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Reading lead pencil


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Hi team, 


Does anyone have any suggestions on the best technique to try and read faded lead pencil? 


My 1922 Cadillac still has its original tag from fisher on it, and while some of the information is on the build sheet not all of it is 


Of course, it might be too far gone but thought others might have come across a solution that worked for trying to read faded grey lead pencil. I care barely make out there is something written there with my naked eye


The model and body number are already known from the build sheet, so I'm not so worried about that and the shades according to the sales brochure are all the same


I've also sent the GM archives an email to see if they have the fisher records 


(and yes the person the last redid the upholstery did not do the worlds best job)




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Just yesterday I watched a series on Titanic which concentrated on descendants. Some items salvaged from the wreck were written in pencil and conservators had been able to decipher them and link to descendants of both survivors and those who died.


I think that shows, much like other aspects of restoration, it can be done if you find the right people.

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3 hours ago, Str8-8-Dave said:

law enforcement forensics

These people are usually up for a challenge so if you happen to know a police officer no harm in asking.  A surprising number of them are car people too.  I think that the biggest hurdle that you will have is that the fibre of the paper has been disturbed but you should be able to get enough to read it and make out what is there.  I've had good luck with a digital camera taking the picture on an angle with the lights off in the room - not dark but just no artificial light sources besides the automatic flash of the camera.  It usually brings up long faded part numbers etc off of NOS parts boxes fairly well.


Good luck!

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3 hours ago, 1937hd45 said:

Amazing that they took the time to attach a paper tag with four tacks. Bob 

Cadillac quality!


5 hours ago, Harold said:

Try shining a UV light on the tag.  It may help

I got one recently with a Covid test kit so I’ll give that a shot

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3 hours ago, 8E45E said:

Photocopy it several times, changing the settings a notch each time (contrast, dark/light, etc).


Each setting might make different characters legible enough to make out.  



Exposure to bright light used in camera flash or copy machines may cause unexpected damage to the original document…

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