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Never know what you'll see on the street


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46 Woodie,


The reason I asked is that there was an exterminating company that was big in South Florida during the 70s and 80s.  The name was "Truly Nolen", and they had VWs with the mouse ears, tail and buck teeth.  The ears were spring mounted and would "streamline" when the car got up to speed (40 mph or so, I think).  The company even had some box trucks done up in a mouse motif.  I think that Truly Nolen is still around in South Florida, but for the past many years that I lived there, their vehicles were not much in evidence.  As I recall, the owner of the company was a huge vintage (meaning pre-WWII) car fan and had quite a collection.


I'm now 300 some odd miles north of Miami and glad of it.  It's too crowded down there for me, and almost every drive is a "white knuckle" drive.




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WOW! the lobster car is cool. Couldn't drive it in NY because it would get a "Restricted View" citation. Looks like one of those old Sci-Fi movies, "The VW that was attacked by the giant lobster"!

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3 hours ago, capngrog said:

46 Woodie,


The reason I asked is that there was an exterminating company that was big in South Florida during the 70s and 80s.  The name was "Truly Nolen", and they had VWs with the mouse ears, tail and buck teeth.  The ears were spring mounted and would "streamline" when the car got up to speed (40 mph or so, I think).  The company even had some box trucks done up in a mouse motif.  I think that Truly Nolen is still around in South Florida, but for the past many years that I lived there, their vehicles were not much in evidence.  As I recall, the owner of the company was a huge vintage (meaning pre-WWII) car fan and had quite a collection.


I'm now 300 some odd miles north of Miami and glad of it.  It's too crowded down there for me, and almost every drive is a "white knuckle" drive.






After Hershey in 2012, in Florida , saw these in my travels.

Truly Nolen.JPG

Truly Nolen2.JPG

Truly Nolen3.JPG

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WOW! the lobster car is cool. Couldn't drive it in NY because it would get a "Restricted View" citation. Looks like one of those old Sci-Fi movies, "The VW that was attacked by the giant lobster"!


The view is not the only thing that is restricted.  How does one even get into the car?

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