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Buicks Owners in Australia

Guest 40 Buick 51c

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Guest 40 Buick 51c

Just thought it might be nice to have a thread for our friends in Australia to check in and let us know if they are all right (and to keep this in line with the intent of the forum) and if their Buicks are all right. With all the flooding and now the cyclone just want to let them know that they are in our thoughts and prayers!

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Hi Darryll, thank you for taking the time to think of us here in the land down under. I live in Canberra which is quite a way south from where the floods occured and now the cyclone which is in the process of doing its worst.

These disasters combined have wiped out a lot homes and the areas are where fruit and vegetables are grown to feed us down south.

We have had 24 hour news coverage of both events and it is pleasing to see how people have responded to help each other clean up and get back on their feet.

On the down side, there is talk of a new tax to pay for repair of damaged infrastructure so in this way we are all affected whether we live there or not. Also the price of fruit and vegetables are rising.

It is distressing to see how families have lost everything but as most of them say `at least we have out lives' and can rebuilt.

Saw a photo of a snake swimming along in the flood with a nice green frog on its back...........now that is an example of working together. Normally the frog would be the snakes lunch.!!


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Those Nth Queenslanders are tough buggers up there and it will take a little more than a bit of wind and rain to take them out of the game. (I have several relos in the middle of it all)

"On the down side, there is talk of a new tax to pay"

It doesn't take much for those bastards in Canberra to start screaming "TAX".

(No offence Koala :) :))


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maties. :)

No Mr Earl, " maties " are pirates, and most probably won't buy you a beer, but a mate or your mates will definitely buy you a beer, or at least their shout in a round!!

On a serious note almost the entire state of Queensland has taken a real hammering and at one stage an area the size of New South Wales was subject to flooding.

This included most of South East Queensland, the area which we toured as part of the 2008 Buick National Meet. The Queenslanders are passionate about old cars and import many from America. Queensland Buick Club members have many fine Buicks, some of which would have been garaged in flood affected areas. I think it is an inescapable fact that many old cars have been lost in the floods and probably some Buicks.

We will with the fullness of time hear details of any collectible car losses but at this stage the people of Queensland ( and the rest of Aus. ) are just pitching in to get utilities up and running and people back into their homes.

There is an upside to these things. Most of the area affected has been in drought for up to 10 years with some areas living with water restrictions as severe as not being allowed to water any gardens or even wash your car with a garden hose.

So between the Floods and now the Cyclone which has affected North Queensland the States infrastructure is in tatters and will need an injection of Billions of dollars to get it back on it's feet. As others have commented this will probably be raised in the form of a Federal Government imposed levy ( temporary tax ) on the rest of the country but we can't leave our mates in strife.

As for our side of the country - the Western third. Well we just had the driest winter on record and summer has been long and hot so far. Just a shame we couldn't have spread all that water evenly over Australia.

But we are still having fun with our Buicks, this link will take you to photos of the Western Australian Buick Clubs celebration of Australia Day back on January 26.


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I understand that the first electronic versions of the Bugle were sent last month.

How is that working for you and other foreign BCA members.

If you did not get one, you either have a bad email address on record or don't own a computer.

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I understand that the first electronic versions of the Bugle were sent last month.

How is that working for you and other foreign BCA members.

If you did not get one, you either have a bad email address on record or don't own a computer.

Yes Barney, received the electronic version back on January 10 at the same time as most North American members would have received their hard copy.

This is the response I sent to the Office

Mike and Nancy,

Received my electronic version of the Bugle.

Very nice to see the classifieds at the same time as everyone else.

I am also a regular on the BCA Forum and it was good to know what other Forum members were discussing about this issue - usually I'm at least 1 month behind these discussions.

In summary, a great innovation in enabling your remote BCA members to receive the BUGLE content in a timely fashion. I am still looking forward to receiving my hard copy as I tend to peruse them frequently.

Thanks for the trial, I think it is successful.


Stuart Syme

BCA # 37072


Western Australia

I received my hard copy on Thursday last, February 4. Knowing what was in it did not detract at all and I have taken my time digesting another excellent issue.

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Guest Rob McDonald

I work for a big engineering firm that's based in Melbourne. Lately, the news on our intranet site has been fascinating, in a train-wreck kind of way. First the airport bombing in Moscow - that office was closed. Then the riots in Egypt - our Cairo office is still closed. Floods in Brisbane - 3 offices closed. This morning we read about the cyclone, which our Townesville office is suffering through. Winds up to 290 kph - that's 180 mph! Sheesh, I'll take my -30C, glare ice and knee-high snow any day.

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I understand that the first electronic versions of the Bugle were sent last month.

How is that working for you and other foreign BCA members.

If you did not get one, you either have a bad email address on record or don't own a computer.

I was very pleased with the elctronic version and would certainly vote to keep it going. I received the hard copy a couple of days ago so the time difference between the 2 options is quite big.

In regards to the weather.........:confused::confused:

The weather over the past 4 months in the eastern states of Australia has been so unusual. Floods in September again in January (IN THE MIDDLE OF SUMMER) Category 5 Cyclone in Northern Queensland with more flooding and at the same time fires in southern Victoria (3,000 kilometres away) which were then put out by the tail of the Cyclone that brought more heavy rain and flooding:(

The past 3 months would normally see temperature constantly in the high 80's and 90's but we would have been lucky to have had 10 days in total that exceeded 80C

The Buick Gods must be angry with us for bringing in so many nice Buicks from the US since the Aussie dollar reached parity with the US dollar:D

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Guest 60electra225

And here in Sydney were are suffering through a heat wave. A couple of nights ago was the hottest overnight temperature on record and today is around 42 C or 106 F !

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Guest 40 Buick 51c

Wow, you guys hang in there! Thanks for taking the time to update your status for your brothers and sisters around the world. Sorry I haven't been more vocal, just got out Of the hospital for cancer surgery. Doin ok but very sore.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest 40 Buick 51c

Thanks Mike,

Was hoping we would have heard more on those in the affected areas, but I imagine that clean-up is keeping them pretty busy?


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Thanks Mike,

Was hoping we would have heard more on those in the affected areas, but I imagine that clean-up is keeping them pretty busy?


Have received the February edition of The Buick News ( the combined Australian Buick Clubs magazine ) and the Queensland Club President has indicated that " very few Buick Club Members have been directly affected ".

So no direct information apart from what we in the West see on the daily news. An interesting story to emerge yesterday was about a milking cow being found alive after being washed away in the flood. She was found 80 odd kilometers from where she was dragged away by the floods so I guess some cows are good swimmers - her female owner was certainly delighted to have her back.

In the meantime the massive flood and cyclone clean-up continues in Queensland.

Over here Rooster had reported heading off to fight a fire in the hills of Perth. Some 70 odd houses were totally destroyed with another 30 odd being badly damaged. If not for the Firies and those tremendous helitack choppers it would have been far worse.

Last week we had a visiting US naval vessel ( they always drop into Perth, or port of Fremantle for R & R ) visit and a group of crew members volunteered and assisted with the clean-up in the worst fire effected streets. Big hit with the locals and they all looked pretty buggered ( fatigued ) after a few hours working in 100+ temperatures in the Aussie sun. So that made a really nice news story that night.

Here's one of the local news stories


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...As for our side of the country - the Western third. Well we just had the driest winter on record and summer has been long and hot so far. Just a shame we couldn't have spread all that water evenly over Australia.

But we are still having fun with our Buicks, this link will take you to photos of the Western Australian Buick Clubs celebration of Australia Day back on January 26.


Not to detract from the hard hit areas, I just wanted to comment that those pictures remind me of Chicago Illinois. Great pictures of a nice time. And I really like your signature picture too. That car looks so good!

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