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Saw this on the interstate?

Laughing Coyote

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When driving home today after running some errands I saw this old Dodge convertible on a trailer heading east on interstate 10.  Tried to get a better picture, but kinda hard while driving and raining to boot.  I know not the smartest thing to do, but was a cool looking old Dodge.  Did notice the rockers were pretty rusted.  Wonder where he picked that one up.  I know it was a Dodge something Royal.  Anyone know the year?




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I bought a solid 1959 Dodge convertible missing the top at a police auction late in 1967. I brought a '58 or '59 Chrysler top assembly home from a junkyard, but the curve around the windows wasn't right. It had the 326 engine and was probably a Custom Royal.


That $25 or $30 investment wasn't recovered. I'm sure of that.


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Another great save!


 A friend of mine just bought a 56 Desoto driver for $2500. Only needed a back window and a battery!

A fellow in town has a 53 convertible for $2000 in his barn for 30 years now needs restoring nice shape. That would be $1,200 in US $ Edited by Joe in Canada (see edit history)
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