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Bill Boudway

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Everything posted by Bill Boudway

  1. Hi, Yes, there are a couple of other advantages to registering your trailer in Maine: 1.They will register for a two year period and 2. there is no inspection required for small trailers. I've registered my small trailer with them for over 20 years now. Bill Boudway
  2. Amphicar needs to give us his take on this!!!! Bill Boudway
  3. Three fenders, pair of fronts and a left rear, and a set of exhaust manifolds for a 3rd Series Packard Twin Six touring. e-mail for photos. gnbboudway@msn.com Bill Boudway
  4. The prices on these are now open to a reasonable offer. Bill Boudway gnbboudway@msn.com
  5. Hi Chris, This might be for an Hispano-Suiza. They used a stork for an ornament. Use extreme caution with this. We all know what the stork brings!! Good luck, Bill Boudway
  6. Wanted-- Lower half windshield frame for 3rd Series Packard touring. Part # 100322B. I have dimensions to help you identify. Bill Boudway
  7. Re: 1937HD45 Yes, living in town has its distinct disadvantages. I know of a collector in the Cleveland, OH area that solved his problenm with the local zoning officials. He bought the home across the street, removed room partitions, reinforced the floors, put up curtins over the windows, and moved his cars in. All it took was $$$$. Regards, Bill Boudway
  8. Let me introduce you to "The Roach". It's a 1920 Packard Twin Six that will donate some parts for our long term restoration project. It was named by a collector who was familiar with it's "life" on the west coast before the previous owner decided that it was an upside down financial deal to restore it. Bill Boudway
  9. Hi, A set of deep sockets, 2004 AACA membership (a "tradition" from 1964), the 2003 Hess truck, and a subscription renewal for Hemmings. Nice haul. Best wishes for a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year to all. Bill Boudway
  10. I'll get excited when our 16 month old granddaughter sees the rocking boat that I made for her this Christmas. Check out the attachment. Next project will be an antique car pedal car. I found plans in a book that I picked up at Hershey this fall Happy holidays to all. Bill Boudway
  11. Also known as a West Virginia credit card. Bill Boudway
  12. Between shopping, getting Christmas decorations up, and finishing construction of a rocking boat for our grand-daugter, I've managed to get floor pans done for the 1919 Packard Twin Six. Check out the attached photo. The origional floor pan is standing up to the right. Also, have some ash planks roughed out for the body sills. Regards, Bill Boudway
  13. UBB7-ML-196808-ML- Folks, I moved this thread to the Tech Questions section for more exposure and/or involvement... Regards, Peter J.
  14. We need info on foundries that will be willing to cast small quantities of parts in ductile iron. Prefer locations in western NY state. Thanks in advance for your help. Bill Boudway
  15. Lower windshield frame for 1919 Packard touring. Without glass would be OK. Best wishes to all for a great holiday season and a happy, healthy new year. Bill Boudway
  16. Hi, Again, How about some classy holiday greeting cards to remind your friends about what gifts might be appropriate? 12 cards/13 envelopes to a pack. Artwork be Ken Eberts. Message inside "May your holidays be filled with wonder and delight! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!" $8.00/pack + $2.00 postage. Call (585) 394-6172, e-mail gnbboudway@msn.com Bill Boudway 105 Deerfield Dr. Canandaigua, NY 14424-2409
  17. Hi, Perhaps if Santa sees these classy ornaments hanging on your tree, he'll be reminded to leave some goodies for your antique car. Available at $4.00/package of six ornaments + $1.00 for postage. Cars included are '55 Chevy, Chrysler Airflow, LaSalle roadster, Brewster(?), Locomobile runabout, and Pierce(?). Call (585) 394-6172, or e-mail gnbboudway@msn.com Bill Boudway 105 Deerfield Dr. Canandaigua, NY 14424-2409
  18. Hi, You might want to check with people in your area for a Mennonite contractor who specializes in barn (garage) construction. We had a 24' X 38' addition to our garage built recently. A Mennonite crew near here put it up in two weeks for 2/3 the cost of the next higher bidder.
  19. For sale: New York State vanity plates. AACA 22, AACA 32 and 10 WHITE. Good condition. See the photo. $16.00 for singles, $30.00 for the pair + $4.00 shipping. E-mail: gnbboudway@msn.com Thanks, Bill Boudway
  20. Hi, You might be looking for a Battery Tender as advertised on page 35 of the December issue of Hemmings. I don't have any personal experience with these, but I have a friend who uses them. Here's the vender's website: www.halonmarketing.com I'm sure that these are made overseas, as is just about anything else that you buy now. Good luck, Bill Boudway
  21. For sale: Triumph TR-R roadster. Sad condition from many years outside in western NY State. Offered as is, where is. No title. $800.00. For information, call Paul at (585) 392-3358., evenings. E-mail me for additional photos: gnbboudway@msn.com
  22. Hi Henry, Please e-mail me with your price for these. gnbboudway@msn.com Thanks, Bill Boudway
  23. Early '50s Crosley Farm-O Road. Off the road and through the fields. Great Fun!! If I remember, I was 14 at the time. Bill Boudway
  24. Wanted the followind dash gages: Ammeter- BIJUR SYSTEM (WESTON) -30, 0, +30 GASOLINE 0-6 US GUAGE CO. NY OIL 0-50 PSI US GUAGE CO. NY (or NATIONAL) Bill Boudway gnbboudway@msn.com
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