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Everything posted by alsancle

  1. Chuck, I have a factory photo of the car depicted in that drawing that I will dig up. A.j.
  2. Btw, I think RM is low balling in their estimate of $370,000-$437,000.
  3. As discussed in another thread Voisin's are not for everyone. I actually like this one more than the Pebble Beach winner. I can understand the perspective of someone that doesn't appreciate these cars as long as you also admit that the Tucker is ugly.
  4. I agree given the condition of the engine. However, since he's only asking 25K it should give him the opportunity to solicit offers and see where the market is. Perhaps an offer will come in low 20s or more. Maybe not but will be interesting to see as it is such a cool car.
  5. here is another comp: K Motorcar Portfolio This car was at Hershey and is really nice. The body is not as desirable as the car in question here but you can add 30% for the dealer prepping it and having to stand behind the sale. The dealer that has it (Tom) and I had a few beers together on Wed night at the lodge. He was a nice guy. Basically what he said was that the big full classics were hard for him to turn over in his inventory because their was a smaller clientele for them. I asked him what was easy to sell? He said: "anything under 20k".
  6. Steve, after you buy it, as a favor to me please replace the whitewalls with blackwalls.
  7. The interior looks to be very usable. That is a big plus. Personally I like the buckets. I think you should be able to get your 23k. Please keep us posted.
  8. Keep an eye on this. It will give you a ballpark. Your car is more attractive in my opinion (2 doors usually wins over 4) but the values will be fairly close. Lincoln : K | eBay
  9. I'm not a Lincoln expert, but to get 50k it would need to be very very nice. For some reason (which I'm happy to hear someone explain) the apples to apples Lincoln brings 1/2 the equivalent Packard. If the best offer you get is around 25k do not be horrified. The market is soft with most guys I know selling instead of buying. Hopefully that will change in time.
  10. Hopefully some of those genes made there way down to me. I will admit that at the end of each day I was absolutely beat. Walking on asphalt is tough. It was heartening to see so many old dudes walking the fields, while it was equally disheartening to see the next generation. I don't want to be politically incorrect, but I do not consider a self created situation a medical condition.
  11. Am I a heretic if I say I don't get it?
  12. My only comment on this is that my 86 year old dad walked all the fields as he does every year. I saw many older gents walking too. I was also surprised by the number of "younger" people using scooters.
  13. In my old age I've mellowed and realized that the things that really bug me about Hershey are inevitable (depletion of inventory as time moves on and the internet). The golf karts, awol vendors and the parking spots are just minor nuisances that should be ignored. In general the whole affair is well run and organized and a colossal undertaking I'm sure. I'm retracting any complaining I've ever done with the realization that the flea market as we've known it will have to change as the times change and I want to enjoy it while it lasts.
  14. Chocolate world is 25 to park on grass and 35 to park on asphalt.
  15. Actually, I thought there was a lot less of the golf karts with guys just cruising. In years past I would have guessed 10 to 1 guys cruising vs official duty. This year it was more like 2 to 1. I still hate the cans though.
  16. They have the Sponn bodied Veritas at hershey and other than the extra grill on the front it is over the top cool. I think it may make the one that sold last month look like a bargain.
  17. Jason, are you going to restore it or clean it up as is?
  18. When you are bidding on a car you need to keep adding the 10% in your head (I know of no auctions that have 15% commissions). Ultimately, does it matter what the fee structure is? If it is not worth it for either the buyers or sellers they will start to dry up and the auction company will adjust or go out of business. It is the beauty of our system.
  19. I like it except for the color and the lower portion of the front fenders. I think that is the "overbite" that bob is referring to.
  20. Depends on the particular tire but in general they stand out like a sore thumb. I will not disagree that most cars ride better with radials. But, most antiques will run and drive better with a modern crate engine in them too.
  21. There should be a rule that if you tie a tin can to a golf kart you are banned for life.
  22. alsancle

    1931 Stutz

    Jason, I think you are probably right. The later car is listed as a Lebaron in the catalog I believe. I can only count a very few differences between the two cars.
  23. The previews are open to anyone. As for the auction itself, they are crowded enough. I couldn't imagine how bad it would be if they were free. Why would it be in RM, or any auction companies best interest to have people using seats when they have no interest in buying a car?
  24. Yeah, but they look like totally wrong on a car that was supposed to have bias ply.
  25. alsancle

    1931 Stutz

    I stumbled on to the restoration pictures of Mark's car. What a fantastic job. Start on the first picture and then <next> your way through all of them to see the text. Motivating and terrifying all at once.
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