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No it's not a song from the 60's.

It's trying to figure out the code of how to turn back a digital clock.

Those Chinese have mastered a way to make every digital clock unique in how to change the time. Let's see ....hold down "A" for 3 seconds......then ...... .

How do you get the thermometer from "C" to "F" ?

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Guest Jim_Edwards
Nice one John.

I think Democrats, Republicans, Green Party, Tea Party, and other independents all need to band together and abolish daylight savings time. Pick a time. Stick with it!!!

What we really need to do is rethink the time zones. We are today living with a time zone setup that supposedly was for the benefit of standardizing railroad schedules back in the 1800s. Any truck driver can attest to the fact the time zones as they are make virtually no sense. The Central Time Zone is way too wide across the Southern portion of the country in my pinion and should be narrowed, probably by widening the Mountain time zone Eastward and the Eastern time zone Westward. Might even make sense to completely do away with the Pacific time zone applying to any portion of the lower 48 states. As it is, in most of the country with standard time we've got kids waiting for school buses in the dark or getting off school buses in the dark. Then on standard time fall and winter both morning and afternoon rush hour traffic is substantially in the dark. Little about our time zones make much sense in terms of the way we live today.


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Guest Jim_Edwards
I would really rather be springing ahead... As in, let's just skip winter and get back to warm weather. Nucence snow,sleet, and rain here yesterday. :( Dandy Dave!

You're going to love it in a few days, with more of the same headed your way. Of course you could move down here to South Central Texas where the weather this time of year is just about as good as one would want. 53 degrees this morning, will hit upper 70's this afternoon.:D


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I heard that the guy that's running Russia right now has pared their 12 time zones down to 9. There is also talk that he'll put everybody on Daylight Savings Time year round. Seems there's some documented issues with peoples' minds and such making the transition?

Doing things to suit the railroads made sense back then and probably still does today. As modern life has evolved, there are still societal reasons for the time zones being what they might be and how they are configured.

There are MANY ways in which the whole world-wide time zone subject can be discussed. It's not just your local time zone that would be affected, per se, but the whole thing . . . even if the boundaries might be moved one way or another.

When the whole DST thing was discussed a good while back, the premise was that it would make commerce better with more daylight hours during the seasonal transitions. Many people wanted to stay the same (as Arizona voted to do), but other more progressive types approved of it . . . and then allowed it to be extended a few weeks, with all due respect.

By observation, it did mean that some kids had to catch the bus in the morning's twilight hours, but it also gave them more time to get things accomplished . . . or play . . . after school. The OTHER side of that twilight bus pickup has to do with how big some schools have become AND how big each school's service area has become. Used to be that each little wide place in the road had some sort of school district, so bus routes were much shorter and efficient . . . not anymore! NOT to forget that each bus route has more kids on it, too. At least that's my observations from my observation point in formerly somewhat rural North TX.

If you look in the Owner's Manual or service manual of a modern vehicle with a built-in Compass (for reading in the Driver's Information Center or inside rear view mirror), there are MANY compass zones--more than time zones. Plus, they don't run in straight lines (from north to south), either! Maybe we could take each of them, make them a "time zone" and then put each "time zone" 30 minutes apart rather than the current "hour"? Perhaps this would ensure that "Sun Time NOON" would be consistent with the middle of each new time zone?

Just some thoughts . . .


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Extending DST was supposed to be about energy savings...what a crock. Ultimately, in the winter my house gets heated, and cooled in the summer. Lights are on when it is dark out and we cook when we're hungry. Regardless of time of day relative to daylight, I need lights at one end of the day or the other and in the dead of winter, I need them at both times.

Up here, peak energy use is on the coldest days in heating season. Down south, I understand it is on the hottest days where A/Cs get cranked up.

There are measurable impacts on the body's circadian rhythm, which regulates sleep cycles. Messing with that makes for things like poorer than usual drivers.

As for compasses, that probably has more to do with magnetic north not being due north and the magnetic pole moves over time as well.

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Guest Jim_Edwards
Time zones don't make a difference to me when I am trying to convince the cat at 4:30 a.m. that it isn't time for breakfast!

What Derek said above re: lights on when it's dark...

At least you must not have a 100 lb. dog that will get at your bedside and bark until you get up at to feed it (6 am CDT, 5 am CST). Like your cat, the dog just hasn't bought into man devised time changes. It's on Dog Time and nothing is going to alter that as near as I can tell.


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We're really fortunate. Our dog who is now 13 1/2 will stay in his bed until we got up in the morning. He goes to bed when we go to bed. He's never asked to go out in the middle of the night or early in the morning. Doesn't matter if we get up at 6:00 or 9:00. He'll stay put. His mother who passed away 4 years ago was the same way.

By the way, I'd prefer to be on DST year round. I much prefer having it light at the end of the day than in the morning.

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What the?????????

Do like the Russians????? No time zones????

Ad a 1/2 hour for every 100 miles you drive West?

It was Ben Franklin who came up with DST to save Oil burning in street lamps in Boston.

Any other interesting facts you need to know just go ahead and ask......

Let's go to a 25 hour day.

Got to go it's 25:71 on my new atomic Russian digital clock. Directions say there will be a BIG ALARM @ t-minus 27:00 hours

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