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Flint 2008 Here I comeeeeeee.............

Dandy Dave

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Well I took the plunge and sent in the registration form and booked a room for the BCA Nationals. grin.gif The 15 will come in tow and I'll drive her around after I get her out there. Only 8 more months left! Watcha waiting fer.... whistle.gif Sign up aforn it's too late!

Soooo, Who else is going???

Be there, or be square! laugh.gif Dave!

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Guest Dans 77 Limited

Giving it some serious consideration, I can only do one "away" show this year. I usually go to GM Carlisle every year but this year Im giving the National some thought. I just wish it was a judged meet ... Id love to enter my 77 in either the 400 point judging or the driven judging. I hold no false hopes , but would just like a general idea of what it takes to make my car better. Also Ive done some very mild modifications to the car and I would love to see if the person judging could catch them. Everything is all GM and is all available for my car .... but some of it is not correct for a 77 car whistle.gif.

Well I still am giving it some thought , plus the better half hasnt made my decision for me yet ... so the jury is still out. She likes the Carlisle trip as some of the other members of our chapter also go, but Im going to try to talk them all into Flint too.


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Dandy Dave has signed up for the 2008 Pre War Division After Tour as well! (great to have you Dave!) I'm certain Dave's attendance will cause a Holiday Rush of registrations for the 2008 Meet in Flint as well as the PWD After Tour!

If you liked 2003, think of this as a victory lap!

I can just see Dave doing donuts in my front lawn with his '15 with the checkered flag in his teeth.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Brian_Heil</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Dandy Dave has signed up for the 2008 Pre War Division After Tour as well! (great to have you Dave!) I'm certain Dave's attendance will cause a Holiday Rush of registrations for the 2008 Meet in Flint as well as the PWD After Tour!

If you liked 2003, think of this as a victory lap!

<span style="font-weight: bold">I can just see Dave doing donuts in my front lawn with his '15 with the checkered flag in his teeth. </span></div></div>

<span style="color: #009900">What a sight that will be to see, and I can be in the passengers seat????????????????????? Dave said he had room!</span>

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Well, I was thinking of taking that whole week off for vacation to visit the folks, but now I hear the folks are coming to my house that week, for Buick Camp, like in 2003. MVC-794X.JPG Tents, campers, dog cages, Buicks in the yard every night, so I guess, I'll have to stay here, and welcome all the world's Buick folks to the Flint Cultural Center, and make sure they have lots of fun, kicking tires and doing what we do best, hanging out and talking Buick! See the preliminary schedule of activities on this post Here

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I can just see Dave doing donuts in my front lawn with his '15 with the checkered flag in his teeth. </div></div>

Haa ha ha....LOL laugh.gif You guys are funny....You make me laugh. If I tried that my nice wooden wheels would probably turn into tooth picks. cry.gif

I may have to morgage the house the way gas prices are going, shocked.gif but what the heck! You only live once!!! grin.gif

Gitty up ol Buick.... get along li'l doggies... YYYYEEEEHHHHAAAAAAAA! I'm on my way. Dave!

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Guest imported_65gs76limited

We have a large group comming from the Northeast Ohio chapter and were staying right around the corner from Roberta.Hope to see you all there. Tom

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Guest imported_Thriller

Registration #71 if I remember correctly...got a room at the AmericInn...just need to book my flight, which I think will wait until after Christmas. Fly in Thursday, forum breakfast, register, Heritage Centre, then hang out...look at Buicks Saturday, eat, go home Sunday. No car for me.

Suzanne can't come because of our other holiday plans...out to visit her mother to celebrate her 65th, and the first weekend of August will be the McLaughlin-Buick Centennial in Oshawa. I hope to have the Wildcat there, especially since it is an Oshawa-built car.

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  • 2 months later...

Well, I sent in the Registration for the parade. Will have to wait and see where it goes. What's the odds of gettin in with a 1915 Buick???

Anyone else trying for the parade??? Only about 5 more months till showtime! smile.gif Dave!

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Signed up for the Forum Breakfast. smile.gif Anyone else??? Hoping to get a seat between Stevo and Roberta with JD, Mr Earl and Triller all within an earshot. grin.gif Should make some mighty good conversation. Come on along folks. laugh.gif Dandy Dave!

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Guest imported_Thriller

Stevo and I had a two word breakfast exchange via e-mail. As I get in Thursday, I won't be registered for the meet until after breakfast though...sigh. Dave, I don't know if I'll be able to take your energy at that time of day, what with flying Thursday, then the first night in a strange bed. grin.gif

You don't need to register to just look at the cars. If you want to take part in any of the events / tours / etc. though, you will generally need to be registered.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Aaron65</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Does one have to register to be a spectator? I don't want to show any of my cars, just look at the rest. I'll bring one of them though... smile.gif </div></div>

Aaron, if you don't register, you can't bring your car on the show field, and you won't get a great goody bag with a commerative license plate and car badge, as well as access to the hospitality tent, etc. Just the rest of the story. You can come look for nothing though.

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Thriller, you would probably be supprised to find that I am fairly quite until I find a plug to put in somewhere. (Just Ask JD about the upstate meetings that I have been to.)

(What's the matter JD? Don't that Pen have spell check??? LOL)

Of course around y'all, that may change! laugh.gif Dave!

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Dave? Quiet? That's like saying 10w 30 isn't slippery.

The thing is, one look at Dave's handiwork and you just don't know what to say to the master...

Still I am really looking forward to the breakfast. Does everyone make a name tag showing their forum handle like the infamous Mr. Earl? And Thriller, was it you who said you'd be sending along some items for discussion? What type of stuff are you sending?

Roberta, is anyone making a speech or anything? I think Stevo would be good at that! Right?

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Guest imported_Thriller

JD - last year, a few of us brought odds and ends as "door prizes", we put our names down and drew from a hat...first one there drawn got to choose from the pile of loot. I don't remember everything, but I got the Buick Bad Guy mug cool.gif and I think Centurion got an early '50s brochure.

Wildcat62 was gracious enough to let me use her address for an eBay buy that would ship to US addresses only...the item was 3 brochures - one is for '41 that I will keep...the other two are for years that I don't own. My plan is to be able to read at least one of them and then offer it up.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

<span style="font-size: 17pt"><span style="color: #FF0000"><span style="font-size: 14pt"><span style="font-weight: bold">Don't forget to sign up for the Forumn Breakfast, see the sticky post to see how to make reservations.</span></span></span></span>


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Guest cardinal905

Sorry I am a little slow, what search space?---tried AACA home and the Flint link page.

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Had the A/C fixed on the GS this week in anticipation of hot weather for the trip and a reduction in State Gas Tax ( maybe Fed tax too) for the summer months. It may represent only 12 bucks for a full tank but every 12 bucks give me incentive to roll.

Now where's that dagnabit fed tax rebate so I can spend some more?

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  • 1 month later...

WWWWaaaaaa Hoooooooooo........ smile.giflaugh.gifgrin.gif, I got my sticker for the big GM 100 Parade. The 1915 C36 made the grade.

Anyone else on here have their car in the parade???

I also noticed that it is already less than a month away until show time. Get em ready guys and girls. wink.gif Dave!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh my lord... shocked.gif It's July first already! Hurry up and get ready to gooooo! So much to do....so little time...! crazy.gif It's almost upon us! Is everybody ready yet??? wink.gif Dandy Dave!

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Guest Buicklover

Got the parade sticker for my 1983 Riv Convertible last week. Seems they were looking for a 1983 car, & mine fills the need.

See ya in the line up.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm all loaded up and ready to go in the morning. See y'all sometime tommorow afternoon or evening.

Look out Flint cus here I come. smile.gif

I'm on my way, I'm on my way, I'm on my way...... laugh.gif Dave!

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