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Everything posted by Booreatta

  1. Is everybody that has registered with a car planning to do the rendezvous from Ames to Jewell on Friday night. It looks like we will have 36 Reattas registered and I would like to send Rick Young an update on numbers. So if you are going to be driving please let me know. If you have 2 people in your car I also would like to know. And if you have 8 kids in the trunk I dont want to know Thanks Chuck
  2. Dandy you are going to like that car. I have an 84 and it is great for crusing around. I love the Reatta but when you have to take the grandkids the Riviera is a must. They are quiet with the top up and the AC on when it is really hot out. Have a good time with it
  3. Bryan I agree the cost of Membership is high, but the club is now solvent. I agree you should take your old Bugles in your car and when you see any Buick on any used car lot stop and leave your Bugle in the car for the next owner. Most car sales people don't mind in fact they see it as an added value to them to sell the car. About the articles in the Buick you get out what you put in. I have to ask the question, when was the last time you submitted an article for the Bugle. You can control the content of your article and no one else. I am glad that I don't have to walk around in Pete's shoes and come up with a new article every month. Its very hard work and I don't think I could do it. I don't agree with every article in the Bugle and some articles are for the lack of a better word, goofy. I can tell you that when someone writes an article and it is printed, it is a lot of pride for the writer. Running a club takes money and running a magazine takes participation, do an article and send it in and see if you get published, you might change your mind
  4. Martel I am sitll bringing my Riviera and was told by another member that I have to glue a Reatta hood ornament to the front and just call it the big brother. Thats not right is it When do you plan to be in Ames? Chuck
  5. Boy I wish I could be at the speedway but no time. I hope that some one does an article for the newsletter I would bet it was fun
  6. I always keep mouse bait along the walls of my garages and have seen mice from time to time but they always dead out side the doors of the garage. I know that all garages have mice especially in the fall of the year when they migrate inside for warmth. I spread moth balls outside the doors and walls and use baited tin cats outside. I have never seen a mouse inside the garage or car. The key is to keep the critters outside
  7. We plan to leave the Wichita area around 9AM on Tuesday the 27th and arrive in Ames Iowa that same day. We will take the route north on I 35 thru Topeka Kansas and then North on 35 to Ames. We will be pulling a trailer so if anybody along the way has parts or other things let us know. Will return to Wichita along the same route on Sunday Chuck Kerls booreatta@cox.net 316-655-1099 can receive text msgs at this number
  8. Any of you guys out junkin the next few weeks I am looking for a part for a friend. We are looking for a convertible boot for a 1994 Chevrolet Cavalier. A boot for a Pontiac Sunfire convertible would work also. The conditon is important for the rubber pieces but Most were in white vinyl. Please let me know if anyone spots one Thanks Chuck
  9. I need to find a convertible boot for a 1994 Chevrolet Cavalier Z24. I would lilke to find a mfgr that can make one. Most companys dont make one that new. Any leads would be appreciated Thanks please contact me at booreatta@cox.net
  10. I agree with the Zaino conditioner. I have used all of Zainos products over the years with great results. Thats about all I have in my car care bag.
  11. And the Reattas are doing a rendezvous again this year from Ames to Jewell to the dinner that we won from Rick Young. Wouldnt miss it for anything. Hopefully we will have 30 Reattas on the road at once. We always have a good time.
  12. Just finished reading the July 2010 Bugle and a couple of thoughts popped in my mind. Rick Young makes the statement that the open car show has raised a few eyebrows amongst Buick Club members, but my thought is that the open car show is our chance to show the other clubs that attend that we are not a bunch of old folks and that we have an interest in all makes and models and years of cars. We need to welcome the other clubs with open arms. The open car show can set the standard for our club in the future. We may even convert someone from another car company to BUICK. What could be better. The one thing that all car clubs have is pride in their ride, it is a golden chance to show pride in our rides. I wish that we could have cars other than Buicks from all over the nation to our open car show. This thing could really grow if we welcome the other clubs. So raise an eyebrow if you want to but we do not live in our little world and there is a lot of other great cars out there. Then there is the fact that the Make a Wish Foundation will reap some financial rewards of the efforts of the the open car show. It is a really good charity and when we are able to help people who are really in need we become the club with a heart. I will challenge our whole club to chip in a few extra bucks at the car show and make the goal of $6,500.00 a reality. My hat is off to Rick Young and Bill Stoneberg for thinking outside the box and changing some things up to get a little different results. There will always be someone who does not agree with the direction the club is going, and we always think that we have to have the youth to grow. That is only part of the solution for growth, we need to have people in the Chevy, Ford,Dodge clubs to see how good the Buick Club really is and go out a buy a Buick and add it to their collection. We now have the chance to have a new member, so on Saturday lets all get out to the open show and thank all the other cars for coming. They are our guests take a few min to talk Buick to a Ford or Chevy guy and see what happens. I think this will be a very exciting National and if you are sitting on the fence make the decision to make plans to go to Iowa. Its not too late to register and if you want to have a car judged you still have a whole 5 days to get it done. Drive friendly Chuck Kerls
  13. Booreatta

    Ames anyone?

    From looking at the registration list the Reattas now have about 30 going to Ames. I know that there is several that will be there but have not registered yet. This does not include club members that will be there but are not bringing a car which includes me as I am bringing my Riviera (sorry about that) but we need the room. Dont forget that the 11th is the deadline to register if you want your car to be judged at this years event. That only leaves 7 days Lets hope for good weather, today is just keeps raining and it looks to continue for several days yet here in Kansas
  14. The car has been sold, something interesting about this car. The number on the cars muffler was 0145 and the stand had a pewter plaque that said General Sales Manager Pacesetters Tucson Az April 1988. To my knowledge this is the first time that this plaque was known to anyone. All of the others said Select 60 or Limited Edition. It seems like every year something else is know about the little Reatta Car maybe some day we will know who made the model. Any body have any more information please post it here Thanks and have a safe 4th of July Chuck
  15. Yes and welcome. As stated above please join the BCA and the Reatta Division. I know that Barney Eaton mentioned the Regional meet but the BCA national is also up and coming. It will be in Ames Iowa at the end of July. More information can be found at the BCA website. Information for Joining the BCA are also on the BCA website and information to Join the Reatta division will be at www.reatta.org Chuck Kerls
  16. Ronnie the party contacted me to see if I wanted to purchase, I dont and I told them that I would post it on the forum but they did not give me permission to make a public posting of their contact info. If you are interested in contacting them I will send you the contact info to your email from me. Let me know if you want the info Chuck
  17. There is a pewter car available for sale. I have not seen the car but I was told that it has #145 on the muffler.I made an offer but she wanted more than I could offer. I do not have a cost but I can furnish you with the name if you want to PM me. It is for sale in several other places so the early bird with the worm and the bucks will get it. Booreatta@cox.net Chuck
  18. Congrats it is alway fun when your car does well. The place where that show was held is a neat place. I spent quite a bit of time there when I saw they had one of the Chrysler turbine cars. Those are really neat and I can remember when Chrysler did a lottery to select drivers for those cars. I wish I could have driven one way back when.
  19. Barney list the points need for gold, silver and bronze I can remember when I won a gold my wife was so excited she took it home and had is bronzed..............just kidding
  20. Booreatta

    Ames anyone?

    Just a word on the awards banquet, the cost of the food is only a small part of the evening, its about proud owners being rewarded for the work and labor that they have done to there cars, a chance to talk to others on different ways to do something to their cars or what ever. The food is usually good but its about the evening. The awards banquet at the end of the meet puts a finishing touch to the whole event. People are recoginzed for their hard work for the past year not just the meet. It takes a lot of work to do a car show/national and those people who are willing to work for the good of the whole should be recoginzed.
  21. Booreatta

    Ames anyone?

    Dave is right if you want to get your car to OEM then the 400 point is good for you. It will let you know what you need to do, on the other hand too much time is spent on nit picking issues like valve stem colors . If your car is a gold car but still has the wrong valve stem cover colors then you car is still gold. I had one person ask me if they had the wrong color would the disqualify the car for one of the awards. It will not. Less time and effort needs to be placed on the negative things and more time and effort put on the postive things. It is really quite simple, if OEM is your thing then 400 is for you if modifed is your thing then modifed is your class. If you are just proud of your ride then display is your class. In any case it is just fun to be around people with simular interest. The first national that I attended was a surprise to me at just how friendly people were, and my car was not as nice as some of the others, but nobody said anything to me. The judging turned out to be such a minor part of the show, I just wondered why I spent so much time thinking about what I needed to do next. The next few years my wife and I spent just having a good time, and I would not miss a national meet for anything. it gives us a chance to talk to old friends and every year meet new ones. As my dad always told me you can only get out of something that you are willilng to put in. I totally agree with that. So bottom line, come to the national and plan to have a great time, and you will. I hope to see everybody in Ames Drive friendly Chuck
  22. Well time is running short to get registered for the National meet in Ames Iowa. The deadline if you want to enter your car in the judging is July 10th. Its not too late to join the club and join us for some fun at the end of July. Additional information is in the Reatta newsletter that went out last week. Register and lets all meet in Ames
  23. Ed I would love to go but I am also the Division director of the Reatta Division of the BCA and I can only do 1 meet per year. I am taking the Riviera to Ames so I will most likely catch some flack for that but thats ok. This will be the last year that I will do the Reatta Division thing so maybe I can go to some Riviera events. It is really tough when you own two great cars....Reatta and Riviera, both are convertibles....Oh what to do. Both cars are really great and both members of the Reatta and the Riviera group are super nice people also but decisions have to be made Drive carefully and have fun Chuck Kerls booreatta@cox.net Wichita Kansas
  24. Hey guys I want you to know that Kathy broke it so I think she should have to fix it. I have to admit I kinda like the couch and I have a medical condition that prevents me to work its called remote finger. I do stay busy busy busy See you guys in Ames
  25. Tom when are your guys going to try to get to Ames, are you going to hook up with George? I think that Kathy and I will try to get there on Tuesday nite. See ya then Chuck
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