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7.1 Earthquake!

Guest Grant Magrath

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Guest Grant Magrath

Yep, the last 24 hours have been crazy. At 4:38am we got hit with a 7.1 magnitude earthquake. My house is undamaged, and so is Dad's place where the 39 coupe is. A lot of people have lost their houses, or had damage done. Yet, no one killed! A couple of guys were seriously injured, but that's it! Talk about lucky. Didn't take long to get the power back on. Water took a bit longer. They're saying about 2 billion dollars damage. So, the clean up begins........!



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My Mothers house is not habitable at this time. However been told my 2 39's are OK. (and are closer the epicentre than Grant is). Did not even fall of the axel stands (wheels are not on the cars)

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Guest Grant Magrath

Thanks guys.

People are a bit unnerved with all the aftershocks. Just had a 4.5 a while ago. We've turned down a kind offer of help from the USA because we pretty much have things under control. and our govt has a fund set aside for such an occasion, so don't feel bad Danny! It's all very surreal, I can tell you! Allan, where is your mother's house?


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I can certainly relate to your situation with the earthquake. When I was a kid growing up in Alaska, I went through one on Good Friday in 1964 that measured 9.2. As you probably know the Richter scale is logarithmic so a 9.2 is greater than 7.1 by a factor of over 100. Massive destruction! Moved to California in later years and was in San Francisco in 1989 for one at 7.1. Seems like the aftershocks never stop with those larger quakes as they can go on for weeks afterward. Hang in there and best of luck to you.

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Guest Grant Magrath

Thanks guys.

Michael, that's incredible! You're right about the aftershocks. Everyone's on edge. A good night's sleep would be fantastic about now. We got off very lightly so far. Allan, sorry to hear about your mother and her house. At least she's not hurt. If you need anything, let me know.

Cheers and thanks,


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Thanks guys.

People are a bit unnerved with all the aftershocks. Just had a 4.5 a while ago. We've turned down a kind offer of help from the USA because we pretty much have things under control. and our govt has a fund set aside for such an occasion, so don't feel bad Danny! It's all very surreal, I can tell you! Allan, where is your mother's house?


Government planning for the future? That's probably the most surreal thing I've read here. Sorry for the sarcasm...it stems from sending billions out of country annually in aid while we have hungry and homeless folks among us.

It is good to hear that things are in relatively good shape with respect to people and the cars. We wish you well in recovery efforts.

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Government planning for the future? That's probably the most surreal thing I've read here.

I'd second that thought !!

Here in Australia, rather than plan ahead, we tend to have an APPEAL after the disastrous event and raise millions of dollars in AID only to have it sit in some distant bank account somewhere that very few get access to.


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Guest Grant Magrath

We have $6 billion tucked away for things like this. Most of it invested overseas, because if it turns to custard here, the money's still good. NZ is on the boundary of two tectonic plates, plus there are active volcanoes up north. We get the odd flood as well, so it makes sense to be prepared.



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Guest Grant Magrath

Yep! You're dead right. It is definitely still shaking. Had a 4.0 at 5:24pm, and I thought I felt one at 5:50pm. It's 6pm right now. I can tell you it's very nerve wracking! Got some sleep last night, so I feel heaps better today. If someone gave me the cash, I'd be on a plane tomorrow to vist my mate on the Gold Coast!



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Guest Grant Magrath

Thanks Bill.

If these aftershocks keep up, you might end up with some new neighbors! Any Houston radio stations need a new announcer? I can do a fairly good Texan accent!



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  • 5 months later...


Best wishes to you and family from colorado. We saw some pic's on the weather channel this morning of boulders crashing into a "red" house, and lots of collapsed buildings. I see from the above posts, the cars are o.k. though.

You want to be a radio announcer, KVRH in Salida Colorado is in desparate need, and i'm sure the accent would be a thrill for all us "mountain" folk. Of course you have to remember we are @ 8500 ft altitude, so a pint of beer goes a long way.

Best Regards,

Mike Simpson



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Just a quick note. I know it's off the Buick topic but you guys seem interested in the welfare of our Christchurch folk.

This quake in Christchurch is far more severe than the September one. It was centered closer to Christchurch. Despite the lower force as measured on the Richter scale (6.3) it was shallower (that is, it was closer to the surface).

The electricity supplies and telephone connections in the area are patchy. Contact with my own family in the area has been limited to mobile texts. There are also water supply and sewerage problems.

The effect is severe, especially with historic brick and stone buildings. But there have also been collapses of relatively modern buildings. The port town of Lyttelton is also badly affected.

Uli made a comment: "Sounds really horrible to people in Europe like me who live in quite "normal" areas". Just be mindful that Christchurch is an area that had no significant past experience of quakes. This is part of the reason why so many old (by our standards) brick and stone buildings have suffered. So nowhere can be regarded as exempt from this force of nature.

I am sure Grant will be back in touch when the power and phones are back and he gets a chance for a breather. The radio network is also important to the community and I am sure he is part of that support.

If you like to be informed have a look at: Stuff.co.nz - Latest New Zealand News & World News, Sports News & NZ Weather Forecasts

I have the luxury of not being affected. We are in Lower Hutt near the capital Wellington on the North Island. This area was expected to be hit by the "big one" first.

This happended on the day following the 80th commemoration of the Napier earthquake of 1931. Napier is now known as the "art deco" city because of the 1930s building styles of the rebuilt city. There was a parade 250 cars from the 1930s and 1940s.

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Guest Mike Hanning

Hi Everyone, Just to let you know all our family and myself are safe and well with no property damage this time. My Buick collection is safe and secure and I have been using them as Buicks should be.

Best regards, Mike Hanning, Christchurch NZ. BCA #40630.

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Guest Jim_Edwards
Hope you all across the Pacific are ok after all the shaking! Hopefully it is over.

Unfortunately for those living in the "Pacific Ring of Fire" it will never be "over." Geologically impossible! Only lulls in tectonic plate movements and volcanic activity are possible.

Obviously our prayers are with those who have been in harms way. We can only pray the geological activity in the area will abate for a while.


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Unfortunately for those living in the "Pacific Ring of Fire" it will never be "over." Geologically impossible! Only lulls in tectonic plate movements and volcanic activity are possible.

Obviously our prayers are with those who have been in harms way. We can only pray the geological activity in the area will abate for a while.


Of course, lets wish for a long lull after this one!

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Hi Everyone, Just to let you know all our family and myself are safe and well with no property damage this time. My Buick collection is safe and secure and I have been using them as Buicks should be.

Best regards, Mike Hanning, Christchurch NZ. BCA #40630.

Just had an email from another pre war Buick owner in Christchurch about the Magraths. They are OK. Houses have some damage. They do not have electricity (but see this services slowly being restored) But the cars are OK, which will be important to Peter and Grant.

Allan (ex Christchurch)

BCA #12760

Edited by 1939_buick (see edit history)
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Hi from another Christchurch Buick owner (although mine is unrestored and in storage). I live a few miles north of the city (about 10 minutes drive from the worst damage) but where we are there is very little damage. The area where the McGraths are is a little to the east of the city and even though it is an area of newer houses I believe there is still some significant damage. I have heard of another aquaintance of mine who lives only a few houses from the McGraths and their house is apparently ruined. We are continuing to experience aftershocks - check the geonet site or the christchurchquakemap site. There was a magnitude 4.4 at 7.14 this evening. I was watching the local TV reporter interviewing an LA Rescue Squad leader who had just arrived to help out when it happened and the reporter said - oops there goes another one - . This is the worst thing that has ever happened here. The death toll at present is 113 but will rise to nearer 300 - included are many overseas visitors. Many iconic buildings have been lost. Estimates of the rebuild cost added to the cost from the September quake have been quoted as maybe as high as $25 billion. It will impact on everybody's insurance premiums - not just in NZ but worldwide because the money will come from the US and other international insurers. Four days after the quake and half of the city still has no water and a quarter have no power. At least there is no shortage of fuel or food and it is not too cold. There are urban search and rescue teams here now from 6 overseas countries.

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