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Everything posted by Jim

  1. I recently bought another parts car and instead of parting it out right away I decided to fix a couple of things that were wrong and I am now driving it for the winter. After getting it on the road I found the exact same symptoms as you describe from the right front. I replaced the wheel bearing assembly with a used one I had and all the noise went away. It is very easy to replace the bearing assemblies. I do have more and can be reached at jfinn@cpinternet.com
  2. Jim

    Trailer Hitch

    If you do put a hitch on the back, as Don mentioned, you would need to remove or cut the black panel under the colored bumper cover. I have several Reatta parts cars and have this panel for you to cut or keep for later if you ever remove the hitch. I can be reached at jfinn@cpinternet.com My mind slips on names very often, but are you the person I met at the Dairy Queen somewhere in KS a couple of years ago? Jim I hit the post button and as soon as I did your name clicked another memory, You were on your way home from a gun show in Colorado.
  3. Jim

    Reatta parts

    There are many new Reatta owners and new owners visiting this site so I thought I would mention that I have quite a few Reatta parts cars and try and sell my parts at prices that I think I should be able to buy the parts for. Reasonable. I can be reached at jfinn@cpinternet.com Aside from the parts the most important thing an '88-90 Reatta owner can do is change the brake fluid in the whole system. See the post by Wally888 titled "please" dated 1/15
  4. I have several Reatta parts cars and have the module you are looking for. I can be reached at jfinn@cpinternet.com
  5. Greg, you beat me to it. I was just going to mention the same thing but you got in before me. Jim 9206---- look back about 10 threads and you will see several responses including mine.
  6. I have several Reatta parts cars and have the latches you need. I can be reached at jfinn@cpinternet.com
  7. On the '88-89 Reattas the weakest electronic part is the Touch screen/CRT. On the '90-91 Reattas the weakest item is the Instrument Panel Cluster and the second weakest part is the ECC, the electronic climate control. It is not uncommon for any of these electronic items to go bad. I have several Reatta parts cars and have a good used ECC for your '90. I can be reached at jfinn@cpinternet.com
  8. Bob, I have the hangers and will send you an email.
  9. I have about 35 Cars, Reattas and other collectibles, but never named any them and didn't plan on responding to this thread but I was lying in bed the other night and the wife was far on the other side so I had nothing else to do but think of Reattas and that is when I realized I have names for all of the Reattas I have purchased over the years. Here are a few of them Green OKC, Hammond burn, Dawn, Daryl, Dallas, Det conv, Mac, Desm 90, Driftwood, Mo, barn 89, B89, Jane, Neb, Misgen, Donat, Irriv, Phil, Brian, Gold, Lo-mi, Hi-mi I also agree with Jerry, Barney is setting a bad precedence but I am happy for Nancy
  10. Jim

    What # do i have?

    Go to www.reatta.net and click on "get the reatta latest Reatta database" Choose either text or excell and compare the last 4 digits of your serial number to the other '91s listed there. I believe it was Stan Leslie who did a search of all '91s so your vin should be listed there but you should also send your information to Barney. He is listed also on the reatta.net home page.
  11. So what is Domenick going to drive?
  12. When I just clicked onto this site a minute ago is was to wish everyone a very nice Christmas so I will add to the thread instead of starting my own. In the years I have been involved with Reattas I have met many very fine people who are always willing to help out others with their problems and helping others is part of the true meaning of Christmas. They were terrified, but the angel said, 'Do not be afraid. Look,I bring you news of great joy, a joy to be shared by the whole people. "Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. 'And here is a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger". Luke 2:10-12 I wish the very best to all, today, and for the new year. Jim
  13. Jim

    Paging Jim Finn...

    Your right Jerry, It is hard getting used to the snow and cold. The last few days I have been laying under my rusty '87 Bronco welding on a new snow plow frame for the plow that I took off of my REALLY rusty '67 Bronco. We did have a high of 39 degrees yesterday so it seemed like summer. Actually I did start screening my emails about 2 months ago. I used to use the "computerpro" address but those emails now go to my spam filtering system. I do check it sometimes though to see if anyone is still trying to get me at that address. Everything comes to me at the "cpinternet" address and also anything will come to me if the word "Reatta" is in the subject line.
  14. Jim

    Paging Jim Finn...

    Sent you an email. Jim
  15. That was quick Nic, thanks for the recommendation. We were seconds apart and obviously spending time on our computers when we should have been doing some of our projects.
  16. There is a flat piece of metal that is directly below the windshield and there is a plastic panel that goes under this piece of metal and also is a stop for the wipers. I have several Reatta parts cars and have the plastic panel you are looking for. I can be reached at jfinn@cpinternet.com and I will send you an email.
  17. Jim

    Keyless Remote ?

    The remotes are the same. Jim P.S. Your parts went out today via Priority Mail.
  18. Dan, Sometimes when they smell it is from the Catalytic converter getting too hot. Check your codes and see if there is an E044 in the history. That would be a lean Oxygen sensor reading and if the engine runs lean it also runs hot on the exhaust. If you replaced the converter 4 years ago I wouldn't think it would be bad this soon, although if it is bad you would have restricted exhaust, a smell and a bad running engine but if it only runs bad when it goes into closed loop then the converter is probably good. Jim P.S. I sent your parts out today via Priority Mail.
  19. Jim

    Hood Struts

    John, I have several good used struts at a reasonable price. I can be reached at jfinn@cpinternet.com
  20. I buy lots of Reattas from the insurance salvage auctions. They always list the actual cash value of the car at the auction and lately the prices paid to the owner have been between $ 4000 and $ 5500. My guess yours would be worth about $ 4500 to $ 5000
  21. Mike, I agree it probably wouldn't be a good idea. I did consider doing it about a year ago and also thought the edges would be ragged. I also thought there might be a problem with the opening but couldn't remember if the openings were exactly the same or not and didn't go and compare the two panels, which I should have before commenting.
  22. As Barney mentioned I think the only difference other than the trim is the size of the hole for the switches. I person could maybe cut an '88-89 style to work on a '90-91 but all of them are pretty hard to find in good condition. I do have a very nice burgundy '88-89 style panel available. I can be reached at jfinn@cpinternet.com
  23. Jim

    Off Topic

    I look at "Reatta" items on Ebay about once a day and have had no trouble. I do not have DSL or a high speed connection, just a slow modem. Jim
  24. From my experience the cars are pretty much equal. All four years used all the same body parts so that would be the same. '88-89s used the same dash components and '90-91s used the same components in the dash. On the '88-89s the IPC was very good and seldom went out, but the '90-91 IPCs were the weakest part in those years and very often goes bad. In the '88-89s the CRT was the weakest point and very often needs to be replaced. The Teves ABS has some problems but is pretty reliable if a person changes his fluid every couple of years.
  25. Thanks Harry ( and everyone else ) for the recommendations. I do have several Reatta parts cars and can probably help on all of your parts needs. A good source for the Delron bushings is Jason Murphy banditnga@yahoo.com He sells the bushings for $ 3.95 per set and $ 3.95 shipping total for as many sets as you need. I also agree with Wally, it is very important to change all of the brake fluid in your system. I have sold over 20 ABS units to people who didn't change their fluid and then had troubles, very often hard pedal and no brakes. Jim
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