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I am now a member of the AACA


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Just got all the stuff in the mail the other day and now reading the two magazines that came with it,I decided to just get in one club instead of brand only clubs since I usually own more then one brand so its senseless to be in a club for each brand. I have been in the Crown Victoria Association for over 10 years and the VCCA for about 8 and will be hard to let them go but I just want to be in one club for all brands from now on.

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Jeff, welcome to the AACA!

AACA is an excellent club, and it has "regions" over

much of the country.  You should find it active in Ohio.

The regions make it possible to meet car fans near you

and participate in local antique car shows, tours, dinners, etc.

with people who love old cars.


Sometimes, it is helpful to join the specialized clubs too,

since they have detailed knowledge of specific makes that can

help you with a restoration.  But often, those national clubs

don't have a local presence near you.


You can have the best of both worlds!

Edited by John_S_in_Penna (see edit history)
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With the VCCA I can still visit the forum if I am not a member as I was prticipating on it for a few years before I became a member but will see how the money situatiion is and,maybe stay in both of the other clubs,I need to send in the dues for the CVA but have not had the extra money for the last month. Maybe its time to sell a couple cars.

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I used to sit back and roll my eyes when someone said what I am about to say...but the organization you belong to is only as good as your involvement in it. This old timers advise is to get active in the club. Run for treasurer. Volunteer to be the newsletter editor. Host an event. Take on the jobs that everyone else shies away from. Those who are active get a lot more out of the group than those who sit on the back bench and gripe about the newsletter or the lousy events. I've been president, activities chairman, board member, tour leader and who knows what else in my region.  Believe me when I say "What you get out of anything depends on what you put in." Zeke

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... the organization you belong to is only as good as your involvement in it. This old timer's advise is to get active in the club....


I wholeheartedly agree.  The hobby has become

much more interesting, I have gotten to know more sources

for cars, parts, and knowledge, and I have met many

interesting people.


If you follow the advice to get involved, the members of your region

will become lifetime friends.

Edited by John_S_in_Penna (see edit history)
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Great to hear it Jeff, might as well join officially since you have been participating here for so long already.  The magazine is excellent (thanks West) and if you have a local chapter available so much the better. 


I agree with your sentiments about the benefits of a multi-make club.  After 25 years in the Pontiac club there is little new ground there and as my automotive interests have expanded the AACA can encompass it all, Todd C

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I do not have any vehicles I can show but will be fun going to the events,all my vehicles are pieced togather with what I could find cheap like different year drivetrains or what ever the upholstery supplier had on sale cheap and so on so no spot for me on the show field.

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Very cool ... welcome!  I, too, just recently joined.  So nice to see many others coming in about the same time.


Cort > www.oldcarsstronghearts.com
pigValve.paceMaker.cowValve | 79 CC to 1995 Mercury Grand Marquis?!
"Sometimes you just get a feeling like you need some kind of change" __ David Pomeranz __ 'Nothing's Gonna Stop Me Now (Perfect Strangers)'

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We look forward to seeing you this Saturday. For the rest of you, Jeff joined us a couple years ago for a local tour after an invite on this forum. West and I have been pestering him since.  While the true touring season starts with us in April. If it is not snowing this Saturday, you will see a few old cars at the restaurant for lunch in Springdale and our short ride up to a nearby antique mall. We have a full slate of tours starting in April through October. Anyone seeing this in Southwest Ohio is welcome to join us. Just PM me

Tom Muth

Southern Ohio Chapter, AACA

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You don't have to come in an antique car, we will go modern early in the year or even in the summer based on the weather.  The prime acquirement in our Southern Ohio Club, SOC, is "You must have an interest in old cars".  Owning or driving an old car is secondary.  You will also find most spouses attend the monthly tours & events.  See you on March 26.

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