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Everything posted by drhach

  1. Understanding that OEM may be hard to come by. Is there an advantage to using an aftermarket system?
  2. I'll throw my '62 in to the mix. It's interesting to see the progression of the designs. I love my car but I really love that 61 dash.
  3. I spoke to the seller on Facebook. I think he bought it from a coworker. I let him know that the A/C is uncommon. I also pointed out that the engine may have been out at some time given that iti is the wrong color. His interior is the same as mine. I really like the silver and black theme.
  4. Don't rule out the speedometer head. It's a system and everything in the system needs to function properly. Mine didn't have a gear in it when I got the car. I bought one from "bestoffercounts" on ebay. I don't know if that's the same guy you're referring to. Anyway, it was $99. I put it in and it lived 13 miles. Talk about frustrating. I formed a similar conclusion as you. The cable seemd to move freely, s it must have been the drive gear. Although, if you think about it, it isn't likely. That thing is metal and it drives a nylon gear. Anyway, I bought another gear and a new cable and sheath. Everything worked, but the speedometer was pretty wonky. It would work intermittently and do pretty much what you described at other times. I immediately disconnected the cable at the speedometer head. I took apart the speedometer head and it was pretty bad in there. Things were fairly gummed up and the rotating shaft that is driven by the cable had some back and forth free play in it. I bought another head on ebay for parts and it had none. My conclusion was that the shaft would wobble in there and fail intermittently. I cleaned and greased everything in the replacemnet head and transferred that to my existing unit. It's all working great now and hopefully is good for another 50 years.
  5. Thanks, I saw that but they're listed as "64-88". I may give them a call when I'm ready. First I have to get the motor working :).
  6. Many people don't understand that logic. Folks seem to have a sense of entitlement about getting back the money they've spent. Buyers also seem to think that what it will cost them to get it where "they want it" is your problem. A guy recently asked for a $100 discount on something I was selling because it was going to cost him $100 in gas to buy it. I recommended that he find the same part somewhere closer ?
  7. That's a great suggestion, I hadn't considered that. Thank you.
  8. Can anyone point in the direction of one of these? I bought a used motor to rebuild and the brass strap is broken. I can run a stranded wire if I have to. But I'd rather find a replacement if possible. So far, I've been able to find rubber grommets and whatnot, but no love on the ground strap. Anyone know a resource for these? Thanks, Dan
  9. I think it's safe to say that owning an old vehicle is an emotional decision, not a logical one. So, I think to that point, asking if keeping it is a good idea is the wrong approach. It's a horrible idea, any accountant will tell you that. But we do it anyway, right? I'm in a similar boat in terms of time. It's very hard to steal a few minutes here and there between family and work obligations. To me, this has meant a couple of things. First, planning is probably more crucial because the timeline to completion moves way out. A job that I could knock out in a weekend can take months now. I have to take really good notes and stay organized because I know that I will not remember where I left off. The second thing kind of relates to the first. I have to be very selective about new projects that I take on because it can move out the horizon for everything else that I have going. Part of that for me has meant thinning the herd a little for the things that I care the most about. Right now, I'm in the middle of trying to sell a vehicle because to do it justice would take time away from my Buick. Last of all, we own things, they are not supposed to own us. Good luck.
  10. Definitely many factors at play. There's a lot about that era that looks attractive in the rear view mirror.
  11. Bear in mind, those services weren't free. I was a gas jockey in the early 80's. We still had a "full service" Island. We were expected to check the oil, air in the tires, wash the windows, etc. There was a price difference for the gas, most people either didn't use it or pulled in by mistake. Customers voted with their wallets. Trust me, if there was a demand, the service would still exist.
  12. How do you intend to support the transmission after the engine is out?
  13. Why would the points earned be a secret?
  14. Still looking. I guess those pictures were just a tease.
  15. "Wildcat 65" I sent you a PM. Just let me know the price. Dan
  16. That would be perfect. Can you PM me a price?
  17. No preference, I just don't want to spend "Star Wars" money on it. I know the chrome units (Gran Sport) are more sought after. It's not for a restoration. I'm putting a QJ on my 62 and I want a stock-ish air cleaner.
  18. Don't need or necessarily want the chrome version. Black is fine. Just looking for the air cleaner that was used on 1966 Quadrajets.
  19. That's a great looking car. I have a Buick that's been in the family since new as well (1962). I noticed you put a (much) darker green on the rims. Is that the color you going to use on the body? Or are you adding a third color?
  20. Are you having issues with flash rust? It seems like you would have wanted to put some kind of protective primer on it after striping it. That engine is beautiful. Do you have a wider shot of the whole car?
  21. Aha, thanks for catching that. So, there was on cam, no matter what engine configuration you had; if it was a 401.
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