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2018 Philly General Meeting Questions!

R W Burgess

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A few Questions, Thoughts, and Suggestions from Philly this year!



This will be short, and my view points are strictly my own.


We had our Philly Annual Meeting Business Meeting on Friday afternoon and a few questions came up at the member roundtable. I will address them one at a time.

1.       The question was asked wondering why AACA could not set up some cheaper contracted prices on hotels around Hershey. Admittedly, most of the hotels during Hershey week are very expensive, even if you reserve a room a year in advance. Of course, these are private companies, and it is supply and demand. The answer to this is to give up living 5 minutes from the Hershey fields and move 15-to even 30 minutes further West or North. President Cox suggested Mechanicsburg Pa. to the questioner. Personally I stay in the Carlyle area, and can get to the fields in about 30 minutes, if I leave early enough.

2.       One gentleman wanted to know why AACA could not have National Judged type meets in local areas closer to everyone. Of course, it takes a lot of judging personel to put on a National Meet plus you have to have Judging Schools to keep everyone current on rules and any changes that may have occurred. Since there are not enough active Judges, etc to do this locally, the answer is for your local Region to STEP UP TO THE PLATE, and host a National Meet in your area. Problem solved!

3.       Ok, this question was really out there, and had something to do with me. We have all kinds of characters in AACA, myself included. Some of you may not know I retired my Board Position this year and President Tom Cox was kind enough to make a comment about my green sports jacket during the meeting. Naturally, the last question of the night was from one of the “characters”, named Sidoli, Renal, Renalda, or something like that. Anyway, He suggested to the Board that they considered having a new dress code and have all Board Members wear green jackets from now on during our events. I told you he was a character! Anyway, I appreciate the rib, as I have enjoyed messing with my friends in AACA all of these years too!

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This was my first time at the Meeting and enjoyed myself very much!  I was able to attend many seminars throughout Friday & Saturday.  I walked through the Trade Show, but thought it was rather small with few vendors.  I think it's wonderful the AACA has the hospitality area with bagels and muffins, but I would love to see a healthier option for breakfast - maybe some fresh fruit, or fruit salad to go along with the high-carb/calorie foods.  Lastly the cost of the banquet dinner and the President's dinner was exceedingly high IMHO for what was served.  I was a guest for the President's dinner and didn't go to the Banquet due to the high cost. 


It was great to see some old friends, put a face to the names to some others, and meet new friends.  :)


Congratulations to all of the National Award winners!!!

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It takes a couple of years at the annual meeting to learn the tricks.  I'm an early riser, so I'm down at Starbucks in the bar area about the time they opened.  I was surprised to be offered free oatmeal and fruit with the purchase of a black coffee. I don't remember that in the past and who knows about the future.  Also Rex the Best Pizza and subs is great, a block away from the hotel with great prices.

Glad you made it this year.


Edited by 61polara
spelling, what else! (see edit history)
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21 minutes ago, 61polara said:


It takes a couple of years at the annual meeting to learn the tricks. 


Glad you made it this year.




Annie, as Dave noted, there are many ways around the prices. Of course the banquet prices are locked in way ahead of time, as our club also has the use of the Ball Rooms, Salons, etc. All of these things can be expensive because of the convenience of where they are. It is very hard to find a large hotel with banquet and meeting room facilities to handle a large group like ours. With our contracts we also receive better room rates too. I hope Dave and I answered a few of your questions.



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There is so much that goes into the annual meeting and what seems like high costs are low in comparison to many other venues and hotels.  We actually get a very good deal at this facility.  Despite that the national club loses a small fortune on this event.  We do not come close to breaking even.  Annie, we really wished we could get lower prices but logistics for those that put on the meeting are huge almost anywhere else but Hershey.  Hershey unfortunately is not affordable.


By the way everyone raved about the dinner Saturday night.  I sadly had to have something else as eating is an issue for me since my latest operation. 


It was great seeing your smiling face though.  Oh and the trade show usually is bigger.  The Eagles parade caused a LOT of cancellations.

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Thanks for addressing my comments and questions! :)  I'd still like some fruit please - maybe someone can pull some strings for me in 2019?! ;-) lol


Steve always good to see you and I'm glad you're being careful!!  Can't wait to hear that you are back to 100% :) 

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13 hours ago, AnniesSS said:

Thanks for addressing my comments and questions! :)  I'd still like some fruit please - maybe someone can pull some strings for me in 2019?! ;-) lol


Steve always good to see you and I'm glad you're being careful!!  Can't wait to hear that you are back to 100% :) 


Annie, I agree that fruit in some form is not too much to ask as an alternative to the food offerings that have been around for years.  

Hopefully we will see something like this at next year's Annual Meeting.



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44 minutes ago, Steve Moskowitz said:

added to the list of things to look into next year....I am sure we will find a home for the rest of the donuts! :) 


Thanks Steve. 


To be honest I probably would not swear off donuts altogether. After all, there is something to be said about fruit for breakfast with a donut chaser.:D  

Isn't that what is referred to as a "balanced" diet? :D


Wayne, Thanks for the tip on the fruit cup on the lobby level! 



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You asked and it is already planned for next year.  Never said that we do not listen!  It does not always work this way but we have it already in the works for next year.  I will let Stacy know you are willing to fill that time slot.  I am giving a seminar on left handed monkey wrenches and muffler bearings.  Don't miss it! :) 

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If someone wants to offer the car, I'd do a seminar on how to take all the upholstery out!  Should be able to do that in a 90 minute time slot, no problem.


If you would want a seminar showing how to put the new interior back in,  would need a time slot of a few months....


Now, for requests, I would like some one to do a seminar on how to do all those "easy restorations" I keep seeing advertised.  I've restored a number of cars, and haven't found the easy way yet....

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4 minutes ago, trimacar said:

If someone wants to offer the car, I'd do a seminar on how to take all the upholstery out!  Should be able to do that in a 90 minute time slot, no problem.


If you would want a seminar showing how to put the new interior back in,  would need a time slot of a few months....


Now, for requests, I would like some one to do a seminar on how to do all those "easy restorations" I keep seeing advertised.  I've restored a number of cars, and haven't found the easy way yet....




As you can see everyone came away from Philly this year HAPPY! I still have a smile on my face.

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6 hours ago, R W Burgess said:




As you can see everyone came away from Philly this year HAPPY! I still have a smile on my face.


That's great!  I didn't go this year, went the last couple of years, very nice hotel and great folks.......

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This was my first time attending the  national meeting and first time to Philadelphia.  It was definately a trip to remember ! 


Im from a small town in north Florida so going to a big city like Philadephia is an experiance all by itself. What a cab ride to the hotel from the airport

on Thursday afternoon in the middle of that superbowl celebration ! Thats another whole story there - the cab driver driver pulled over 10 city blocks from the hotel and tried to kick us out or he was taking us back to the airport!  He finally did get us within 2 1/2 blocks from the hotel after he got the msg that we werent  

gonna pay him untill he got us within sight of hotel.  The plane ride home was the roughest (cinch up your seatbelt tight the whole way and pray ) flight Ive ever been on.


All the AACA folks were all very friendly as was the hotel staff.  I took in all the big events - the  first lady's breakfast, the presidents dinner, national mtg, and the awards banquet. The meals were all very good. The donuts and coffee were great.  Yes the banquet cost is steep but alot of that cost is for facility costs and wait staff.  I will say that the $13.00 box lunch and then $3.00 bottle wtr or can soda Really fried my gizzard . Saturday the hotel conciere steered us to Rexes - a huge philly cheese steak ,fries, and a drink for $12.00 It was great !   Annie is right about having some offering of fruit in the mornings.  The comedian at the first ladys breakfast was histerically hilarious- just ask our outgoing president - he got roasted all the way to well done- not even a little pink was left and the same for the  two guys sittIng up front.   Ralph Towner introduced me to alot of national folks.  Speaking of Ralph - Kudos to him for his 2nd editors award presented at the banquet.   I wont attend on an annual basis due to the overall cost but Ill be back. Thanks to all the staff and volunteers - ITS ALOT OF WORK !   JKJ 



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