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RE: E-Bugle


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I am having the same problem as Larry, and this has occurred more often than the rare occasion when it will open.  Both my home address andas Regional Coordinator, even when I get the Office invite to open.


John Scheib

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Just out of curiosity, what browser are you running?  The first time I tried the May issue, it took well over 30 seconds in Chrome.  The next time I loaded it, it was only 3 seconds (assuming it was cached at that point).


Explorer was right at 30 seconds, Safari 15 seconds, and Firefox wouldn't load it at all...

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On 5/17/2016 at 11:51 AM, dibarlaw said:

I gave up trying since it would not accept my member code or the code for Mason-Dixon since I am the director.


3 hours ago, jscheib said:

I am having the same problem as Larry, and this has occurred more often than the rare occasion when it will open.  Both my home address andas Regional Coordinator, even when I get the Office invite to open.


John Scheib


I think there may be two issues here.  Wordpress was being a jerk and not letting me login earlier today either, but it sounds like Cal was beyond that point because he was able to load other issues, just not May.  When it did finally let me in, the May issue loads very slow for me, but it loads.  I think it's just bigger than most.

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The login is specifically designed for members and not officers (although it may work as long as there is no duplicate email address)


The simple need to know your member number and entering your last name in lowercase is the key.


The only other complexity is when the last name has a space, hyphenation or other punctuation.  I simply remove them, but that doesn't effect many.


If you can't login simply email me at petergariepy+bca@gmail.com with your members number and I'll see whats up.





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A few months ago, I was trying to get into the "Members Only" section using the member number and last-name-as-password.  Would no work, no matter what.  Although it should have . . . until I suspected that with my 4-letter last name, it wasn't enough characters.  I then did a different and LONGER password and it worked.  Later, after forgetting that one (or a web site software update, requiring a new password entry), I requested a password and got one with lots of different characters (which was rated as "STRONG") and used that.  No problems.  As password "approvals" now typically require longer and "stronger" passwords with numbers, letters, and characters, perhaps the current "last name password" might not be enough for some users' names?



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I tried again this morning and still unable to get May's issue.

Can get any other issue.

If it was my password or something wrong with my computer I would think that I would't be able to get any issues.



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In regard to the current issue of the Bugle (June 2016), Mr. Earl has outdone himself again.  The extremely early Buick pedal cars in the photos are a sight to see.  The one that caught my eye immediately was the one with the very young boy and his passenger.  His dog looks to be bigger than he is.  What a hoot.  As usual, Cindy and Pete did an absolutely beautiful job with the magazine.  I know that several on here have said that they had trouble trying to get access to the eBugle.  For what this is worth, I did not have any problems getting into the magazine.  I guess that means that I must have done something wrong.  Keep up the great work with the Bugle.


Terry and Barbara Wiegand

The Kids From Kansas

Out Doo Dah Way

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On ‎5‎/‎26‎/‎2016 at 9:05 PM, Terry Wiegand said:

In regard to the current issue of the Bugle (June 2016), ...I know that several on here have said that they had trouble trying to get access to the eBugle.  For what this is worth, I did not have any problems getting into the magazine. ...


Terry and Barbara Wiegand

The Kids From Kansas

Out Doo Dah Way

Nice Story Terry! 

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John, I am pushing as hard as I can to get this car rebuilt and on the road again what with this house restoration and all.  The last time that the engine in that car ran was on the 4th of July Bicentennial Parade in Hutchinson, Kansas.  I hope to have the engine professionally rebuilt and back in the car before winter hits.  Of the three Buicks in my shop, this '16 means the absolute most to me because of my Dad.  40 years is too long to let a Buick set undriven.  It has been a lot of fun and educational getting it back to this point.  And the friendships made along the way are priceless.


Terry Wiegand

Out Doo Dah Way

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As I understand it Terry, the 16 still has it's original paint?  In the photos accompanying the article, are the lighter areas faded paint? 


Also, what's involved in a cage valve?  Just wondering why it's called that, and how one repairs one?

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John, I would really like to explain to you all about caged valves and all, but then I would be hijacking the original purpose of this thread and I don't want to get

Lamar giving me any bad marks on here.  The paint on this car is really pretty decent.  It is just dusty as all heck and I just want to clean it up once when all the work is done.  We think the car was repainted in the very early 1930's.  I will send you a PM later in the week.


Terry Wiegand

Doo Dah Kansas

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