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Mark Gregush

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Everything posted by Mark Gregush

  1. Should have a Stewart updraft. This is a link to a post here that will at least show what it looks like:
  2. Nice looking car to clean up, make safe to drive keep as is.
  3. You do have the lens and trim ring off? If so, the socket for the bulb should be a sliding fit in the reflector. You will need to also remove the bulb and reflector to get that spring back into place between the socket and lamp body.
  4. There is a Facebook page for these type cars. https://www.facebook.com/groups/433716096812907/
  5. Think these are the guys I was trying to remember the other day. Facebook Believe they do some speed work.
  6. It could be a house key, interior or exterior door. Known as a skeleton key.
  7. T was a little less than 20, but otherwise those number look about right.
  8. Yes, David is. I have driven a few Ford Model T's that he took videos of for listings on eBay.
  9. Also keep in mind that grease and oil will kill the action of the Evaporust so parts should be as grease and oil free as you can get them first. Also, it will not remove paint, so any rust under the paint might not get converted. I am thinking those wire springs on the adjusters, the bent ends would have acted as locks to keep the segment gears from turning after adjusting. The one is under the segmented gear, think that is the proper place.
  10. Good news! Thanks for the update, I had been wondering what the outcome would be.
  11. The generator is mounted in the location where the distributor assembly would have mounted. The car would have used a distributor mounted in the casting just behind the pulley. Taking a stab at this; guessing that if the casting for the magneto were removed, the hole might be there to fit a distributor into and may have used the North East 10786 TU for left hand drive and 10786-A TU for right hand drive. I believe this model was only used for a short time, between the side mounted distributors shown above and the through the head type. Those are the numbers listed in the NE catalog for 1926 to date, the catalog being 1927 issue.
  12. Pitlik & Company Praha - Buick - plaque for what ? » Sběratel.com » What didn't fit anywhere else (sberatel.com)
  13. Steve Coniff of Colorado Springs passed yesterday after a long health battle. He was a Montana 500 winner, Rosenthal award winner, mentor and friend to many. I visited him a couple month ago, his wife Janet made lunch for us and Steve and I went up to his shop and spent some time reminiscing. He did so much for me and so many others. Our trip to the mountains in the model T’s is forever engrained in my sons and my memories. Such a great man and so much knowledge lost. Our hobby has lost a giant, rest in peace. Passing of Steve Coniff - MTFCA Forum
  14. The Dodge Brothers pictures start at about page 9 in above link.
  15. You might try re-asking this question the pre war Buick forum as a new question. I see you did ask it there but is on page 3 of other question you have had. Someone might have the tool or know of someone that does. Heat may or may not work. Both metals might expand at about the same rate and still be stuck. The one that fell out; it may have spun in the hub so is loose. You might need to use sleeve lock to hold in place if reusing or if replacing with new may still need to do the same. My guess is would have been press fit. I have a feeling that those 1/2 circle cutouts played a part in how the tool worked. May have helped keep the puller from rotating too much, putting too much side force on the pulling pins. Don't know just making a guess. Quick sketch of something that might work. I know it is a bad drawing but might give you some ideas. Quick add; the part the spring loaded pins are in would be made out of DOM tubing sized to be a slip fit in sleeve. (Drawn Over Mandrel)
  16. Looks like you need to clean those 2 holes out and use them to pull the sleeve. Guessing the puller might have had spring loaded arms or other means of keeping the arms with pins spread apart to keep the pins in those holes. Then the pulling frame for it sat around the opening, being open in the center with a threaded top. The arms remained stationary with the threaded section being allowed to rotate in it so as to pull straight up as the threaded rod was turned, pulling the sleeve up and out.
  17. Checking the Mechanics' Instruction Manual, I don't see any information on the clearance between the plates. Until everything is assembled and in the car, there really wouldn't be a way to check clearance, the spring would be putting everything under a lot of compression. Once in the car, you would then adjust the pedal and linkage for full disengagement of the disks. Thinking it might take a few adjustments as parts wear in. You might try re-asking this question down in the Dodge Brothers section. Did someone install a later engine or just change out the flywheel, clutch, bellhousing and transmission? Don't forget to install the 2 springs.
  18. There is a page on Facebook that deals with replica antique cars such as what you have. Still, what hook said would be correct, there are too many variables for anyone to help at this point. (1) Horseless carriage replica's | Facebook
  19. These are Ford Model T, but same idea; Model T Ford Forum: Unusual Shocking Absorbers (mtfca.com)
  20. How about a full picture of the whole item?
  21. Try running the wire directly to the battery terminal on the ignition switch instead of to the ampere meter terminal. Does not matter if you have floor switch, dash push button, floor push button to engage the Bendix or pull cable, you are going to have power to the starter when those are activated on most all early cars up to the advent of the turn the key to "start". Don't over think it.
  22. Maybe try contacting Eaton; Engine valves | Automotive engine valves manufacturer | Eaton
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