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Everything posted by bhambulldog

  1. NEED WANT TO BUY subject models 1954-1955 all mine is Roadmaster 76R. but any model 54 or 55 will do '55 is desired. but '54 will work I would like for the controls to be in working order.... or, at least restorable. send a PM or email Thanks
  2. I highly recommend SMS Perfect match on mine from SMS Very high quality Ten years later and it looks great And
  3. I don't think it is orange Are you looking at "T22"? it IS saddle colored Edit: The colors on the leathers swatches are a bit off.
  4. I'm thinking clearance light for the top of a truck or trailer
  5. no mention of headliner (material nor color). Nor of dashboard paint, nor sill paint. carpet color and seat rail color are not mentioned. It is not comprehensive. the Century wagon (model 69) is not mentioned. For the trim code in my car only one vinyl (white cordaveen) color is mentioned. (my rear bolsters are original,including the blue cordaveen) I think the book is a sales tool. Not an assembly guide.....
  6. I'm Happy to share that It's been my intention for quite a while. I happened to find time to day and yesterday .....
  7. I would suggest SMS Interiors for restoration. The material they sent to me were exactly matching the original material in my car.
  8. I have photographed the album and loaded the pics to my photo bucket http://forums.aaca.org/f162/1955-buick-interior-selections-book-not-358191.html
  9. I am happy to share my photos of the book for perusal and discussion. The Book is NOT for sale or loan. The contents are NOT for sale or loan. Please see the charts for explanation of availability by model. Please note this album has a revision date of June 1955 I caution that resolution and color my vary, dependent upon your monitor and computer My intention was to post the individual photos. But, when I tried that, the post preview showed that the photos had been rotated. So, I have posted a link to my album in Photobucket instead. During the bulk upload some of the photos have got out of order. link to album slide show. 1955 Buick Paint Interior Trim Choices Slideshow by bhambulldog | Photobucket links to the page without slide show 1955 Buick Paint Interior Trim Choices Photos by bhambulldog | Photobucket 1955 Buick Paint Interior Trim Choices Photos by bhambulldog | Photobucket 1955 Buick Paint Interior Trim Choices Photos by bhambulldog | Photobucket
  10. Very Nice !! Dad bought the Roadmaster in 1970. We worked on it and showed it together for many years. Y'all have fun.
  11. I, too learned things like that the hard way… I like to keep things as designed. One exception, I went with solid state breaker points at the suggestion of a professional mechanic. And I let him install. Ten years later it works great and I haven't bought or installed points since…
  12. I'll be working on that today. I'll photo the album and post "en masse" Please look for a separate thread.
  13. To my knowledge from observation of cars and advertising brochures; The Roadmaster and Century had vinyl with squares on the out board seat backs The Specials and Supers did not. Generally speaking the four door cars have brocade. This is not universally true however. I ave seen a two door roadmaster with brocade. It would seem logical to conclude that brocade was intended for the four door. As it is a more formal car than the two door ( sport model)
  14. Perhaps some time during the weekend I will find time to post photos of the album.. The albums has swatches of the various materials. The album does not show how the different materials are to be joined together.
  15. Regarding vinyl seats and heat, I throw a drop cloth over the seat. To keep my sweaty back and the suns damaging rays off my seat
  16. I agree, about the value .… This document I have is too important to NOT share… I don't have intention of ever selling it anyway. I'll be happy to post it here on the board.
  17. I promised to do that. I apologize for mot having done that yet. Two jobs and two avocations get in the way of my hobby…… It's a shame I don't get paid for my looks……
  18. The back side of the front seats have the squares that you are so fond of.
  19. The top could have been removed…
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