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1937 Packard 12 1508 Custom Boattail Project

Tom Laferriere

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I have a nice running 1937 1508 Packard 12 boattail project I have decided to sell. Thinking about dragging it to Hershey or selling to a Packard person with some talent. Email me for a few pictures and price or just give me a call.


Tom Laferriere



Rhode Island

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest imported_Speedster

Thanks for the pics.

I didn't realize until now that they used a REAL aluminum Fishing-Boat for the Tail end. grin.gif

(complete with dock-dents and all) laugh.gif

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Jay, thank you very much for those pictues!!!

I had been wondering what it really looked like at the back end of the car. All the shots sort of left out any details. I think somoene took the term 'boat tail' a bit too far!!!!! That's really a shame that the car is messed up so. ...B

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Yeah, with all due respect to Tom, the car looks like a good deal from the front, V-12 and all, but then the "boat tail" takes one aback! These pics are the first I saw the back, too, I missed it at Hershey for some reason. David Coco Winchester Va.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Actually body by "Sea Nymph" circa 1973 or so... This is my (or my son's really) boat. Not for sale but may consider it if someone really needs it to convert their Packard.

On a serious note, completed a business deal with Tom this week, and I am thrilled with the car (Packard 120) and just as important, with dealing with Tom. He is a true enthusiast first and also a stand up businessman. Can't recomend him enough. A highlight of the fall season for me included a couple rides in his 1906 Wayne and American Lafrance Speedster, big, fast and loud - great fun!

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I can 2nd the comments on Tom. Although I ended up not getting his friends car he was offering, I always got quick responses and contact #'s in an age when sometimes you never hear back from a seller.

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