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Oh, Oh, Its Coming.


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Show me where that subject is written in the LATimes or similar.  Plus the history of that orientation.


Now, what might be happening is that, like many European large cities (as Paris), the limit access to some of the inner-city areas by license plate last number and/or model year of the vehicle.  This has been going on for about 10 years now.  BUT, considering how "car-centric" the car culture is and has been in CA, what results might be something like that, BUT how many people really drive their vintage cars in the alleged "off limits" areas on a regular basis?


Besides . . . the car culture in CA has been dealing with carburetors and such which have a CARB approval code on it.  Such codes are listed openly on the Holley and Edelbrock websites, for example, and have been for years.  Not to forget the random emissions checks they used to do, where the offending vehicles are parked until they can be compliant again.


Just some thoughts,


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After reading and thinking about the article, one thing is certain . . . the "talking and gaining information stage" is just beginning.  As we know, nothing in the government happens over-night, usually.  Especially iif somebody's watching what is going on.  In this case, I certainly suspect that SEMA will be a big partner in any discussions.


Many people who talk about the federal EPA forget that Richard Nixon signed the legislation initiating the EPA way back then.  At that time, CA was strangling itself in exhaust fumes.  Remember smog alert days when it was deemed unhealthy to be outside?  MUCH worse than any recent "Ozone Action Day" we have ever endured in Texas or otherwise.  Many large metro/industrialized areas of the USA were headed in the same direction.  That's in respect to the "air", with similar orientations on "water" and "earth".  Something had to be done and Nixon started it.  ONE key orientation not to be considered was what it cost or cost effectiveness.


By 1966, California Air Resources Board was in full operation and setting vehicle emissions standards for vehicles sold/registered in CA.  Which generated a lot of legislation to ensure violators had no loopholes to sneak through.  Even to what equipment could be used to repair/upgrade road-going vehicles which were over 25-35 model years old.


There did not appear to be a lot of opposition as we were in a different world back then, where CA citizens were the ones harming themselves so they went along with cleaning things up.  At least there was no mention of opposition in the publications back then.  


Other than cars, CA air quality issues tended to greatly affect the metal chroming industry.  In a time when getting automotive parts chrome plated was a big deal (including some hot rod crankshafts), these new standards tended to end that industry in CA, by observation.  So chromers had to comply or move out of CA.


The Federal EPA and CARB had the authority to set standards and fine those who did not comply, from their very first days.  In most cases, the initial standards had periodic tightening of the regulations, too.  Sometimes, it seemed that just as one standard was being achieved, they "moved the goal posts", which brought more areas into non-compliance, several times.  As if the EPA was doing this on purpose, but it turned out that the tighter standards had been programmed to happen many years prior, sequentially.


It should also be noted that the Federal EPA was designed to be non-political.  To protect the citizens' health and welfare as it had become very evident local municipalities or states would not do it themselves (other than CA, which started to do so several years earlier).


Just some thoughts and observations,




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