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Everything posted by bhambulldog

  1. I don't have a solution for your pump needs. But, I know a lot of folks say an electric pump helps avoid vapor lock. I've been running Marvel mystery oil (4 ozs to 19 gallons) in my fuel , and have never had vapor lock with my mechanical pump
  2. My brother's 2005 F150 has a bad trans Has anyone had a Jasper trans (or engine) installed? Any input is appreciated! Thanks!
  3. That's a Special disguised as a Century Or, also known as a fake… They put Century script on the fenders, but they forgot to switch out the dash board nameplate, too
  4. Thanks Lamar Mine is not quite correct. Years ago, Dad, not being satisfied with the amount of chrome on the car ; sent some of the painted parts to be chrome plated
  5. That's just what my Daddy would say! ( and he'd be as right as you are)
  6. I agree with the other's ideas But, it also occurred to me that it could a problem inside the column. A problem with the wiring of the safety switch
  7. Would y'all think I'm crazy if I cut the roof off my Roadmaster for $200K ? http://www.hemmings.com/classifieds/dealer/buick/unspecified/1610188.html Here's the link
  8. Would y'all think I'm crazy if I cut the roof off my Roadmaster fo $200K ? classifieds/dealer/buick/unspecified/1610188.html
  9. Prayers for Roberta and her family Prayers for Brian and his family
  10. Can you post some bigger photos? Please? Those photos are hard for me to see from my phone…
  11. I got some for mine from local art supply store . I found a piece that matched the color , it even had a pebble grain to it. I cut it to fit and , voilà !
  12. Very Nice !!! Welcome to the Buick World !!
  13. Yes. As far as I can remember , it hasn't been out of the trunk since 1977
  14. Sorry, I've only got the one for my car. When you find one, don't use it to jack your car.… they're bad to warp the bumpers…
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