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Recession what recession

Guest sintid58

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Guest Reatta1

[quoteNobel Peace Awards:

2001. Kofi Annan. (No mention made of him and his son skimmimg millions from oil for food money.)

2002. James (Jimmy) Carter. (No mention made of of his bumbling ineffective efforts that did little more than give gravitus to tyrants/terrorists)

2007. Albert (AL) Gore. Shared prize. (No mention made of his 12000 sq ft house or extensive travels by private jets while he exhorts the "masses" to sacrifice. No memtion made of his justification of above by buying "carbon offsets")

Any year Acadamy Award winner. Pick any politically correct, racially diverse, sexually perverse, gay pushing, liberal over the top cause movie, and it got an award for something.

The Academy Awards have been a publicity driven joke for years. The Nobels, at least as far as "soft sciences" are concerned have been used to make political statements also for years. Were I looking to gain credibility I wouldn't cite either of those "Awards". Most "awards" of this nature are agenda driven and the awarders couldn't care less if the awardee was a Maroon or not as long as their agenda is pushed and people are manipulated into a certain point of view.....Bob

Bhigdog, I'm with you on this one. You've said it as well as I could have. These awards have all been jokes since the liberals have gotten the upper hand in this country. I saw a lot of talk about polar bears in previous posts also. What I want to know is, what is a polar bear going to do for my life in any way shape or form whether they are around or not. They sure as h==l aren't going to buy my gas for me!!

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The issue with the polar bears, Reatta1, is that a poor, defenseless animal is having a poorer time of existing and living in the native habitat--through no fault of its own. Possibly, if the USA annexed Antartica and the North Pole, then they'd be relocated to more hospitable environments at taxpayer expense? Or there would be an expensive study group to determine where they could live?

Rather than global warming causing the ice caps to melt, perhaps they are deteriorating as the weight of the ice is causing fissures and internal melting due to the weight of the ice itself? Pressure makes heat, even if it makes just enough for ice to become less solid . . . but no one really admits to that little fact of science. Dang those itsy bitsy side issues!

If too much of the surface ice melts, it can raise the level of the oceans and flood many current resort/vacation areas and further strain any levees along the coastal areas. Then millions of defenseless people would have to relocate to higher ground "somewhere". THAT could be interesting! Might make the "new coast" coastal fishing better with all of the new places for fish to live? LOTS of possibilities!



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Guest sintid58

The biggest ethanol producer in this area is experimenting with using corn stalks and cobs which are basically waste to produce ethanol. They have also contracted with the city of Sioux Falls to ust the Methanol from our landfill to power a plant to produce electricity to run the plant. As far as wind power if you think those barren hills in California is the only place they have it you need to drive through Iowa and Minnesota to see thousands of new wind generators. I personally think they are beautiful and would gladly have one in my back yard if I could afford it.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">You probably also believe in the Tooth Fairy. </div></div>

Welcome back Joe...we missed your wise assesement of people and situations. Looking forward to more.


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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">. . . but no one really admits to that little fact of science. Dang those itsy bitsy side issues!


Like the one where it took about a hundred thousand years of continuous, stable pack ice (which at a given thickness probably moved up and down the coasts during the ice ages but never ceased to exist) for the polar bear species to evolve in the first place. (<span style="font-style: italic">Which makes the polar bear one of the most recently evolved mammals, like us.</span>) They do teach you things before they hand you a Master's Degree, you know!)

BTW, polar bears aren't even the most endangered species in this crisis. We'll lose many before it's over. The narwhal is likely the first major to go.

Climate Change is real. The debate is over. The rest of the modern world is dealing with it. Like I said in the recent thread in the Legal Forum, <span style="text-decoration: underline">all three</span> remaining Presidential candidates are among the strongest supporters of action on Climate Change in all of government, so change is coming here too.

You'll be passed by (as often happens to old folks who don't keep up) when the world takes action. And like the old man sitting on his duff at the General Store yelling "<span style="font-style: italic">BUY A HORSE!</span>" to every passing Flivver that came his way in 1910, nobody will care that you didn't understand the coming change either.

Rant on, and have another pickle out of the barrel. smile.gif

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I wonder if anyone ever considered the fact that there are far more people on the Earth now than at any time in history. And people need water.....

So, if ice is melting (don't they love to show those videos) but New York, LA, Miami and New Orleans are not underwater, maybe all that melted water is being used up by the now-present billions of people that weren't there a few decades ago?

Rats, if this were true, it means Al Gore and the Socialists don't get to shut down GM, Ford, Chrysler, and any other company that makes anything in the U.S. while giving their homeland, Communist China a pass on the Kyoto accords. Wow, this then couldn't possibly be true because it doesn't fit Big Al's world view.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Reatta Man</div><div class="ubbcode-body">NTX,

I wonder if anyone ever considered the fact that there are far more people on the Earth now than at any time in history. And people need water.....

So, if ice is melting (don't they love to show those videos) but New York, LA, Miami and New Orleans are not underwater, maybe all that melted water is being used up by the now-present billions of people that weren't there a few decades ago?

Rats, if this were true, it means Al Gore and the Socialists don't get to shut down GM, Ford, Chrysler, and any other company that makes anything in the U.S. while giving their homeland, Communist China a pass on the Kyoto accords. Wow, this then couldn't possibly be true because it doesn't fit Big Al's world view. </div></div>

It must take the perspective of somone who thinks a man personally worth over $100 million is a communist to perceive a world where people somehow consume water that then disappears, like a bunch of water-hungry Pac-Men. This isn't just a huge misunderstanding of hydrology, it's basic biology that wouldn't pass a grade school exam (unless people don't perspire, urinate, or have sewers where you live.).

When did we build a world where everyone was an expert in everything just by virtue of self-ordainment? When did knowledge and learning become passe? <span style="font-weight: bold">When did we become so small as people that we can now never admit that someone else knew more about something than we do?</span>

Are we really this pathetic?

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As usual, Dave has kidnapped the forum and redirected it to talk about his fav topic......GLOBAL SKY IS FALLING, ER, WARMING

As for getting back on topic, here's some information ABOUT THE TOPCI to consider:

From The Motley Fool Web site:



Are We Headed for a Recession? Who Cares?

By Rich Greifner April 26, 2008

Is the United States headed for a recession? Yale professor Robert Shiller certainly thinks so. In a recent interview, Shiller said that the American real estate sector has "trillions of dollars' worth of losses" yet to come, and it could plunge the U.S. into a "Japan-style slump."

Don't tell that to U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson. Although Paulson admits the economic outlook is challenging, he says "the economy and the markets are strong enough to absorb" rising credit losses, and he remains confident that rate cuts and rebates will ward off a recession.

But then there's financial newsletter tracker Mark Hulbert, who wrote, "The odds had increased that we were already in a recession" -- in September!

When three experts offer three different opinions, it's difficult to know whom to trust. So here's my advice: Ignore them all.

Seriously, ignore them all

Suppose Shiller's correct, and the U.S. is headed for a recession. Or maybe Hulbert has it right, and we've been in a recession for months. Does it ultimately matter? Should you alter your stock selection process? Should you sell off your stock holdings in favor of government bonds?

Just what the heck is a recession, and what does it mean for stocks? The answers may surprise you.

What goes up must come down

A recession is the period between a peak of economic activity and a trough. Recessions typically last between six and 18 months, and they're a perfectly natural part of the business cycle.

To determine whether the economy is in recession, the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) analyzes changes in factors such as gross domestic product, personal income, employment, industrial production, and retail sales volume. There is no fixed rule for how the different indicators are weighed.

But there is a significant delay

It takes time for the NBER to collect and analyze this economic data. By the time it's determined that the country is in a recession, odds are that the economy is already close to recovering. For example, the last trough in economic activity occurred in November 2001 -- but the NBER didn't make that determination until July 2003. By that time, the economy had been improving for more than a year and a half!

Wait, stocks can go up in a recession?

Since 1945, there have been 11 recessions lasting an average of 10 months each. But according to a recent article from Hulbert, during these recessions, the stock market actually rose seven times -- and the average market return during all 11 recessions was 3%!


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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Climate Change is real. The debate is over.</div></div>

The pages of history are littered with "Truths" put forward by the "Experts" of their time who insisted "The debate is over" only to be proven quite wrong.

If Columbus had listened to the "experts" who said "There is no debate, no doubt about it, the Earth is flat" he never would have sailed.

Whenever debate ends so too does the search for truth end.

That's something every Masters candidate should learn, understand, and embrace. Evidently they are not taught "everything"........Bob

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Whenever debate ends so too does the search for truth end.

That's something every Masters candidate should learn, understand, and embrace. Evidently they are not taught "everything"........Bob


O.K. I give up. The critics are right.

The Holocaust never happened.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Again folks, this is the Buick forum.</div></div>

This thread started as a comment on the high cost of fuel. This relates directly to the "hobby" of which the gas guzzling, unnecessary, resourse wasting, collector Buicks most of us own are part. Granted we have strayed from the purity of purpose this forum was designed for from time to time. But who hasn't, in the quest for both enlightenment and entertainment, done so.

With 94 posts this thread has legs for a reason and the posts, for the most part, have been both thoughtful and civil.

What I do, when a certain thread doesn't interest me is this. I just don't go there..........Bob

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> O.K. I give up</div></div>

Don't give up, Dave. I, for one, appreciate diverse opinions.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The Holocaust never happened. </div></div>

Apples and oranges.

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Please give me a break about the "this is a Buick forum". We all own Buick's and we're talking about stuff that seems to be of interest to a lot of Buick people. So, do as Bob says, don't read it if you ain't interested.

And with all due respect to the participants of this thread, the truth about most things lies somewhere in the middle of the issue. The extremists are usually just that. The sky is not falling and Al Gore doesn't give a rat's behind about anything but himself, you can rest assured of that.


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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Apples and oranges. </div></div>

Nope, just newer apples (<span style="font-style: italic">no matter how much you <span style="text-decoration: underline">and</span> I would like it to be otherwise</span>). frown.gif

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: HarryJ</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Again folks, this is the Buick forum. </div></div>

Harry, no matter how much we'd like to try we cannot divorce our hobby from the realities of this world. For a taste of how that's going to affect us (dramatically) in the coming years I urge <span style="text-decoration: underline">everyone</span> to look at the thread in the AACA Legislative Forum on this subject. and to look at the story in the L.A. Times that triggered it.

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OK, since nobody has said it, I will. I'm politically incorrect enough..... <span style="font-weight: bold">IF </span>the polar ice melts and <span style="font-weight: bold"> IF </span> California and New York get covered in water and <span style="font-weight: bold"> IF </span> we get a new coastline, what's the great loss? I'm looking at this in a very positive light. My property just became oceanfront property and went waaaay up in value. Plus, if we gotta "thin the heard" so to speak, what better place to start than with the environmental whacko's in CA. And prices in NY are getting quite high. I'd like to see my property go as high. But then somebody may wish I'd be the next to go into the ocean. Oh well. laugh.gif Oh, wait!!! Another disaster, all that new trash that just went in the oceans....oh what a disaster. laugh.gifgrin.giflaugh.gif

For those that didn't get it, that was a joke.

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The thing of it is, assuming Global warming is real, and it is real, at least in the extreme short term, what of it. NO ONE knows what that portends, other than there will be climatalogical changes. Some will be good, others not good. The net effect is totally unknown.

Perhaps there will be longer growing seasons allowing double crops of staple food stuffs. Perhaps more food will mean larger families leading to future famine when the cycle reverses. Maybe Polar bears will head South and develop a taste for house pets and school children in NY State, much to the chagrin of Green Peace. Then again maybe they won't.

A valid argument could be made that the presant warming is as natural as any other phenomenom, even if Man assisted. We are part of the Eco System after all. The argument could even be made that it's all pre-ordained and is part of a grand scheme we could NEVER comprehend.

Like the species of the World have had to do since life began we will adapt or die.

The one thing I do beleive is that anyone who says they KNOW what is going to happen needs to take a deep breath. To throw the Worlds economic balance, as crappy as it is, into disarray on unknown theorys is the height of stupidity.

Todays WSJ has an interesting article on just how, barring some yet unknown miracle energy source, the goal of drastic CO2 reduction by 2050 is unrealistic to the point of absurdity............Bob

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It's not an "unknown theory". The results have been highly predictable thus far, and disparate analyses have been consistent in results and accuracy for 3 decades now. The "net effects" are chaotic first, haphazard at best, and lineal/reliable last (making for inconsistent climatological changes and unpredictable growth seasons over time and space--essentially dooming agriculture eventually). The changes (a.k.a. "warming") that we've seen so far is more radical than anything that's occurred in any period over geologic time (including the advance/recession of the ice ages) since the extinction fo the dinosaurs.

Oh, and the white coat of polar bears make them utterly helpless as a predator in New York.

Other than that you've nailed it! smirk.gif

Seriously, when you have <span style="text-decoration: underline">thousands of degreed professionals</span> as concerned as they are, do you really expect to know better than them, or expect a few unqualified mavericks to negate the concern <span style="font-style: italic">ad hoc</span>? Do <span style="font-style: italic">you</span> tell <span style="font-style: italic">your dentist</span> that you don't have any cavities and <span style="font-style: italic">your doctor</span> that those chest pains are just normal as well? confused.gif How about a few thousand doctors? confused.gifconfused.gif

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> and accuracy for 3 decades now</div></div>

Lets talk about the accuracy 3 decades ago of the "degreed professional's" prediction of "The coming ice age".

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> dooming agriculture eventually</div></div>

No consideration given to evolutionary adaptation and bioengineering?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> dooming agriculture eventually</div></div>

Flash.....Flora just LOVES warm and grows like stink. That's why you don't see jungles in the North and barren tundra at the Equator

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">is more radical than anything that's occurred

By your own admission this recent warming trend is unprecedented in recorded data. So there are no empirical examples to offer guidance as to future deviations or results. So what we are left with is a long range weather forecast. There's an oxymoron if I've ever heard one.

utterly helpless as a predator </div></div>

No, The polar bear's coloration will evolve into a pattern that mimics shopping malls, upscale wine shoppes, and Ivy League campuses thus wreacking havoc on whole new generations of budding experts predicting his demise.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> thousands of degreed professionals</div></div>

You've been throwing these phrases about for quite a few posts. Perhaps a few footnotes are in order.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Do you tell your dentist that you don't have any cavities and your doctor </div></div>

Nope, I sure don't try to tell either one how to do their job. But I also gotta tell you they're wrong about the same number of times they are correct. If you blindly listen to your "degreed" health care "professional" and do whatever he tells you without tempering it with common sense you won't have to worry about the sky falling because you won't be around much longer............Bob

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Bob, you simply need to read more and stop listening to <span style="font-style: italic">Fox News</span>. Here's one article that'll at least address the "predicted ice ice" urban legend you keep falling back on. As to how evolution works (and how fast given generational time spans), whether simple added warmth is the expected result and whether (even if that were true) it would aid plant growth, the limitations of bioengineering relative to expected climate changes and extremes, who the evil professors are who concocted the facts for you (like the National Academy of Sciences, NASA, and NOAA), etc. etc. etc., we can save that for later.

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The fact of the matter remains that whether you accept reality or not, it doesn't matter. The rest of the world already has. They're operating within the framework of the facts as they are, and we'll have to as well no matter.

Therefore what's going to happen to you and your cars is going to be predicated on an ever more scarce and more expensive fuel situation <span style="font-style: italic"><span style="text-decoration: underline">and</span></span> an overall societal emphasis on massive conservation of that fuel for environmental, economic, and supply reasons.

Be ready.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> stop listening to Fox News </div></div>

Why do you assume I listen to (watch) Fox News? Should I assume you wear Birkenstock sandals, sip double double mocha lattes, and read the NY Times? Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Fact of the matter is I read 3 newspapers a day, watch two different news channels, and read quite a bit, including tittilating fiction.

But all that is besides the point. I don't even disagree that the Earth is warming and fossil fuels are being depleted. That's an observable fact.

What I disagree with is the near hysteria and INSISTANCE by "degreed professionals" that they KNOW what is happening, WHY it is happening, and what WILL happen in the future if we don't do what they say. When in fact they KNOW none of the above but are merely postulating theories which may or may not prove to be true.

In almost every field of science the prevailing "truth de jur" has subsequently been proven false only to be replaced by a new "truth" which was itself later proved incorrect.

Keep in mind that there are fortunes to be made and careers to be advanced by jumping aboard this particular band wagon. Books will be written, newspapers sold, documentaries made, elections won, research grants awarded, TV specials broadcast, on and on ad nauseum all on the back of hysteria.

And so it goes.

So while you are sitting in your local Starbucks, sipping a caramel cinnamon frappe grande, watch out for a Polar bear wearing Birkenstocks and coloration mimicing a barista. He'll eat more than your lunch.........Bob

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It seems that either when talking about global warming, or whether or not there IS a recession, we should just give up because 'some' people seem to be smarter and know better than we do about what is good for us.

Dave, the problem that you and others that view things from your perspective is that you don't seem to understand or want to accept the idea of just 'giving up and giving in' no matter how many so-called experts seem to agree with you, is fundamentally un-American. In other words, that's just not the way that most Americans are 'wired'.

Our way of thinking has proven to be a good one, especially in the area of academic, social or political interests. The idea of free thinking, even though it goes against the real or percieved majority has:

1) Overturned LEGAL segregation (thank you, Dr. King)

2) Given women the right to vote

3) Introduced, perfected and made affordable thousands of new medical proceedures, drugs, practices and concepts.

4) Overturned the Nazi death camps, even though up to the time our WWII vets marched in and exposed them, many world and elected officials denied they existed or refused to believe the reports about them from those that escaped.

4) From an automotive perspective: Seatbelts, airbags, antilock brakes, stability control, automatic transmissions, air conditioning, etc, etc, etc, at one time were met with skepticism, resistance, roadblocks or some other hurdle that had to be overcome at the corporate or consumer level.

So, please, enough with the condescending talk about your degree, how many people agree with you, or just a general I'm-right-and-you're-wrong attitude.

Many people EXPECT different viewpoints in here; disagreeing with you (or me) isn't illegal, immoral or fattening.

So please, in the spirit of reaching out to you even though I know you disagree with me and many other people in here, present your opinion, your facts, your experiences, but enough with the policy of attacking anyone that disagrees with you.

Leave that to the politicians......

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Guest rlbleeker

Given that we can't predict my local weather, I find it difficult to believe that we can predict the effects of greenhouse gasses with any accuracy.

The real problem we are facing is uncontrolled global population growth.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Why do you assume I listen to (watch) Fox News? </div></div>

The constant refrain (in various forms) of "<span style="font-style: italic">There's two sides to every story.</span>" is a dead giveaway.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> What I disagree with is the near hysteria and INSISTANCE by "degreed professionals" that they KNOW what is happening, WHY it is happening, and what WILL happen in the future if we don't do what they say. When in fact they KNOW none of the above but are merely postulating theories which may or may not prove to be true. </div></div>

Turn that around, and leave out the infammatory "hysteria" angle. The presumption becomes: "<span style="font-style: italic">Experts are <span style="text-decoration: underline">useless</span>. And since it's comfortable to pretend a layman's opinion that nothing is wrong is meaningful, <span style="text-decoration: underline">LET'S PARTY!</span></span>

Which sounds like the reasoned position to you?

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> "There's two sides to every story." is a dead giveaway. </div></div>

Absolutely mind boggling! I am truly astounded. You might want to give that rejoinder a little more thought.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Which sounds like the reasoned position to you?


A reasoned position would be that parroting untested theories of prognostication as if they were gospel is foolish.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Turn that around </div></div>

Why would I turn that around? The reciprical of a statement often has no connection with the original statement. Which was, to paraphrase, " degreed professionals are often mistaken ". Pretty hard to dispute that.......Bob

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Guest Dan Cook

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: HarryJ</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Again folks, this is the Buick forum. </div></div>

I was reminded of this fact several months ago when the Pearl Harbor thread was zapped before it got passed it's first page.

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I think the "Powers that be" took some heat over that one. Plus this thread is at least marginally connected to the Hobby vis-a-vis we need fuel to function. The Harbor thread also got pretty political pretty quickly with warming tempers. This thread has stayed mostly civil, and I might add, pretty entertaining given some of the logic displayed.

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Guest John Chapman


As in times past, we're in violent agreement... the climate is changing... can you believe two weekends in April where the temp was over 100 in my back yard? We're differing on the cause(s) and the remed(ies).

As for the LA article... I think gas at five bucks a gallon will accomplish pretty much what they intend without establishing yet another greedy profit center for SoCal (Socialist State of California).

Now, if we could...

Stop building freeways and expanding existing freeways and <span style="text-decoration: underline">invest</span> in integrated rail/light rail/urban mass transit

Refuse to approve new housing and business park developments that make driving and multiple car families a necessity of daily life

Make it a requirement that bottled water companies pay an oil use royalty and that the return deposit on a PET bottle is at least $1. It would also be helpful to require labels that depict the bottle as requring on quarter of its volume in oil to produce, fill, and ship.

Impose a fuel use surcharge on air travel of less than 250 miles (total trip) immediately and ladder it up as other mass transit becomes available.



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Here's a few more good ideas to save energy......

Require all auto tires to be out of round to make driving uncomfortable.

Require everyone to live no more than 10 feet from anyone else thus getting rid of those pesky lawns.

Make all pets illegal thus saving millions of tons of food not to mention the reduction in flatulance (green house gas). Gold fish would be allowed but only with tap water.

Tax the crap out of everything and anything that uses energy but is enjoyable and makes living worthwhile.

Outlaw restaurants. Everyone can stay at home and eat. Of course Starbucks is exempted.

Allow no new housing at all. Let them live with their parents.

Allow no new factories. Let the Chinese waste THEIR oil.

Regulate/tax the crap out of everything. Just look at the mess 200+ years of free enterprise has made of this country.

Pay no attention to the economic chaos draconian mucking about would cause, or to the multi millions of people who would lose their livlihoods. The law of unintended consequenses would of course be suspended until further notice..........Bob

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Bob, as usual you're right on. And I do love the out-of-round tire idea. I'm surprised the greenies haven't thought of that one yet!

And Dave, it's really hard to take you seriously with that signature, "I stand by all the misstatements that I've made."


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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Gary_N</div><div class="ubbcode-body">And Dave, it's really hard to take you seriously with that signature, "I stand by all the misstatements that I've made." </div></div>

Actually, I think that's either a GW Bushism or maybe even a Dan Quayle gem.

<span style="font-style: italic">"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice...uh...won't get fooled again."</span> -George W. Bush

Man I love that one.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Bhigdog</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Require all auto tires to be out of round to make driving uncomfortable.</div></div>

And I know, we can do this and get a triple win....stop making the tires with automated machinery. Force workers to construct the tires by hand. This makes for

1) a really out of round tire (the purpose stated above)

2) means less pollution as the mahines are turned off

3) means we'll need to hire many more people to do this and that's a huge increase in the workforce. And since it'll be a skilled trade, that means it'll be a well paying job at that!

If we keep putting our minds to this, we can solve all the worlds problems.

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<span style="font-style: italic">"I stand by all the misstatements that I've made."</span> is a Quayleism from 1989. I thought it the ultimate description of topics like this one until Steven Colbert invented the term <span style="font-style: italic"><span style="font-weight: bold">"Truthiness"</span></span>.

Lately I've been looking for something better. smile.gif

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