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Actually it's a model of the Rolls/Bentley brake servo unit. Anyone who has worked on one of these will agree.


Yup, The British cars have way to many moving parts,

I had a Bentley once and was amazed at so many moving parts.

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Great fun and wildly imaginative. The sound of the hit and miss engine operating it is just really perfect with it. So, here's a question -- Is it "art"? I'm sure to the person who crafted it, it probably is, although without his opinion, we can only guess. If you see it and agree that it is "art", then it's art to you. I wouldn't dream of criticizing you for your opinion. If someone else sees it and doesn't feel it rises to his idea of art, then it's not art to him. In the 20th century "kinetic art" (art that is in motion, or appears to be in motion) became a movement that flourished and continues to today. To me this is "art", but that's only my own opinion and I have no right to insist that anyone in the world agree with me. That doesn't mean that we can't discuss it rationally. If you were to ask, I might tell you what about it makes it art in my opinion. I might talk about form, balance, symmetry or other aspects of it that appeal to me, or I might just simply grunt "I dunno". An uneducated "gut" reaction is allowed. I just wouldn't dream of forcing my opinion on someone else.

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