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Photo Gallery Question / Suggestion


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I would like to start with , I appreciate all the efforts to the people that post pictures in the Photo Gallery. I have enjoyed looking at many of the pictures of vehicles at AACA Meets and Tours. I know it takes a lot of time to create this historical record of some great vehicles.

Here is my concern. Many times I have tried to determine what year - make the vehicle is in the pictures. Unless I'm missing it there does not appear to be a place to enter this information. While the picture may be of a very rare vehicle no one will know any details of what the vehicle. My suggestion is that there be a place to document this information when posting a picture of a vehicle. I really would rather know what the vehicle is, than at what apature the picture was taken, what lighting was needed, etc., etc.

I truely believe that we are keepers of history. This history needs to be preserved for the generations to follow all of us. With the pictures having the mentioned; Make - Model - Year ; information we will be preserving this information for our children, grand children and great grandchildren.

If this information is there and I'm missing it, will someone point me to where I, and quite possibly others will be able to see the information.

Thanks for reading this posting.

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Lifeer, I have put up a lot of the pictures in the gallery myself. Of course I take as many as I can of the Meets and Tours that I attend. The problem is I take so many that it would take me forever to post any info about each picture. It can be easily done though, if you take the time.

When uploading the picture you can put a name to each one. You can also make a post to each picture that even someone else uploaded, or ask questions, if you like.

Hope this helps.


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Lifeer, I love going to AACA shows and taking photos. Like you, I don't really enjoy looking at photos if I have to guess what some of the vehicles are. I decided posting photo albums on facebook was better than posting them on this forum. I know how to add the ID there; here I don't. Anyone who wants to see photos I posted from Blacksburg, Hershey, etc can go to facebook and search for "John Adams Dameron." All vehicles will be identified with make and most of them will also include the year and model. I think it's important to put the information with the photos if they are to be fully enjoyed and of value to anyone interested in auto history. You do not have to belong to facebook to see my albums. Anyone can search for my name and then open the albums you want to see.

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I totally agree with AACALIFER that it would be very helpful if entries to the gallery were identified. Sometimes it's obvious but many is the time I look top and bottom side to side and can't find a clue to what the picture is. I have a fair knowledge of these cars but how about the casual observer? Please don't take this wrong, Wayne, you do a great job, just take this as a suggestion.

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Although posting pictures in the Gallery may be easier on some sites/forums, after loading a few pictures here one learns how to post more descriptive info when loading. I too would like more info on many of the pictures I've viewed and although you come across some with extra info a larger percent does not.

I've included a link to my gallery and as you can see I don't have an issue with adding info on any pictures now while loading. I've included a link to my gallery and you can see that besides the name of the group of pictures you can add photo description, show below the picture. Just my two cents.

If interested in seeing some of my gallery here is the link:

My 31 Dodge Dg 8 Rumble Seat Coupe - Test Fit/Assembly Pictures AACA PHOTO GALLERY


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I look at the photos that are on the top of the page but never bother to view others. Why is it that "Modified" and "Hot Rods" can not be discussed on the AACA Forum but photos of them some days fill the top header? Photos that accompany a post are so rare, yet people post photos without info, something is wrong with that.

Edited by 1937hd45 (see edit history)
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1. Obviously in a perfect world all photos posted would include in their title and description the year, make, model, etc. All i can do is encourage people to do so.

2. Discussion of "modified" and "hot rods" is not prohibited, its simply not the focus of this forum. Would you walk into a Cadillac club meeting to discuss Lincoln?

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I've posted a lot of images in the Gallery, and it's very easy to name a car in the Title, Description, and Key Word boxes when you're uploading the images. A personal decision on my part is to include at least the year, make, and model, when possible, in every picture. I trained myself to do this as a newsletter editor, and later as a contributor to magazines. In this age of digital, it's even easier.

If everyone subscribed to the belief that pictures need no explanation other than the context of a location, our magazines and books would be caption-free, and not worth reading. And the calls for the editor's head on a platter would be universal.

None, repeat, none of the untitled images are searchable, meaning that if you search for "1956 Mercury," the only ones that come up will be those with titles, descriptions, or key words. I don't care if you're posting 1 or 100 pictures, you're cheating posterity and future historians. This is merely my opinion and not an admonishment, as old habits die hard and it's work to add a little info to images, especially when there are many. But it can be done.

I understand and share the OP's frustration, but the inclusion of that info is up to the poster. Sadly, enforcing professionalism (or plain common courtesy) in our Gallery is an impossible task. And that's a pity.


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You know, the earlier comment of not checking out the photos at the top of the General Forum page? I check them out most every time that I'm here and to the point of them not being searchable, most if not a large percent have no info on the image. I also often find myself browsing through the posters gallery some times finding a gold mind of interesting images. Just giving insight to those that haven't taken the time to check them out. Scott...

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............ Please don't take this wrong, Wayne, you do a great job, just take this as a suggestion.

Here is my problem guys: I take anywhere from 300 to 400 pictures at each Meet/Tour that I attend. I then downsize all of them as group with a photo program. After resizing, I upload somewhere around 15-20 at a time. All of this takes me sometimes between 2-3 hours. For me to title them all would take me 3-4 DAYS. I do crop and size some of the more interesting pictures, then title them.

As a suggestion, maybe if someone saw a picture in the gallery that was not titled, why not post it in a forum and ask for information on said picture. I know you guys just love to give everyone your opinion.:)

I'm sorry that I can't do better. It's a time thing with me.:(

TG, you're correct, I should do better, but it's beyond my capacity.


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I am probably even worse than Wayne about titling photos for similar reasons. One hint that I would offer is if you see a photo in the folder for a particular meet, it is relatively easy to check the judging results from that meet on-line and narrow down the identification.

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Guest Kingoftheroad

It would be nice to have info on pictured vehicles I don't recognize but, if not, thats ok too. Regardless, I really enjoy all the pictures..

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Here is my problem guys: I take anywhere from 300 to 400 pictures at each Meet/Tour that I attend. I then downsize all of them as group with a photo program. After resizing, I upload somewhere around 15-20 at a time. All of this takes me sometimes between 2-3 hours. For me to title them all would take me 3-4 DAYS. I do crop and size some of the more interesting pictures, then title them.

As a suggestion, maybe if someone saw a picture in the gallery that was not titled, why not post it in a forum and ask for information on said picture. I know you guys just love to give everyone your opinion.:)

I'm sorry that I can't do better. It's a time thing with me.:(

TG, you're correct, I should do better, but it's beyond my capacity.



I get it.......time.

Personally, I appreciate the time you have taken throughout the years to post all the great pictures. Thank you! I believe my avatar is one of your pictures? I certainly understand that you (and others) don't have the time (days) to devote to typing in descriptions especially while still a working stiff. I guess the solution to end the complaining would be to not post anymore pictures.

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I love all the photos and try to include the basic information with those I post. It does take a lot of time. You have to download each photo individually, can't do them as a group.

The gallery offers the same "Reply" capability as the forum. if you are looking at a photo and have any additional information on a car you can post it for everyone's edification. The info in the replies is searchable if you include in your criteria to search "Posts". In other words if I "reply" that a vehicle is a 1927 Whatevermobile truck anyone searching for "1927", "Whatevermobile" or "Truck" will find it if they check the "Search Posts" box.

This could turn into something like the "What is it?" forum, one of my favorites. Every time you click on a photo that is unidentified if you know what the vehicle is, enter the info under "reply".


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I take thousands of pictures each year, at Hershey, Carlisle, and many smaller shows. I had been posting them on Webshots until they became completely childish and deleted one of my photos because the car owner happened to be standing next to the car wearing a pair of tight jeans! I immediatly took all my pix down because they threatened to turn my IP address over to the authorities if the offense was repeated! Meanwhile they continue to post pictures of well endowed, bikini clad females draped all over cars! I refuse to stage my photos to avoid people in the picture. You must realize how hard this is to do at a large event like Hershey!

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I try to get photos of the cars without anyone in them or at least not in the foreground but some of the cars are so rare and nice that you'd never get a photo of them if you waited until everyone was out of the way. One thing I try to stay away from posting is photos of small children. I often take photos of kids with the cars and then email copies to the parents.

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