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Breakfast Meeting for BCA Forum Members, BCA National Meet


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More than 300 registrations have been received for the upcoming Buick National Meet near Seattle, and they're rolling in daily. Among the recent registrations is one from Nicola Bulgari, who will display his magnificent 1935 96S -- a Pebble Beach winner.

During recent months, I've heard from many people who indicate that they plan to come. As I look at the registration list, however, I see that many who have expressed an interest have not yet registered.

Your opportunity to register your Buick for judging is drawing to a close within a couple of weeks, so now is the time to take a few minutes and get that registration form in the mail.

Looking forward to seeing you all in Seattle in a few weeks!

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We've discussed providing an opportunity for BCA forum members to meet together during the Buick National Meet.

I propose that we meet together on Friday morning (July 27) at 6:45 AM at Basil's Kitchen in the Bellevue Hilton (host hotel). I figure that those of you living in time zones to the east will be up and ready to go by about 4:00 AM Pacific time!

The 6:45 time should allow us to enjoy breakfast before any business meetings or other activities get underway.

What do you think? I will plan to set aside a couple of tables in advance.

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Guest imported_Thriller

I think I'm in...I guess I'm usually up by then, but may have adapted to local time grin.gif

Of course, if the wife and kids get up too, we're pretty much a table by ourselves.

Things are starting to fall in place for me...I'll talk with Suzanne after she gets home, but if I had to make a decision right now, we'd be changing our registration to bring the '41...I may be sending an e-mail in the next couple of days.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: The Old Guy</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Brian

That sounds like a plan! I will make the sacrifice and get up at that "ungodly" hour , just to put faces to all the DFersIhave chatted with here. </div></div>

Brian, I'lll be there, too! Then we can all wander off right before 8AM to the BCA Board of Directors Meeting to see what they will do for us in the coming year! And find out who our new Board Members and officers will be!

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Guest imported_Thriller

In part because our initial plan didn't involve a prewar Buick, we made plans to visit some of my in-laws on the Oregon coast. Suzanne only gets 4 weeks of holidays after all smirk.gif As it is, we'll be about 3 weeks away from home. So, unfortunately, any after-tour is not going to be in the picture for us. I know we'd enjoy going, but we don't get to see this branch of the family very often.

Yes, if I switch my registration, it will be to the '41. I've got a local club member's trailer lined up. I should know in a couple of days what the status of the Wildcat is, then I'll make the call.

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Guest imported_MrEarl

Lean a couple of seats on a table for me. 6:45 AM eh..., that's bout the time I'll be gettin in from the honky tonks. Y'all do have honky tonks with real hardwood dance floors up there don't ya. smile.gif

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Guest imported_Thriller

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: MrEarl</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Lean a couple of seats on a table for me. 6:45 AM eh..., that's bout the time I'll be gettin in from the honky tonks. Y'all do have honky tonks with real hardwood dance floors up there don't ya. smile.gif </div></div>

Man...it's all about softwood in that part of the world smirk.gif

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Derek's right about the softwoods -- Douglas Fir to be exact.

Don't you realize that folks in Seattle are way too cool and sophisticated for honky tonks, MrEarl? We're really more into coffee houses up here.

I haven't been visiting any honky tonks recently, MrEarl, but I'm sure that we can fix you up with some appropriate tourist destinations. You see, there's this biker bar up in Granite Falls . . .

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As of Saturday, June 30, 337 registrations have been received (689 people total), and it's great to see your names among them. The registrations are arriving at a fast and furious pace, and we're looking forward to a great time to begin in about three weeks.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: MrEarl</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Wake up folks


What? What? is it time for the forum breakfast??

Brian, they should see mine on Monday, as wella as a few others, so I've been told! cool.gif

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Okay, I think my head has clicked into sleepless, hyper-boy mode, and I'm responsible for only a few items. It's going to be a fun time, with everyone putting as much time into the final preparations as possible. Looks like the pieces are coming together, and the final hour registration response has been tremendous. It's fun to look over the list of registered cars, and I'm especially pleased to see that we'll have a nice showing of pre-war models.

A late addition is a special display from the Puget Sound Chapter, showcasing the historic Mueller-Harkins Buick dealership / distributorship of Tacoma. Mueller held the Buick franchise from 1916 to 1953, and his granddaughter is loaning some incredible archival material from Mueller's collection. Some of the great images have been scanned into a PowerPoint presentation that will run throughout the meet, and, even more exciting, we have received permission to bring the huge, original architectural model for the streamline moderne 1948 Buick building to the National Meet. Be sure to check it out in the room just to the left of the meet registration tables.

I'll be seeing some of you in less than two weeks, so I'm hoping you all have a safe and fun time in your travels to Seattle.

I hope to see you all at Basil's Kitchen in the Bellevue Hilton on Friday, July 27, 6:45 AM.

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Guest imported_MrEarl

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: buick5563</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I'm really bummed I can't make it.

Mike frown.gif </div></div>

can't make the breakfast or the meet?

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: MrEarl</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: buick5563</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I'm really bummed I can't make it.

Mike frown.gif </div></div>

can't make the breakfast or the meet? </div></div>

The meet. Not enough vacation time.


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I am so sorry that I can't make the meet this year. I will miss the opportunity to meet all you great friends at this forum site, but the forces of negative finances have conspired, and won.

I do hope you'll have the greatest of meets, and look forward to pictures of what I should have seen personally. Have a great breakfast meeting folks. This is what the BCA should be about. Friends!!!


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Guest imported_MrEarl

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: JohnD1956</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I am so sorry that I can't make the meet this year. I will miss the opportunity to meet all you great friends at this forum site, but the forces of negative finances have conspired, and won.

I do hope you'll have the greatest of meets, and look forward to pictures of what I should have seen personally. Have a great breakfast meeting folks. This is what the BCA should be about. Friends!!!

JD </div></div>

John, Mike, Serb, I am really sorry you guys can't make it. This is going to be a special treat for Rita and myself. As my mom lives with us and requires someone to be here to care for her, we have not been able to go on a vacation together for over 10 years. After missing the last two meets we committed last year to make this one and it looks like it is actually going to happen. This will be her first national meet. And hey what better way to celebrate a 25th wedding anniversary.

But hey, there's alway next year, and what a party that's gonna be.I hope to borrow Jordans laptop so we can send pictures daily.

We'll miss ya dudes!!

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Guest imported_MrEarl

OK what do we have to do to get you folks outa bed and down to breakfast at 6:45 in the mornin, give out door prizes or something. Fine then, here's my contribution. Anybody else got sumpin ya wanna contribute.


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Glad to see you're able to make this one Lamar. I was so looking forward to going and meeting up with everyone. Safe Travels.. Maybe you can start a new thread , Stewardesses on Laps or something? Nah, probably a bad idea if your on your 25th anniversary.

Enjoy, we'll look forward to a report when you're back.


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Steve, thirty-three vendors have registered for forty-three vendor spaces. I know that some very long-time Buick collectors in my area are selling parts for the first time at a National Meet. Based on the names I'm seeing, I suspect that we'll see quantities of pre-war Buick parts -- especially '39, '40, and '41 -- that have not been offered before. I'm just speculating about the items they'll offer for sale, but those are the model years that a couple of these guys have collected for decades.

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I'll have a couple of goodies too, A 1955 Buick Owners Manual, have no idea where i got it but it's up for grabs, and some other little ad for some dodad, somebody needs, see you all soon! Have a safe trip whether you are driving or flying, drive safe to the airport, too!

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Hi guys/gals....

Is the breakfast still on for Friday morning? I just wanted to confirm the time and place before my daughter and I hop in the car tomorrow morning and head up for the meet. I am quite excited to not only see a great gathering of Buicks, but to also put some names to faces with you folks as well !

I'll see if I can scrounge up something for the grab-bag/door prizes--- I just know I have a few 1956 Buick related item around here somewhere... wink.gif



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1st Picture: Centurion, Bill Stoneberg, Variable Pitch, Wildcat62

2nd & 3rd Picture: TXbuicks,Mr. Earl, Wildcat62,Paul Meyer, Old Tank, Budd

Not Pictured, The Old Guy, Patrick and Mary Brooks,and Buick Racer(behind the camera)

Did I miss anyone else that was there?? A Great Time! Do it again next year in FLINT!

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Guest imported_Thriller

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: BUICK RACER</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Did I miss anyone else that was there?? A Great Time! Do it again next year in FLINT! </div></div>


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