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Another Sad Posting...John Packard.

Steve Moskowitz

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This truly saddens me to be hearing of John's passing.

I met John on this forum years ago and over those years, always enjoyed swapping e-mails with him regarding his many projects. I had a lot of respect for John and will surely miss him.

A great loss to the AACA family indeed!


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I just received the email from Kim Miller. Its a sad loss.

John lived in Harford County and was a long time friend to Harford Region and its members. John and I were region presidents, newsletter editors, and webmasters during the same time. We were also friends and often discussed club matters. His advice and friendship helped to inspire me to work hard to become a Master Editor.

John was a special and highly respected friend to our region. He was known for his dry humor and easy going demeanor. He was a stalwart Packard man. I knew of his sickness for quite a while, and although he cut back in his activities, such as giving up editorship of the Chespeake Bulletin, he never seemed to feel sorry for himself, nor made a big deal of his illness.

John was the type of person that made you happy to know him and proud to call a friend. It will not be the same walking around the Annual Meeting this year and not seeing John with his camera, heading off to another seminar, but taking the time to stop, say hello, and ask how things were going.

Di and I send our condolences to Eleanor and Chespeake Region,

He will be missed by many.


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Very distressing, this news. I noted just last week that John was even going to moderate a seminar this year, although I was sure he had lost some of his stamina. As Bruce said he was a quiet reserved person, and I will certainly miss him, as I'm sure others will too.


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Guest imported_carbadge


Thanks for getting this posted so quickly. I just got the message myself and I am deeply saddened.

John was a good friend, and a man very dedicated to this hobby. Having served with him on the Library and Research Center Board, I can say that his dedication always remained intact - even after he became ill. This was demonstrated by his traveling to Hershey for meetings and the Fall Meet. We (the Board) looked forward to his updates regarding his treatment progress and how he was feeling - and he was always willing to share.

He was truly unselfish.

I will miss John, as I am sure all hobbyists who were touched by his wit and knowledge will be.

Go in Peace.

Jeff Lesher

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This news is tough to handle, really tough.

My opinion of John was the epitomy of a "gentleman". He always respected to the utmost anyone's conversation topic. He would listen with sincerity.

As Rick did, I met John through our website. Three years ago, John approached me at Philly to recreate (cast) a broken comutator housing for one of his Packards. Did it and delivered it to his home. That's fine, well, and, good. Then he showed me his 2 garages full of Packards in various stages of restoratation. He showed me with pride, each car, what the goals were, where each stood in the restoration process. All I can add is what an interesting person dedicated to people first, then, sharing his knowledge with all of us.

For those, of whom, would benefit from John's contributions "just on this Website"...

--Click on the Search icon above.

--Keyword Search Terms..."In subject only".

--User name: "John N. Packard"

--Date Range:

Newer than "5 years"

Older than "1 day"

Hit "Submit"

His posts will say a lot of what John was all about.

Peter J.

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Guest leadfoot

I've known John Packard since about 1995 and he truly was one of the nice guys in this hobby. John was a very active member in the Chesapeake Region serving two different stints as newsletter editor and two terms as club President. In addition, he performed a bunch of club tasks that largely went unrecognized. He will be missed by all the members of the Chesapeake Region.

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John N. Packard was a wonderful, kind, soft spoken man. He looked far younger than his age until he got sick. I knew him for over 40 years and always thought he was ten years younger than me until we talked at the Chesapeake Region 50th Anniversary Party last summer. I found to my surprise he was older than myself. I always thought of him as a studeous man of great intellect, yet he could do his own restoration work on his Packard cars. When it fell to me to Chair a Nominating Committee for the AACA Library & Research Center some years ago, I immediately thought of John, the erstwhile Editor of the Chesapeake Bulletin for several different stints following my own five years. He went on to serve as President. He is a fellow member who will be greatly missed in our hobby, not only in the Baltimore area, but everywhere he went. Earl D. Beauchamp, Jr., National President AACA 2004

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John N. Packard

John Neal Packard of Fallston died Jan. 11 at Upper Chesapeake Medical Center in Bel Air. He was 70.

Born in Bangor, Maine, he was the son of the late Charles Earl Sr. and Lillian Catherina Woodbury Packard.

Mr. Packard was a resident of Fallston for 38 years. He graduated in 1957 from Randolph Macon College in Ashland, Va., with a bachelor's degree in physics and in 1959 from West Virginia University with a master's degree in physics. He worked at Martin Company and AAI Corporation for 33 years and worked at Goddard Space Center under various contractors until retirement in 2001 as Vice President of Man Tech International.

A member of Bel Air United Methodist Church for 38 years, he served in many capacities including chairperson of the finance committee, and had been a member of the choir, leader of Sunday morning Men's Bible Study since 1991, and volunteered for the Senior Food Delivery Program in Harford County. He served on the United Methodist Church Board of Child Care in the 1970s.

He had a great love for Packard cars, both collecting and restoring them. He was a long-time member of the Antique Auto Club of America Chesapeake Region chapter, having served as president from 2001 to 2003.

He was also a member of the National AACA having served on the Library Research Board as president in 2000 and 2001. During this time, he received various awards including the AACA Master Editor Award for "Chesapeake Bulletin" in 1995, 1996, 1997, and 2001, the Master Webmaster Award in 2001, and the AACA-Ann S. Eady Memorial Award.

Mr. Packard is survived by his wife of 47 years, Eleanor Munn Packard; a son, Johnny Ward Packard and his wife, Danniel, of Lake Geneva, Wi.; three daughters, Laura Hulsey and her husband Dan, Of Gatchellville, Pa., Amy Heritage and her husband Lee, of Toledo, Ohio, and Margaret Anne Motter and her husband David of Hanover, Pa.; two brothers Richard F. Packard of Littleton, Mass., and Charles F. Packard, Jr. of Frederick, Md.; a sister, Harriet Guinn of Fairfax, Va; 13 grandchildren and a grandson-in-law.

Visitation will be at Bel Air United Methodist Church today (Jan. 13) from 2 to 4pm and 7-9pm. Services will be at Bel Air United Methodist Church Jan. 14 at 10:00am. Internment will be in Stabler's Cemetary in Parkton.

Memorial contributions can be made to Lovely Lane United Methodist Church Restoration Fund 2200 St. Paul St.; Baltimore, Maryland 21218; Bel Air United Methodist Church Memorial Fund, 21 Linwood Ave; Bel Air, Maryland, 21014. or to AA&MDSIF Foundation, P.O. Box 613, Annapolis, Maryland 21404.

Send the family a memorial tribute at www.mccomasfuneralhome.com.

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I just returned from the afternoon viewing for John.

Is is a very foggy and dreary day here today, as if the whole world is in mourning at its loss.

While talking with Eleanor, I told her that John was a friend to a large number of AACA members from across the country... more than she probably imagines.... who are both shocked and saddened by the loss of their friend... and even though they cannot be here today, they are still with her in their hearts. She told me she was so very happy to hear that. I also told her about the great sentiments placed here on the discussion forum.

At the viewing there were several large displays on John's life. There were many personal items from early childhood into adulthood, including diplomas and yearbooks, one of which had a photo of John wearing a college beanie complete with John's trademark "wry" grin. John was an avid bicyclist for a long time. He also played the trumpet and organ. His work in the aerospace field took him on many travels including a trip to Russia.

One of the displays featured items from his old car hobby, with Packard automobilia being prominent. Also included were some of his awards, name badges and other reminders from the various aspects of the AACA, Library & Research Center, and AACA Museum that he was involved in.

There was also a large screen tv in the lobby showing a video made on John's life using family photos. Looking at the video and seeing the expressions on John's face shows you how much he enjoyed life and all that he did. Eleanor told me that the video will eventually be placed online on the funeral home's site. That URL is www.mccomasfuneralhome.com.

I checked when I got home but it had not been uploaded yet. Hopefully it will be online soon for all to see. Its is a very touching tribute to John.

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Guest imported_Bookreader

Bruce, you are correct, the weather seems to reflect the loss of our friend, John Packard. The only difference is that where John Packard was, there was sunshine from his smile, his sense of humor and the willingness to give of himself to the AACA.

John worked the Library tent this past year with the rain and wind whipping around us, John worked the Library literature auction on that Monday of Hershey week and that involved so much walking and the handling of heavy books. I had an e-mail from John on this past Saturday discussing the Library seminar . John was to have been the moderator. John has a wonderfully interesting program planned so do attend. The program will proceed in his honor as he planned it.

The smile never left him, the involvement was total and the dedication was complete.

Those of us on the Library board knew John was ill; we all were amazed at the stamina he demonstrated.

For all of these reasons my husband, John and I want to donate money in honor of a man who gave so much of himself to the AACA Library and Research Center. We will give it to one of the funds of the Library. It will always remind us of the quiet person who worked without need of recognition (although he received many awards) just to be a contributing member of this fine hobby and organization. Fran Shore

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just got back from 3 weeks on the left coast and have been out of touch.. so this is kind of a late message....and you may already have seen it... but...

for anyone interested, the video tribute to John is online at the following URL:


I had been asked to make a notification when it was available. Sorry it is so late.

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