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Thanks for issue of the Bugle on the 39s!


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Just wanted to say a big thanks to Pete and Dave and everyone else who put together this month's Bugle articles on the 39. As a relatively new 39 owner, I appreciate all of the information and seeing other 39s. Even saw a twin sister to my model 90, big and black! Hope to see many of these cars out in Colorado Springs! Thanks again for a great issue!

Jeff K.

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Agree fully. The comprehensive coverage of different model years has really held my interest since it started. Even though I have no desire at all to own a 39 or many of the other models covered, the articles are so well written I can't help but read them at least twice.

Thats a good sign of a well written piece.....getting someone to read it that normally wouldn't have interest.

Many Thanks to the staff and contributors who make it happen.

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I purchased my '39 Century coupe in November and have met some great '39 owners that freely shared their experience and ideas.

I have a couple of questions for '39 experts.

It is easy to find the original cost of the different models, but does anyone know the cost of accessories?

Mine has the optional front fender light, the push-button radio, side mounts and streaming boards. It would be interesting to know the original cost of those items.


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Guest imported_Thriller

I was actually thinking about this after I read that issue. While I really do appreciate the well-researched and well-written articles and all the excellent historical information, I've been wondering about this format. We pretty much have Bugle issues set aside for the National Meet, the Modified Division, and convertibles (or am I thinking of another magazine on this last one...a summer issue devoted to droptops). With nearly every issue focused on a particular year, and a hundred years of Buick, it could take 10+ years to get through them all if this format were strictly followed. For someone who has but one Buick and would like to see articles more closely related to their car, that could be a long wait.

I'm not sure how I feel about this...as I said, I enjoy the quality of the Bugle and it is a lifeline for those of us members who aren't able to regularly take part in chapter events. I know polling doesn't necessarily work that well, but I wonder what the general membership feels.

One definite positive I can see is that it makes Pete's job a bit easier to put together if he can focus on a theme for each month. Others have been mentioned in this thread in terms of learning about other years than what they have.

I hope this doesn't offend anyone, particularly Pete. That isn't my intent...my intent is to foster discussion regarding this thought I've had. I also apologize if this turns out to be a thread hijack...after all, I am Canadian, so being apologetic is something I'm good at wink.gifgrin.gif

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I might be speaking out of line for Pete, but what seems to happen.... when Pete selects a year to feature, he gets or already has enough information/articles on that year to fill more than one Bugle. And as Pete himself has said, most of these articles have good photos, stories and he hates not to run them.... the next thing you know, the space is consumed by one year and he still has articles remaining.

In some ways this is a good situation, but we have also discussed the problem with not covering more than one year/model per Bugle.

Pete tries so hard to put out a Bugle that will satisfy the members, but as you said, it might be 10 years before your year is covered......maybe someone should start an new topic on just this subject as the members input could be recorded.

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Good points everybody.

I agree with Jason as I don't always desire the cars that are featured, but like he said, the articles are always well written and informative. Yeah, my interests don't lie in the pre-war cars generally, but who cares? Articles on 55's have been done ad nauseum.

I'm totally cool with modified issues and obligitory "wasn't our National great?" issues. I don't think Thriller was in any way slamming the yearly issues (even though he apologized)... I see his point, for sure. Pete and everybody else on The Bugle staff has made such a HUGE difference in the layout, content, and quality of the magazine that I'm excited everytime the shrink-wrapped treasure shows up in my mailbox.

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I guess cars are like women. Some drive us wild, while others only bore us to death. wink.gif (I'm sure you gals can say the same about us guys also.)

Good job on another great Bugle Pete. laugh.gif Dandy Dave!

I wonder if we can get Mr. Marr to do a story on the 1915 V12 Buick prototype???

That car drives me wild. grin.gif

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Guest Marr_V12

Dave, Did you see the Oct. 2008 Bugle. David Corbin and I did a write up on our Twinsix prototype. We had a great weekend in Flint. I just was able to get the V12 there. Three weeks before the show I had no wheels (wood being made), no windshield, no floor boards and so on. The night before we left I was installing the windshield at 3:00 a.m. That morning I drove the car for the first time, to the trailer and we were off. I started the restoration after attending the show in Flint in 2003, and I was not going to miss this one. I only wish the litle red Marr Auto Car could have been there with the other two Water Marr creations. I would like to do part two on this car, just need to get it in gear. Thanks Paul Marr

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I dug through all the Bugles and can't find that issue. I'm thinking that maybe I never received it? The way the mail is around here I would not be supprized. Just a few days ago I got the November, December HCCA Gazette. ( They said they have been having problems with the Mailer/ Printer.) While the January, February issue was here at least a month ago. I only recived about 2 issues of the Gazette all year and recenty emailed the office and they said they will sent me the entire set for the 2008 year. I was considering just droping out but alas, They have renewed my faith. I hope they get the problems with the printer/ mailer solved. I may have to dig a little deeper for that Bugle before I cry wolf. But if an artical on your car was in that issue it is not likly that I would have forgotten it.

whistle.gif Dandy Dave!

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Guest Marr_V12

Dave, Oct. 2008 was the National Meet issue. You should have this one since there is a picture of you standing next to

your car in it. I think it was taken at the parade. I would have liked to put the V12 in but I thought it was to "green" still. I had enough to worry about just getting it there.

Anyway, back to the discussion at hand. I think Pete has improved the Bugle ten fold. I would rather go in depth on these years than get stuck in the 50's and 60's again. I'm

with Dave though more pre war, meaning pre WW1.


What would this cost us? You have got to keep inproving this thing or your membership will drop off..

Thaks,Paul Marr

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Guest DaveCorbin

Since I got mentioned (again), let me add some other thoughts. As a BCA member who has a complete collection of the Bugle from Vol 1, No. 1 to today, I would agree that the Bugle is better than it has ever been. I will also disclose that Pete is a good friend.

First on the amount of material that's available. You may have noticed that my 1939 Roadmaster showed up in 6 of the photos and I was in another one. Those 6 were in a file of 96 detail photos of the car that I sent Pete, so he had Roadmaster photos of everything. However, I had those photos made, not for the Bugle, but to help a restorer in Russia. Obviously, Pete could have made a complete issue out of just my car. The same is true of every other members car.

Second was the opportunity to meet Paul Marr and his family by working with him on the article about the V12 or Twinsix as his great-grandfather called it. It was a lot of fun and all the rest of you got to see the product of a really fun project.

I also want to comment on Derek's (Thriller's) observation that it would take 10 years to work thru the 100 years of Buick history once. I did that calculation slightly differently, and concluded that it's actually about 14 to 20 years, because the history keeps lengthening and Thriller's computation doesn't allow for National Meet issues, the annual Modified issue, etc. It also doesn't allow for special subject matter issues, such as an issue on automatic transmissions, air conditioning, power attachments of every kind, carburetion, paint colors, trim colors, bodies built on Buick chassis by outsiders such as Flxble (ambulances and hearses), Nordberg, Hibbard and Darrin, etc. A set of issues showing the differences between McLaughlin, Holden and Buicks of the same year or an issue devoted to one member's collection (Think Paul Meyer's collection of 1942's and blackout cars.) is another set of possibilities.

In short, Pete isn't going to run out of subjects. It's our job as members to keep him from running out of material, and I know that he doesn't mind suggestions from members about future issue possibilities.

You may also notice that I contribute regularly to the Bugle on the subject of "How many were made?", and I'm sure that there are others of you who have sufficent knowledge about facets of Buick history to be regular factual contributors. Let Pete know who you are after examining my comments on special items above.

Regards, Dave Corbin

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Ben, look in the Classified Ad section of the Bugle under Print Media for sale. There are usually a few ads offering back issues of the Bugle for sale. Also, there is a person that maintains an index of all Bugle articles. She advertises there as well.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: First Born</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

I am a new BCA member. The"39" issue was my first. WOW. Great job, Pete. My family had two 39s in the 50s. Just good old cars.

You guys keep talking about items in earlier issues of the Bugle. Makes my mouth water. Are back issues available?

Ben </div></div>

Ben, the Sarasota, Fl Buick Club has held a car show for the last few years, (but not in 2009). There was a vendor there that was selling old Bugles for, I think, $1 each. I wiped out his Reatta copies, but he had many others left. If you contact the Sarasota club, they may know who it was...... Jim

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I'm pretty sure that the Pittsburgh Tri-Shield chapter sell all the extra Bugles as a chapter project. </div></div>

Yes, You are right Barney. I got extra copys of the July 2008 issue that featured my 1915 Buick from them. Look for the ad in the Bugle grin.gif Dandy Dave!

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Guest DaveCorbin

Dear Firstborn:

I've got around 100 back issues from the late 80's thru about 1997 in binders. $60 for all, could bring to Chickasha.

Regards, Dave Corbin

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Guest DaveCorbin

Dear Ben:

It's March 19 thru 21, Thursday thru Saturday. I'm planning to go up Thursday AM early and leave Friday PM.

Regards, Dave Corbin

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