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Everything posted by Thriller

  1. Not to mention the '56 in the photo. Nice hardtop...probably just a used car then...big differences in styling over a few years in that lineup.
  2. Matt's car sold according to the last post on that thread. Good luck. That Special looks half-decent and is relatively near you. The question is really about interior condition. If nothing else it warrants further investigation.
  3. The "ink" wasn't intended to be there...typo, bu I think I will leave it rather than edit
  4. We don't put the tree up until after Luke's birthday next week. For the last 17 years we've made an effort to keep his special day separate from Christmas. That said, the wreath that normally hangs on the front door hasn't been dug out yet nor has our Advent wreath. The he last few years, ornaments from the Reatta Division have been prominent on our tree.
  5. I think ink she's got a lift kit...aka stilettos.
  6. For some of us, a breast pocket is a selling feature, regardless of the style of shirt. Wrinkle-resistant is also nice.
  7. Just occurred to me...BUick...gooGLE...put them together and get BUGLE.
  8. Of course, if she'd driven around the other side of the island it wouldn't have been an issue either.
  9. 3 1951 Super Estate Wagons and 2 1952 wagons. Sigh. Good thing it is far enough away and now winter here to keep me from these temptations.
  10. She's jusy got custom paint is all...I'm not going to comment on whatever else may have been modified...a rodder's dream.
  11. Any chance of a photo or two of that car Mikewest? I know I shouldn't ask. It is really good to hear of a few of these coming out of the woodwork. Perhaps there is hope for me to find a '33 yet. There is a local McLaughlin-Buick Victoria coupe for sale, but it is also overpriced.
  12. Larry has taught me a lot about Buick trucks and helped me assess some that have been for sale. This year he located some hub caps for me much less expensively than paying the used retail price.
  13. Wow. I like. My price guide is older, but that price range would suggest a #3 condition car. I'm not sure this car is quite there. That said, there were only 1,000 of these made. I've been drooling over the one at Hyman Ltd listed for $43k. Whimper...must resist...resistance is futile...sigh.
  14. This is very neat and interesting literature. In a sense I'm happy I don't own a 1937 as I'm also something of a pack rat and don't need to be spending the money. Thanks for posting the photos.
  15. It's pretty beat up, but years ago, when we had fewer Buicks, Suzanne had a t-shirt made up with photos of each of our cars on it. We would need to do front and back nowadays. Aside from that I have the usual assortment of show shirts. I also have a Landau shirt - hey Lamar how about you take your second selfie with one of those.
  16. I was just thinking the same thing Lamar. While this is relatively small, thinking of the dash of my '41, I'm not sure there would be enough space for it to stand safely.
  17. Like. I'm of two minds regarding the eBugle - if I read it, then when my paper copy arrives, there is less incentive to dig into it, unless there was something I wanted to be sure the family sees. I enjoyed playing a variation of "Where's Waldo?" with the '54 wagon in the October issue as it made a few cameo appearances. It is interesting, beyond the name and background work on the Bugle, I knew Cindy only by name. Meeting her in person at the National was a treat - her energy and enthusiasm are off the charts. Working with her on the article we put together for the October Bugle was a treat. If you ever get a chance to meet this wonderful lady, by all means, do so.
  18. I drove the Reatta yesterday. For nearly the past month, I wanted a dry day and an extra driver to be able to get home...it didn't quite work out. I still have some batteries and other odds and ends to deal with for the upcoming season.
  19. Id consider having a rye with Lee.
  20. It really depends on your market. Some folks aren't interested in something that isn't original. What will attract more buyers? If the chosen colour is too common it will turn some people off. Good luck coming to a decision and with the sale.
  21. Congrats Sid. It looks like a nice car. I'm looking forward to seeing it in Springfield.
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