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Peter J.Heizmann

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Everything posted by Peter J.Heizmann

  1. If recollection serves me, "early" VW Beetles with the flip out turn signal arms. (i.e...push the steering wheel turn signal lever down and the flashing turn signal arm on the left post would come down and flash.) May be wrong, however, Citroen may have had them, too. PJH... AACA Life Member #383299 Northern Neck & Pottstown Regions Vintage Triumph Register
  2. 10mm...Welcome to the AACA Forum. You could make a for sale post in the "AACA Buy/Sell" forum on this site then eBay. Up to you. While you are at it, check out how to join the AACA if you are not a member, plus, all of the various services we offer...Library, Museum, etc. All are noted on the menu page. Well worth your time. Regards, PJH
  3. It was my pleasure, Doug. Nice meeting you. Cannot put a price on seeing Bud trying to insert what appeared to be a household key into the trunk lock. Determined gent if I ever saw one. It looked to be a very nice car at one time. Too bad it was stored in such a damp building. Nice parts car if Bud cuts the price in half. Regards, PJH
  4. David...Welcome to the AACA Forum. I highly suggest you check our AACA Library & Research Center. Click on "Library" on the home page, or, the "Resources" drop down within the header of this page. We retain volumes of original historical information and hopefully you will find info on the Fiats. Regards, PJH
  5. Great news, Wayne. Thanks for posting the update on Marshall. PJH.
  6. Agree, Dick. Flintstone is a bit hard to see on the map. Looks to be about 15 miles NE of Cumberland, MD. About 4 miles South of the PA border. Exit 56 off Rt. 40. PJH...
  7. Windjamer. The following is strictly my personal thoughts and not those of the AACA. With all the negative experiences you had and continue to express concerning the Fall Hershey, why not send your questions to the appropriate entities. (Hershey C. of C., HERCO, Hershey Region, VP of Class Judging, etc.) Hopefully, you will receive answers to your satisfaction. Personally, I never take much stock in "my buddy said" or "I heard". Go to the horse's mouth. . Regards, PJH...
  8. BJM...a good source to check out is the AACA Library & Research Center. Click on "Library" on the home page, or, the "Resources" drop box at the head of this page. The Library retains thousands of historical vehicle books, literature, and, spec sheets. Regards, PJH..
  9. Just a reminder, folks. The policy of the AACA Forum is not to be the media for negative comments concerning experiences with any and all vendors. Thank you in advance. PJH
  10. I work about 15 minutes from York, Doug. Could check it out early next week provided the seller is available around noon Mon - Weds. Send me a PM of the advertised condition of the car so I could compare it to reality. Remuneration? Forget it. We are all in this crazy old car hobby together. Helping eachother out "is the AACA". PJH P.S.--My car has Lucas electronics, thus, I need a lot of people who owe me one some inevitable day...
  11. Very good points, Glenn. All the more reason for Mika and anyone to utilize this AACA Forum to include the AACA Library & Research Center. PJH...
  12. Matt & Wayne... I stored away the DF Meeting sign at the L&RC Tent today. Will be working the Membership Tent at the show entrance from 10-2:00 on Saturday. I will break away and meet up at Class 5. See you there, PJH
  13. You folks can arrange whatever time is convenient. The normal 1:00 time is not set in concrete. Hopefully, Bill and others will throw in their 2-cents on an agreeable time. PJH
  14. Hello, folks. We traditionally met in Class 5 at 1:00. I still have a simple sign with large red letters stating: "DF Meeting - 1:00". Will put it in my truck tonight. Matt or Wayne: Stop by the L&RC tent Thursday or Friday. I will be there from 9:00-11:30 on Thursday and 9:00-11:30 on Friday. The sign will be there. PJH...
  15. Hello, John. In addition to any response on the Forum, please click on "Library" on the Home Page. Therein, you will find information on how to submit any queries you have and the phone/address should you desire to speak with our library staff. The AACA's library in Hershey, PA retains thousands of old vehicle spec sheets, literature, and, historical research material. Regards, PJH...
  16. Argyll...Welcome to the AACA Forum. Very interesting post and questions. In addition to any response on the Forum, please click on "Library" on the Home Page. Therein, you will find information on how to submit any queries you have and the phone/address should you desire to speak with our library staff. The AACA's library in Hershey, PA retains thousands of old vehicle spec sheets, literature, and, historical research material. Regards, PJH...
  17. Thank you, West. Ed has the info. Up to him now. Regards, PJH
  18. Ed, The AACA Library & Research Center exists to research and provide accurate restoration specifications. Do yourself a favor and click on Library on the "Home Page". There are instructions on every aspect of researching and obtaining copies of materials that possibly are retained by the Library. Regards, PJH...
  19. Now how can I argue with an accurate forecast like that, West... Personally, I look at Hershey this way: If it rains, I get to see if my wipers work. If it is sunny, I get to see if I forgot my sunglasses. If it is cold, I get to see if the car heater works. If it snows, I am skunked as a TR6 has zippo traction with the O.E.M. tires. Other than the sunglasses, I have no idea if any of the aforementioned work without going to Hershey. See you there no matter what the weatherman says. PJH
  20. Wayne, Thank you for taking the time to submit the daily updates. Great job! Hope you folks enjoy the rest of your trip... PJH
  21. Saminy, Welcome to the AACA Forum. The folks here are offering great advise. Please click on "Library" on the home page. The AACA Library retains an enormous amount of restoration info to include Buick. Do yourself a favor and check us out. Regards, PJH
  22. Hello, folks. Just a quick note of very sincere gratitude for all the cards, prayers, and, good wishes. Yes, this Legionella Pneumonia (Legionnaires Disease) certainly is dangerous. There was a period of 9 days in the induced coma, of which, my wife Sharon had no way of knowing which way the good Lord was taking me. Well, I am throroughly convinced that the prayers and support of all within our AACA family had a big impact on my condition. As Steve and Fran mentioned, I returned home on Labor Day. Will be a slow process to regain my strentgth, however, I am inspired by all of you. Will keep you posted. Thank you, again for all your help and support. (Special thanks to L&RC Board members Marilyn Hunkins, Fran Shore, and, Sally Barnett for the support to my wife Sharon. She did not know which way to turn and the typical AACA family support certainly gave Sharon encouragement.) My best to all of you, Peter...
  23. Thank you for this post, Wayne. Must echo the comments about John. One great gentleman. What I most admired about John was his reserve and willingness to simply listen intently in discussion. His eyes always had a sincere smile. Had one of our patternmakers recreate a commutator housing out of broken pieces for John some years ago. (John dropped the original on his shop floor and it shattered. He was devastated.) Delivered it to his home one day. Will treasure the tour of his garages, vehicles, and, projects for the duration of my existence on this earth. Peter.
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