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Everything posted by TerryB

  1. In the early 1960s Ford was giving away promo cars at the local dealerships as shown by this postcard I found recently. It was hoped you would buy the real thing too after getting the free promo. Terry
  2. Congrats on your birthday Dale. Hope you have many more! Terry
  3. Location and price are helpful too include in the ad. Terry
  4. I like the "great patina" comment! When you're looking for positive points I guess no stone is left unturned. Can't say that I've ever seen one in real life. Terry
  5. A good cleaning will help sell it. It sure does look like an excellent car, regardless of any Ike pedigree. Terry
  6. MoPar? The small holes and hubcap clips seem similar to Chrysler products wheels
  7. Since you mentioned them, here they are
  8. These photos are compliments of my son who attended a car / airplane show in San Jose CA over the weekend. There were many cool cars in attendance from the other photos he sent to me. The Packard is an unrestored original from the owners description. Terry
  9. Had the vehicle that decided to turned into my lane of travel as I rode my motorcycle been equipped with a smart recognition system for oncoming traffic I would not be an amputee and paraplegic today. I have a LOT of respect and interest in the technology that can prevent accidents like mine. Terry
  10. One benefit from the self driving car is less driver fatigue from having to be on guard all the time while driving. Letting the car do a lot of that required defensive monitoring can allow the driver to stay fresh longer and be more alert. Should help with road safety overall. Terry
  11. The fuel pump may be bad or the fuel line is blocked with rust inside the tank. The fact it runs with gas into the carb is a good start. Post your questions in the Buick forum for best results. Nice car! Terry
  12. Model S with Ludicrous mode? Impressive for sure!
  13. I did a lot of trips to China in the first five years of the 21st century for work. It was hard to tell a nice day from an overcast day, they all looked the same.
  14. China will soon be the go to folks for renewable energy technology. They are hungry for that position and will work hard to get there. Cars are just part of the movement. Lots of Chinese money is going into EV technology today.
  15. Yes, Nomad makes a difference. There the lines of the 57 look great. Hard to believe the 57 Ford outsold the Chevy but you rarely see a 57 Ford today.
  16. One of my favorites! I like the 56 over the 57, it seems to be a more balanced design over the 57. When I worked at a gas station after school, the first time I had to find its gas filler hiding spot had me running in circles for a while! Terry
  17. In China it's easier to get a zero emissions vehicle registered for use than a gas engine auto. You kind of get put to the head of the line with the electric auto so people with the income to buy that kind of car do so for that reason. Business decisions that don't seem logical for the North American market make perfect sense in places like China or Europe. Terry
  18. It's unlikely to need or use additives with modern cars. It's usually the older cars that have sat for weeks or months that sometimes get a shot of some type of additive to clear out the effects of the long storage. Sometimes they help but usually they don't. In "the good old days", my dad would dump Marvel Mystery Oil in the tank or crankcase as a fist attempt to cure his car of whatever ill behavior it was demonstrating. If that didn't work, then the wrenches came out to see what might be the problem. Most times the wrenching fixed the car but there were a few times when the mystery oil seemed to work, so it always was the first line of defense for a poorly running engine. Terry
  19. Only a serious car guy, with a very understanding wife, would make visiting junkyards a priority on a vacation trip. I love it!! Terry
  20. Neat Ford! Congrats on your choice to keep a 50's car on the road. Best story I can offer on cars and birthdays is in 1983 I took delivery of a brand new Chevy Camaro Z28 on my birthday. It was bright red, 5 speed, AM-FM cassette radio and AC equipped, my first ever AC car. I got the loan for it at the credit union where I worked. They put the check in a birthday card for me! Terry
  21. Welcome! Glad you joined our group. Terry
  22. You have to wonder how they ever amassed such a huge collection of stuff and still found time to farm! Some of the cars and trucks look like good project vehicles that are in solid shape. Sure glad I don't live close by. Terry
  23. TerryB

    What emblem?

    Top looks like Triumph. Terry
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