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Will this car sell for six figures?


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Maybe. I'll there are quite a few GNXes stored away with the same mileage. They were collector cars when new and quite a few were bought and put away as investments.


Don't know why anyone would pay that much for a low-mileage version when restored ones are just as nice. It's not the same as a 1936 Cord or V-12 Cadillac.

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But it's not a GNX. It's a Grand National. It may be a low mileage car but honestly, I do not see it as an investment at it's current 75K bid.  Further, what condition does it assume after storing it for 30 years with a 1/4 tank of gas?

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$97,000 Canadian so almost. 


I love low mileage time capsules. That said, it’s tough for me to think of a time capsule that is younger than me. I didn’t read the entire description but a car like this deserves maintenance and to be driven a bit. If paying a premium for near-zero mileage, then it’s a museum piece. What do you do, replace the hood struts so they hold up the hood, or leave it all original showing a car you paid that much for with a chunk of wood?


I'd rather get into a nice one at half or a third of the price that I can drive and enjoy, but that’s me. Of course if I was able to justify half that on expanding the fleet, there’s a 1916 truck in Michigan that would be mine. 


Edited by Thriller (see edit history)
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Look at for-sale ads, and you'll see many, many

Grand Nationals for sale--likely several dozen at

any one time.  So many have been saved.  


When new, they were desirable, low production cars.

I suppose they still are.  But now, beyond everything else,

they are perhaps the most common Buicks of the 1980's.

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20 hours ago, ted sweet said:

75000 k for a car that cant even be started 


If I was interested I would offer an extra $5,000 if they kept their hands off it and let me start it.


I can hear those dry old bearings crying now.

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