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Everything posted by Jim

  1. I have a good used one and can be reached at jfinn@cpinternet.com I will send you an email.
  2. From my experience when having the troubles you describe, the gear on the end of the motor or the large gear on the regulator is stripped. Replacing the motor/regulator will solve the probem. I have several Reatta parts cars and have a good motor/regulator available at a reasonable price. I will send you an email and I can be reached at jfinn@cpinternet.com
  3. You can try removing the IPC ( instrumemt panel cluster ) and reinstalling it. I have heard of the connections on the back getting dirty and doing this will start making it work again. My guess is 90% of the time the IPC is bad though and will need to be replaced. I have several Reatta parts cars and have a good IPC available. I will send you an email and I can be reached at jfinn@cpinternet.com
  4. It can't be done. On the '88-89s you can read it out on the screen but probably because the odometer area is so small there is not enough room to display all the vin digits. I have tried on occasion but, from memory, I don't belive there is even an command for that function on the '90s and up.
  5. Good used ones are very hard to find. Try your local GM dealer or www.gmpartsdirect.com The part number is 16510108
  6. Over the years Buick used the designation Select 60 on a few models of their cars. In '88 a limited number of black Reattas with tan interiors were given to Buick dealers and a special hood emblem was dealer installed. In '90, 65 Reattas were made with the Select 60 designation. All of them were white convertibles with a white top black mouldings and no pin stripe. Also, and what makes them stand out, is they all had the '91 style 16 inch wheels that were painted white and the interior had bright white seats and door panels and the rest of the interior was bright red. In the little picture under my name is a picture of my Select 60 with my Corvette which also is white with a red interior.
  7. Jim

    seat failure

    I have never had a motor go bad. Most of the time when the seat won't move all you need to do is open and reconnect the large flat connector under the seat a few times and because the connections are most likely dirty this will make them start working again. You could also ask the person who sold you/recommended you get a new motor for their suggestions.
  8. It cannot be done by simply swapping the wheels. There are too many differences under the wheel to switch them. About the only way to switch them would be to change the whole column but then you would run into problems with the VATS system. ( the resistor on the key )
  9. I have several Reatta parts cars and have a good used IPC available. I can be reached at jfinn@cpinternet.com
  10. When it goes black does it say 0 and 00 where the odometer is? If so from my experience the IPC (dash) is bad and needs to be replaced. I have several Reatta parts cars and have a good used IPC available. I can be reached at jfinn@cpinternet.com
  11. From my experience in disassembling Reatta parts cars about 1/2 of the '89s also came with the single connector on the left side.
  12. I have several Reatta parts cars and have a good used blower available. I can be reached at jfinn@cpinternet.com
  13. Jim


    PLEASE--PLEASE--PLEASE keep politics out of this forum. All it does is create some hard feelings on both side when there are strong views.
  14. I buy all of my parts at my local GM dealer. I do get a discount but very often anyone can get a discount at the smaller dealers. Even kiddingly tell them it is for Joe or Bob or Dick's auto repair and you will get a discount. Most of the time the guy behind the counter doesn't care and when you tell him it is for XXX auto repair he will give you a better price particularly if you come in and ask for a part and have the part number with you. Usually if a person asks for a part number on this forum someone will respond almost immediately. Buying at your local dealership there is no shipping which is particularly nice on large items.
  15. I have never bought anything from gmpartsdirect but use them all the time to check prices and availability of parts. I put the part number 16510108 which is for the headlight actuator/crank package and I came up with a price on gmpartsdirect of $ 70.56 including shipping. Newgmparts.com was $ 74.75 and with 10% shipping would be $ 82.22 Both listed the retail at $ 99.66
  16. The original antennas are easily rebuildable. What goes bad 90% of the time is the nylon band inside breaks. The motors seldom go bad, so if the bottom two sections are in good shape simply order a new band from any GM dealer and it comes with the top section. The part number for the replacement band is 22038195 and are about $ 24 retail and about $ 18 if you tell them it is for Joe's, Bob's, Dick's etc Auto Repair. You drill out the 4 or 5 rivets, replace the band and either repoprivet the motor case or put in some 1/4 inch bolts. It is important to replace the rivets as the small clips on the side are not strong enough by themselves to hold the motor case together. Barney also rebuilds them. Barney@texas.net
  17. From my experience it is definitely the headlight switch module and not the inverter. I have cleaned between 30 and 35 of the '88-89 style headlight switch modules and was successful about 25 times. I did them out of the car. The best way is to pull off the little black knob on the slider and then using a small screw driver pry the sides of the black case off the base. DO NOT TURN THE TWISTED METAL TAB AND TRY AND PULL THE SWITCH APART AS YOU WILL HAVE A MESS. After the front case is off spray the contacts and with both thumbs on the sides of the switches operate the headlight switch, the park switch and the off switch several times. Reassemble the cover and it may work. I have several Reatta parts cars and have a good working switch if you cannot clean yours. I can be reached at jfinn@cpinternet.com
  18. Geoff, I have the parts and sent you an email. Stay away from the dealer and go to a local A/C repair shop. Jim
  19. I do have some letters available and can be reached at jfinn@cpinternet.com ( nic was missing one "n" ) But first try Alf1 at jsell26965@aol.com as he may have one for you for only the price of shipping.
  20. Nic, My correct email address is jfinn@cpinternet.com Jim
  21. I have several Reatta parts cars and have both complete columns in your color or parts for columns. I can be reached at jfinn@cpinternet.com. I will, however, be away from home from early Thursday morning until Sunday at the Iola car show and swap meet.
  22. I have several Reatta parts cars and have the letters available. I can be reached at jfinn@cpinternet.com
  23. Jim

    CRT malady

    From my experience it has always been a bad CRT unit and my son has been experiencing the wiggly screen for about a year now and he has a new alternator. To "Riviera Driver"---- the brown/orange connector has shielded wires going to the CRTC. Some of you may have noticed that this post was actually started on 8-13-02 and then recently revived. I do have Reatta and Riviera parts cars but the email address for me is incorrect, that was my old email address and those emails now go to my spam junk box. My correct address is jfinn@cpinternet.com
  24. Manually open the headlights with the knob on the end of the motor. On each side of the headlight are 2 torx screws that hold the bezel in place. Remove the bezel and you will see 2 or 3 either phillips or regular screws holding the stainless steel rim that holds the headlight in place. Remove the rim and unplug the headlight.
  25. Jim

    Parts Needed

    I have several Reatta parts cars and have the seat belt escutcheon you are looking for in tan. I can be reached at jfinn@cpinternet.com
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