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Brooklyn Beer

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Everything posted by Brooklyn Beer

  1. And people think the wood in a 20's car can be tough ! Hope your brother saves the crapper. They are actually pretty rare especially a two holer.. Where is the house located ?
  2. The pine sap over 40 years created a nice protective coating
  3. Very nice. I wonder if the rear gravel guards are an owner added option ? Without running boards I can see how they might be needed
  4. Wish I could find the linkage switch but so far that part is unobtanium. The relay was easy. Have a new wiring harness ready to go come fall. But that stupid switch ! I do like how the O/D is about automatic. Lower speed when shifting to third it is in third. Higher speed shift into third it is O/D. That is without kickdown hooked up. Been really driving mine a lot since getting it now with new tires on it. Starter rebuild is next and to try and found out why the genny needle bounces all over for the first 10 minutes. Rear diff needs a new gasket. I know the sync's are worn in the trans as I have to double clutch (and wait) to go into 2nd when cold.
  5. I never thought about something you said. Just what do young people collect these days? What do they have a nostalgia for? I offered to put my 19 year old nephew as sole heir to my estate and his response was "What would I do with all your old stuff?" Sad considering so much came from his great grandfather and grandfather. Of course if I sold it all he would gladly take the cash.
  6. Can anyone steer me in the direction to properly set up the dash pot adjustment on a 46 Dodge BXVD-3 stromberg? I just rebuilt it. Car starts easily and quickly. Idles nicely. Just not sure how to check on and adjust the dash pot screw. How do I know it is working correctly?
  7. I am tracking down a some what similar issue and think mine is crap gas. I get fuel starvation at idle AND driving intermittently. Just cuts out and restarts though. (before rebuild and now) The carb rebuild is easy to do on these but still looking to get the dash pot dialed in. New fuel pump. I am going to hook up a satellite 1 gallon tank and by pass the fuel line to see if that stops it. Car sat for some time and the new gas I am sure is dissolving the old dried up varnish. This is the second filter in 2 months. Gas I just pulled out had turned an orangish yellowish nasty smelling liquid after adding some Berrymans to it in May. It starts easily, idles nicely, drives really good, then just cuts out. Sometimes it stalls, sometimes it drags way down. Has a pertronix swap. The crud that was in the carb looked like the Gowanus Canal at low tide. So am yanking the gas tank today to boil it out edit. yep, crud gas in the tank.
  8. This year always looks odd to me. Like they chopped off the fins and never did anything to rework the rear. Just an unbalanced look with the rear looking cropped and lower/ smaller/ less defined then the front.
  9. Have you checked compression in each cylinder? Vacuum ? Correct carb ?
  10. There are a pile of these waiting to go into auction from the "duck boats" business. Remember the one that sank in a bad storm? Those are all in storage waiting to be sold. read that some place a month ago. I have a friend with a 1944 Schwimwagen and a ketenkrad. Now trying finding parts for them !
  11. I wish every "faded" interior had that detail. The wood grain looks as clean as new shelf paper. I see not much wear on the pedals either. I might need a Desoto
  12. There used to be this semi mental homeless guy that always seemed to like his spot on the right side of Nathans. He was always talking to the fire hydrant or yelling at the telephone pole. But for years he was always there and we always bought him a dog and fries with a coke. It was like like you flipped his switch and he would have a conversation with like a hedge fund manager while he ate. We would turn onto surf avenue and there he would be. Year after year, 3 times a year, till dad passed. And he remembered us. Been 12 years now since I was last there. P.C.Richard roofing ( not the appliance place which my grandfather also started) roofed half of Coney Island I think starting in the 30's. Richards Hardware started in Bensonhurst.
  13. I might have. Bad memory. I am just starting to wet sand with the paint with CLR and am very impressed with what is under it. Won't be show paint but amazing what is under rust. Will start a thread if people are interested. Saturday was the maiden voyage after a good tune up and new tires and tubes. Turned into 30 miles rather quickly honestly !
  14. I just sandblasted and did the rims on the 39 Chrysler found here. This is the original color I found on the rims. The wide trim rings change everything
  15. Took the 49 out before it got hot enough to melt the tires down to the all wars veterans memorial today in support of the fine folks still standing guard over it. Dropped off a case of cold water. Since the cops cracked some skulls 3 weeks ago "those people" are not showing up anymore.
  16. Man nobody was drinking Piels after 1965 when it went south thanks to the contaminated Staten Island plant. More folks voted for Miss Rhiengold then for the president back in the day. My house is full of this stuff. If there is any brewery you have a memory of and would like a trip down memory lane let me know.
  17. The smaller places that don't get mention was the real escape from the city in the 50's and 60's during the hot summers. Rheingold and Schaefer and Ballantine sold more beer up there between Memorial Day and the Labor Day then they did the entire rest of the year through the whole of the city. Gosh I miss me an ice cold Ballantine Ale now.
  18. My grandfather bought a small farm to escape Brooklyn in the summer but as he called it it was smack in the middle of the Jewish Alps. So many of those little resorts are still there in foundations only. As kids we used to try and find the old dumps from the 30's and dig the dumps for bottles and beer cans. My house is pretty full of the relics we dug and I still collect beer cans and bottles from the 30's. Those resorts were really something in their day https://untappedcities.com/2017/10/05/10-abandoned-resorts-from-the-borscht-belt-in-catskills-new-york/
  19. A very interesting comparison to the M6 trans in my 50 Chrysler. I have always wanted a Packard. Yours is very nice and thanks for sharing
  20. all the way in is OD and freewheel. Manual says at any speed above 25 mph if you take your foot off the gas pedal for a brief couple seconds it will drop into OD.
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