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My Dad past yesterday morning.

Dandy Dave

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My folks were divorced when I was young and was never close to my step-father. However, I became very close to my father-in-law. We worked on many projects together over the years, from cars to construction.  We spent a great deal of time together in the last years of his life, including the ER and chemotherapy. It was a very sad day when he passed. That was 14 years ago and I still think of him quite often, especially when I’m working on something and it’s not going well. I stop and think of what Dad would do. So I guess, for me, he’s not really gone.  I’m sure you’ll find this to be true about your Dad. As long as he lives in your memory and heart, he’s still there for you. My deepest and sincere condolences just the same.

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I'm very sorry for your loss. It sounds like your father was certainly a great guy. I'm hoping that when you feel comfortable doing it, you'll share pictures of some of the vehicles he built or was involved with. I think it's safe to say that just about everyone here would be interested in that.

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21 hours ago, Terry Bond said:

Dad's are special. Never forget all the great times and life's lessons. I'll always remember my Dad's best days and the times he lived in. So much history now lost, but it's up to us to keep those memories alive. Where in Virginia did they live? 


Dad had a Farm in Orange, Virginia Terry.

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21 hours ago, rocketraider said:

Sorry for your loss but he had a long life, well lived, and an offspring who will carry on his preservation of the past. Where was his Virginia farm?


Around 2:00 seems appropriate here. 



The farm is in Orange, Virginia Rocket Raider. 

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