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Everything posted by auburnseeker

  1. Also remember the "value" we put on our old cars (monetarily speaking) is purely speculative and probably atleast slightly adjusted higher than retail. Especially on the black market. Some would take days to excavate from our garages.
  2. I don't have a firewall that I know of, I'm using a MAC desktop on Wifi from my Verizon/ spectrum modem.
  3. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Paranoid?^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Yahoo ebay and Amazon with Facebook leading the march already knows more than this survey will ever collect, just from looking up one thing on any of the sites. Do you also cover your license plate when taking pictures to post on craigslist? Ok enough for now. Just have a little fun with it.
  4. A western junk yard might be your best bet for a roof rack. When I was toying with the idea of finishing up a 56 Dodge (ironically pink and gray) wagon I had, A whole car came up on ebay for parts and it had a roof rack. It was out west somewhere. You will want to find something out that way if it's on a junk car as all the uprights are potmetal and would probably cost a fortune to replate ones with any degree of pitting. Cool looking car. I still have an NOS tail fin light housing with nice western tail lights in it, in my office, I never let go with the car when I sold it.
  5. I've been experiencing the same problem. I'm using a MAc.
  6. Can't beat the price. Good thing it's not closer or I would be hauling it home.
  7. They were 58's with the quad headlights. 57's had the park light next to the headlight, kind of looking like the extra headlight. I never read the book. Were they 57's in the book?
  8. Looks like a good score. I've determined this will probably be the best route to go for my Cord as well. For what guys want for individual pieces, they quickly add up to a whole parts car. The car also acts as a big set of directions on how all the parts fit together on your car. You also get all those little parts, that no one remembers where they go when they come in a big coffee can. Really valuable when putting a car together like yours and mine. Mine had a 40's Flathead Cadillac rear wheel drive conversion, so you and I are in similar boats. Good luck.
  9. I don't mind a driver/ beater type car, but I doubt there is any upper hand in a trade for my car for him, so It probably wouldn't work. Scares me a little as well, having compression and oil pressure but not running? Doesn't take much more to get it running unless there is something expensive wrong, not mentioned. It's a whole lot easier to move under it's own power, that to push and winch to move it around a shop.
  10. Actually the funny thing is I don't think project 57 Chevies have gone up alot in price in the last 30 years. Nice done cars can be had in the 30's. Not perfect but pretty nice. I remember as a 16 year old kid lusting after a 2 door hardtop that had some rust in the floors, totally trashed chrome and a cobbled up interior with alot of it being in primer, sitting at a local gas station fro sale and it was atleast $6500. I don't even remember if it had an engine, but was like this someone's old hot rod or drag car (less the straight axle) I bought my 56 Olds hardtop a year or two later because 57's were crazy priced and it was $2500 plus my army trunk full of 80's GI Joe toys for the seller's son. That was in 1992. Fast forward to now and that same 57 chevy would probably be worth about 6500 still. Victoria lynne had a good example of a 2 door tri five for around 10G I believe. The project cars needed to build a car like the one above aren't real expensive. I've seen alot of 4 doors priced close to what you can buy the same 2 door for with a little dilligence.
  11. I just looked at that ad. I would trade my Cord for that. Is the upholstery correct? It looks a bit off, style/ pattern wise. It would have been nice to see a shot of the engine as well.
  12. So if you once owned a v-12 car without the engine, where does that put you? About ready to graduate to manhood?
  13. The header convertible top components are all the same part number for 1935 and 1936 Mopar so I believe they used the same atleast upper cowl, so the windshield should interchange on all if that helps. Convertibles only of course of either 4 or 2 door configurations.
  14. For some reason I didn't see that thread but I did see the car on Ebay. If it goes cheap enough it could be alot of fun. Now if I could find an Auburn Speedster like that at that price range I would be all over it. By the way that is a really nice C2. Some day I'll have to pony up the money and get one. I've had a Fuelie C1 and a 427 400HP C3. Only problem Is I probably won't be happy with a 300 HP glide car which is all I will be able to afford when I finally get around to buying one.
  15. One good thing with hijacking, more replies, means it goes to the top each time and keeps it fresh.
  16. Is that a pole on the back of the first Vette? Looks like maybe a Stern light?
  17. With the wood it has to be the sport version of the roadmaster estate wagon. Verified by the trailer tow mirror package and roof rack.
  18. I don't mind helping if the guy is serious. One guy did buy a nice 42 Dodge I think it was 3 window coupe that I had spotted on the local craigslist and passed along. Before I really tell people I'm looking I already have a realistic amount of capitol available and likewise, realistic goals set for what I'm Looking for. Every time I have bought something like what I was looking for. Too bad it wasn't an A. I would have to give this one a second look.
  19. Yes there was a guy looking I sent several that looked to really fit his criteria and they all got vetoed. I think the problem was it boiled down to wanting a 25G car for 10G. This on looks like a good candidate as mentioned for someone looking for one of these.
  20. Now this is a typical Northeast car. Not only is it seasoned but the vultures have picked it's bones pretty clean. Says it includes the drivetrain which is still in it. Being nothing else is included, I can't imagine it was much good when it was parked or would have been harvested as well.
  21. That's not rusty in the North East. They call that solid around here. I've seen much worse being touted as much better. Too new for me any way.
  22. That Caddy has surface rust on all the top surfaces and lots of side surfaces where it might have been stripped off. Definitely not one that's going to clean up with out some sort of respraying.
  23. Everything is bigger in Texas. They did mention a 1918 Buick. Maybe that one is the one under the cover? probably the one next to the one under the cover though.
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