guy" for the MB as it is new to us. I have a friend who handles things I don't want to deal with, we grew up together and he keeps a small shop with a focus on older American cars - doesn't even need to advertise as all the local AACA guys know him. He has a regular job but does this maybe 25 - 30 hours a week. I do "tip" him or pad his bill a bit because I think he undercharges me!

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For exceptional work with an exceptional price I say yes.

I know an honest mechanic that I took a car to with the check engine light on.

He had fond nothing wrong and charged me nothing, so I gave him 2 steaks for Memorial day.

Other places here in Vegas would have charged me plenty for reading the code and more for fixing something that wasn't broken.

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The last full resto I did and delivered earned me a $3000 tip. He was very appreciative of personal service, standing behind my work and the high quality and he graciously showed it. I warranted new parts that failed (defective) even though the manufacturer refused to honor their own warranty by blaming it on the customer.

I should add that I am doing another full nut/bolt resto for him. That is the best "tip" he could give me!

Now when I will NEVER tip is almost anywhere that has a tip jar. I tip for excellent customer service. The people that are behind a counter and all they do is hand you your order do not earn a tip. I have even seen tip jars at a drive through! That is tantamount to begging.

Edited by Amphicar BUYER (see edit history)
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I tip my mechanic when he goes beyond the call of his normal job. For example, he was changing a exaughst manifold and spent hours removing broken bolts. Did not charge me for all the time though.

Normally I dont tip money, I will buy a nice lunch for the shop or give the tickets to races or Baseball. Soemthing they dont do themselves.

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In the other thread I showed my hand but wanted to see some responses here first. I have offered tips when my guys have gone beyond the call of duty, taking me in without an appointment when I have unexpected trouble, seeing me right away when a repair didn't solve the issue, etc., but have always been refused. I then took to bringing in boxes of assorted high end pastries realizing they were probably accustomed to Krispy Kreme at best, and it has certainly gone over well. I do this now as a matter of practice and about every second or third visit, so for the extra $40 or so for a dozen and a half goodies I am in good graces with all the guys and gals at the shop it seems. I also make special effort for the shop girls to bring flowers as an exception. In truth, that wasn't my motivation, I truly wanted to reward these hard working folks, but I won't refuse the favor it has garnered. I see it as Karma at work, do a deed with pure intent and you will be rewarded accordingly. (Can you tell I'm from Oregon?)

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Guest PhippsAuto
For exceptional work with an exceptional price I say yes.

I know an honest mechanic that I took a car to with the check engine light on.

He had fond nothing wrong and charged me nothing, so I gave him 2 steaks for Memorial day.

Other places here in Vegas would have charged me plenty for reading the code and more for fixing something that wasn't broken.

My husband runs our shop (Phipps Auto) and is the only mechanic there. This is pretty much what his customer base does. He does honest work for an honest price, doesn't charge for things like you mentioned above, and frequently finds work-arounds for customers who are tight on cash who have been told to expect to spend hundreds for certain repairs. In return, he has been tipped in the past by being given tickets to events we would never be able to afford on our own, or in cash (always greatly appreciated), or with food (usually at Thanksgiving/Christmas time), etc.

It's always unexpected but greatly appreciated, and as the wife trying to raise our 2 kids on limited income, I can tell you it's never turned down!

PS: Yesterday, a customer gave my husband a dozen farm-fresh eggs. Like I said, everything's appreciated!

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