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AACA Library and Research Center

Guest carbadge

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Guest imported_carbadge

As Library and Research Center President, I just wanted to commend the Pennsylvania Dutch Region for making a $414 commitment to helping fund the replacement of the L&RC roof. The 20 year roof is on it's 19th and most likely won't see 20! Initial estimates put replacement at between $21,000 and $25,000 - so we need to find a way to raise the funds. The PA Dutch Region's board voted to donate $250 and at their gen'l membership meeting they passed a hat and raised an additional $164!!!! Great Job and we appreciate all support for our latest challenge. They challenge other Regions to do the same!

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Guest imported_Bookreader

It would be wonderful if each one of us who read this Forum for our organization would send a check to help with this unexpected roof replacement expense that the AACA Library and Research Center is now having to handle. If each one of us would do a little; it would help a lot. If any of us who have AACA Region meetings soon we could also "pass the hat" and explain the need. Our Library is so valuable if we need to use it for research or authentification; but to also have it as a repository for so much valuable historical collections is a benefit to all of us in this enjoyable hobby.

A check can be sent to Kim Miller, c/o AACA Library and Research Center, 501 Governor Road, Hershey, PA 17033 and marked for the "roof replacement fund". Just think if each reader would do this; what a great help this would be.

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Randall, the Library can use whatever a person can afford. It is a shame that we have to keep asking our members for $$ but our Library is free to the public and has few income generators. The roof will most likely be at $21,000 minimum although we are still getting bids. Also, we may be getting a $100,000 <span style="font-weight: bold">matching</span> grant to put our Library online. This will result in another fund raising drive..

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Guest imported_carbadge


I appreciate your support and basically ask for whatever can be spared. The real trick is to spread the word to the membership - the people that benefit from the Library and Research Center. Individual donations as well as those of Regions and Chapters will all be appreciated. The response we've already received from something as simple as my post this morning is very pleasing. We've got good people in this hobby, and I'm sure they will help us make this happen. If every AACA member donated just $1.00 that would yield us $60,000. If every Region and Chapter simply came up with $50.00 (by passing the hat - or whatever) we'd have $20,000!!! It's simple math - and when we put it in these terms, it looks easy!!!! Hopefully it will be.

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OK...please put me down for $100.00 to start. Depending on how things go, I can do more.

I hope and challenge everyone who reads this to duplicate this pledge so we can make this library a winning proposition for everyone! Thank you!

Do you all take Paypal or Western Union? <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

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Guest imported_Bookreader

I just came on this evening to see what was happening and this is exciting news to read. To all, remember ANY amounts are most welcome. I repeat every little bit helps a lot. Lets surprise Kim with checks rolling in for the "roof repair fund." I think this is exciting and we know it is worthwhile and certainly necessary.

Someone I know is sending the amount of money they would have spent on a banquet they are unable to attend. The ideas are endless.

A reminder that it is Kim Miller's 25th year with our Library. Aren't we the lucky ones to have her?!!!! We sure don't want her singing the song, "Raindrops are falling on my head." Fran

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Randy...I am in for $100 + a Totes Umbrella in case of emergency.

(Kim, I want the umbrella back, eventually, as it won't be needed.)

Peter J. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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Guest imported_carbadge

Everyone, I just want to say THANK YOU! I'm overwhelmed by one day's worth of results from my simple posting of yesterday. Our goal will be to make sure Kim does not need to use the umbrella!!!

Thanks again - and we'll see how far the Forum members can take this.

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I just came home from our regular Friday car group lunch where I laid out the Library roof situation and suggested that one of us pass the hat at the next Oak Spokes Region meeting in December. Immediately, one of the participants handed me $25 cool.gif and said, "We'll use this to kick it off." Let's hope the rest of the Region members are as generous. smile.gif

How about some more of us pursue this concept with our Regions and chapters.


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Guest imported_klb

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">my arms are sore from emptying the tins cans!</div></div>

What? The cans don't have wheels and drain plugs?

hmmmm........ ya know, oil pans ahave drain plugs, so if ya just weld some wheels on em, well there ya go!

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Guest imported_klb


Maybe I shouldn't have made light of the situation with my oil-pan-on-wheels comment.

I'm curious now,....is the roof actually leaking?

If so, that certainly adds some urgency to this project.

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Guest imported_Bookreader

Yes, the roof does leak. This is a serious problem and not one that would be made in fun.

Some of the Library board members and Kim were working at the Library on the very rainy Friday and then on Saturday so we know it is a problem that must be fixed.

It was encouraging to know that doing the time we were there a group was meeting for lunch in Cheyenne and deciding that they could help with contributions, there were some people who came into the Library and handed donations in person, there were phone calls and mail that brought some donations and yes, yes, yes this made our enthusiasm for the AACA members one of high appreciation. Keep it coming and share this news with your regions and chapters.

When we worked these two days and REALLY saw the outstanding materials that are available for use for all of us; it creates a pride of being part of such a great hobby organization. When the news of you who are helping with this situation would be brought to where we were working; it was a moment of joy and respect for all of you.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">No Paypal but we can take credit cards, cash, check or probably even Western Union. Thanks and yes, I'm in too! This job is getting expensive but i am a member as well. grin.gif </div></div>

Is there a way I can donate online? If not can I send my Credit Card info via mail and you deduct the money that way. I just pledged $100 at HVS's urging in the R&R (cellar) Forum

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Clipper47; I called the AACA office and gave them my credit card info over the phone. That might be an option. </div></div>

Great! I'll do that tomorrow. Thanks.

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Guest boettger

The Iroquois Region, Binghamton, New York Area has approved a $100 donation to the Library and Research Center Roof Fund.

To quote a popular phrase, "THE CHECK'S IN THE MAIL!"

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Guest imported_carbadge

Ron, All I can say is the response has been more than I expected - especially from the individual members and Forum participants. As of this morning, total cash received towards the roof fund was at $2,650 this included 3 Regions and 13 individuals. One couple drove 45 minutes to Hershey and dropped off a check for $1,000. In addition, there are pledges for at least another $2,300 from seven individuals and another 4 regions. This puts us at just under $5,000.

This is great, but I believe more can be done. Many people are taking the message to their upcoming Region meetings and Holiday parties and have offered to pass the hat. This is probably the simplest and easiest way to make a contribution.

This is great - plus it hasn't rained in a week - so Kim and Kathy are still dry!!! Keep up the good work!!!!

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For anybody who might be interested, the denizens of the Rants and Raves section down in the cellar of this Forum, have just completed a small drive to raise funds for the Library roof replacement. A total of $2150 will be sent to the Library. cool.gif

None of this $2150 is included in the numbers given above by carbadge.

Howard Scotland

I just received an e-mail from another R&R person saying he is sending $50

Make our total $2200

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