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HERSHEY - Steve Moskowitz to lose his silvery locks!


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It has recently been brought to the attention of the AACA Staff the story of Brandt Pflueger, a 4 year old local boy diagnosed with Neuroblastoma, which is a cancer affecting his adrenal gland. He receives chemo 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, every other week. His father is a Police Officer. Due to his illness, they have a mounting financial need.

The staff at National Headquarters is determined to help Brandt and his family. To that end, STEVE MOSKOWITZ, the Executive Director, has agreed to have his head shaved at the 2008 Hershey Fall Meet. We need to raise $10,000.00!!

We know the generous members of the AACA will come thru, so if you know someone or love someone that has been touched by cancer or have healthy children or grandchildren, Please donate in their honor.

Contributions can be sent to:

AACA Brandt Pflueger Fund

Graystone Bank

112 Market Street

Harrisburg, PA 17101


AACA National Headquarters

501 West Governor Road

Hershey, PA 17033

Att. Kim Miller or Lynn Gawel

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I'm sorry, but that picture has to be the funniest thing I've seen on here since I first started on this forum.

Naturally, there's nothing funny about a child suffering from any illness, so I'm in for helping little Brandt as much as I can. I lost a 3 year old nephew to cancer and I usually help the Four Diamonds Fund each year. It is my hope that the AACA membership can pull through, as this little guy and his family needs our help.

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Guest AACAPack

The Packer's definitely will be donating to this little boy and his family. That pic is way to funny!!! ROFL!!!! I am sure this the whole AACA membership will be donating not only to see Steve shave his head but more importantly to help out this family.

Dean Packer

Nodular Melanoma Cancer Survivor

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No, I think that picture falls into the category of being tasteless and repugnant! It is nice that I have galvanized so many people together in a common goal...to embarrass the crap out of me!

All kidding aside, the family needs our help as this is a very, very serious illness. I have been involved in several children's cancer charities before coming here to Hershey and know too well of its devastation to families.

Thank you also for making my staff so happy...this is a way they can get back at the boss without any recrimination!

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Steve Moskowitz</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Thank you also for making my staff so happy...this is a way they can get back at the boss without any recrimination! </div></div>

Yeah, but if I was West I don't think I'd be accepting any homemade "chocolate" chip cookies anytime soon. smirk.gifgrin.gif

But on the serious side, I lost my mother to cancer and so far we have lost eight pets to cancer and right now have a ferret that may have adrenal cancer. And a friend lost her year old baby girl to cancer. Additonaly we have several friends that have or are now being treated for various forms of cancer.

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Glenn, the word is extinguished! grin.gif I have enough wrinkles that my face looks like a relief map of the Adirondacks! It must have been Misc Chats that did this or just being a part of the forum some days. Certainly cannot be my young age!

In any case, a lot of my friends have had a good laugh but also have taken the opportunity to give. This morning we also learned that another of our past presidents is dealing with cancer making that 3 of them being treated right now. What a terrible disease.

I am proud of our staff in taking the ball and running with an effort to support a family who obviously can use our help. I doubt that they are antique car people or even know of us which makes the outpouring of concern all the more heartwarming. I cannot think of anything more sad then a innocent child dealing with a disease...not fair.

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Guest 1926pack

"I have enough wrinkles that my face looks like a relief map of the Adirondacks!"

Wow! No kidding!! Willie Nelson ain't got nuttin on you!

But seriously, this is a great idea. Would it be possible to set up a link where people could pay on line with a credit card or something? Might help speed things up.

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Guest imported_Bookreader

When you place the "mouse" over the head of this man pictured here in the Forum; the word BALD JPG comes up. HMMM! A bald jpeg. Sounds like a Pirate's name, doesn't it?

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Bookreader</div><div class="ubbcode-body">When you place the "mouse" over the head of this man pictured here in the Forum; the word BALD JPG comes up. HMMM! A bald jpeg. Sounds like a Pirate's name, doesn't it? </div></div>

Oh no!!! Now West will put an eye patch on him and a parrot on his shoulder. grin.gif

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Guest imported_Bookreader

Just don't forget the REAL reason for this silliness has a serious purpose and a cause to help others. We can laugh with (at?) Steve; but the need for compassion is what must be remembered.

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I could've sworn that Sadaam Hussein was hanged laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

How'd you get him to sit still in front of the American flag???

After owning and operating an Oldsmobile dealership and then being at the helm of AACA, I thought that Moskowitz guy was more of a 'Burt Reynolds' type laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

But I figured with the economy both Steve and Burt could no longer afford those high dollar oriental rugs (or in simpler terms, those toupes' made in Hong Kong).

Steve must've really flipped his wig over these higher gas prices, but the gas prices flipped his wig right off.

Speaking of getting flipped off, Steve you have to wave at me with all your fingers. grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

All kidding aside, that picture of Steve with a bald head is wrong. Great harassment material, but wrong. That almost rates as bad as when Steve posted that picture of Howard Scotland with the checkered suit where I started making Gerald Ford jokes.

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Guest imported_Bookreader

This evening I attended the South Jersey Region monthly meeting. The information was read about the child with cancer and the desire to raise the money high enough for Steve to lose his hair.

South Jersey Region is donating $100.00 to the fund along with a challenge to the other 400+ regions and chapters to match their $100.00. [or give even more]

A member said that if each region/chapter gave that amount; what a wonderful charitable gift of hope it would be.

So here is a challenge for all across the country from this small region. They do not know the child, nor the family; but they do know empathy, the seriousness of the disease and giving to help. It was a 100% vote by the members.

Come and join South Jersey Region in this challenge.

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Fran, please express my great admiration to your region. Obviously all of you understand the tragic circumstances this young boy and his family are dealing with. I am more than happy to do what I can although seriously do not want to see myself bald. However, it really is a small price to pay.

AACA people are the best!

Pat, do not attempt to try out for America's Funniest Comedian! smile.gif

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Pat, do not attempt to try out for America's Funniest Comedian</div></div> Yeah Steve, if I really wanted to make people laugh, I'd have gotten in the business of selling Oldsmobiles grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

In either case, I wouldn't torment you if I didn't like you. Besides, you now have 23 months to plan on finding ways of getting even with me.... smirk.gifsmirk.gifsmirk.gif

There isn't a doubt in my mind that in June of 2010 I'll be a sitting duck!! crazy.gifcrazy.gifcrazy.gif

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Guest imported_Bookreader

I want to keep this thread current so decided to come back on so all could see again what South Jersey region did.Those of us on the Forum have a good connection with each other but also with our local regions so tell them about this challenge from a small region. This time we can demonstrate we care a lot about more than just having silly fun and spending our money on our hobby. We can as the saying goes- "reach out and touch someone."

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Guest Moepar

As a licensed hair dresser, Can I do the deed?!?!? grin.giflaugh.gif I'd even pay for the honor!!! whistle.giflaugh.gif

I'm sure some of the guys in our club (one in particular) would give me a free ride to the fall meet just to see that.....

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: West Peterson</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Which twin is toney? </div></div>West, after hearing him cry about the KNOT on his HEAD from the tailgate I'd think the scar would have shown in this pic!! The pic is kind of a cross between Frankenstein and the Humpback of Notre Damned. This is an excellant cause to give $$$, kids should never have to go through this kind of thing. The only suggestion I have is to shave Steve's head on Wed. of Hershey so he has to be seen ALL week. How quick do you think we'd get a licensed AACA stocking cap added to the uniform??

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have attached an article that reports on the fund raiser held for Brandt on Tuesday, August 12th. I hope that all will read this and dig deep for this young family in need.

Sorry I could not attach the photo, you can see it on PennLive.com

Thank You


Fundraiser benefits young cancer patient

by BARBARA MILLER, The Patriot-News

Tuesday August 12, 2008, 6:00 PM

CHRIS KNIGHT, The Patriot-News

Cancer patient Brandt Pflueger, 4, right, sits inside the Life Lion medical helicopter, as his dad Brad Pflueger, left, talks with flight nurse Scott Christensen, during a fund-raiser called Battle for Brandt at the Lebanon Valley Mall.After ringing the bell on a fire truck, 4-year-old Brandt Pflueger was trying to get his courage up to take a ride in a ladder fire truck bucket. So far, Brandt hasn't been lacking in courage in his battle against neuroblastoma, a rare cancer that affects his adrenal gland.

A "Battle for Brandt" fundraiser Tuesday at the Lebanon Valley Mall was attended by about 35 police departments and fire companies hoping to raise $50,000 to help pay expenses associated with his treatment.

"It's very overwhelming," said Brandt's father, Brad Pflueger, who is a North Lebanon Twp. police officer and captain of Speedwell Fire Company in West Lebanon Twp.

The diagnosis "turned us upside down," his mother said.

"But he doesn't let it get him down," Brad Pflueger said. "His spirits are so high. He runs around like everything's OK."

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  • 2 weeks later...

We can now accept credit cards for donations to the AACA-Brandt Pflueger Fund. You can give headquarters a call at 717-534-1910 with a Visa or MasterCard. You can also send checks payable to the AACA-Brandt Pfluger Fund to AACA National Headquarters, 501 West Governor Road, Hershey PA 17033, or the Graystone Band, 301 Market St., Harrisburg PA 17101.

Thank You

Lynn Gawel

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  • 3 weeks later...

A host of people still trying to get on America's Funniest Comedians and you guys must be one of them!

We continue to get contributions in but are a few thousand dollars short of our goal. I am really proud of our members who have so generously supported a child that they never even met. Some of the phone calls have left our staff a bit teary and some have been very uplifting.

Will I shave my head no matter what...probably as I DO appreciate those who donated no matter what. We have a small issue of a TV series that has asked for my help so there is a chance the dirty deed will be delayed...just a chance.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ex98thdrill</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I'll bring the digital camera!! </div></div> Before you bring your digital camera, see if you can get Steve to kick in money for a barber that doesn't have a bad case of the shakes. grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif </div></div>My offer still stands to do the deed. I'll bring the 'cue ball' hair cutting gear. No shakes, rattles or rolls. laugh.gif

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