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Everything posted by pepcak

  1. What are the pipe sizes in/out/side? Do you still have it? Josef
  2. pepcak

    floor heater

    Hi JB, thanks for notice. If you can make some pictures of the whole setup, that would be great. My email is pepcak@volny.cz. Josef
  3. pepcak

    floor heater

    Hi, I would like to try to install floor heater into my 1928 Buick limo. The body is off, so a good opportunity for some fancy item. Now, I have the heater but there are some open questions as how it should work. I assume there must be some paralel branch from exhaust pipe (behind the silencer) that attaches to the input. The exhaust gas then does the loop and returns to the main pipe. What I do not know, if there is supposed to be any valve / gate of some sort to control gas flow into the heater. I cannot imagine the exhaust gas looping there permanently. Second question I have what is the purpose of four small doors at the bottom of the heater body (apparently they should be controlled from top) - I guess that opening them causes more fresh air entering from under the radiator and thus improving the heater function. But I have some asbestos(?) plate inside so no air can input the heater. Seems that this plate should not be there, or? If anybody here has some pictures if such an installation or manufacturer instructions as how to install it, that would be really appreciated. Thanks, Josef
  4. I can supply you with new made stainless steel return pipe if you are in need. Josef at pepcak@volny.cz http://forums.aaca.org/f165/need-fabricator-1930-60-series-water-294037.html
  5. Anybody recognise this part? i-Vetern.cz :: Zobrazit tma - Nco na auto-veterna prosm o identifikaci
  6. This is 1927 Standard axle cut view if it helps. Are you sure it is the wheel wobbling, not only the rim loose or not true?
  7. Typically you should not expect many experts on american cars in Czech Republic, another story would be if you had Czech car at your picture :-) Check this topic on aaca. http://forums.aaca.org/f143/1936-dodge-sedan-four-door-221364.html
  8. Guys, when I was a child our family had this Wartburg. I do not think they came out as pick-up from factory and I also think the front axle here is not original. While it had described freewheeling device, the hub was never that massive. Nice execution was two seat roadster or sport coupe with 50 HP engine. WARTBURG 311, 1000 - technika Wartburg 311 [KRUPKA.EU] Sorry, the pages are in Czech only.
  9. That seems really strange. OD of brake band should have given you (more than) correct lenght. Didnt you use OD of brake drum instead? Supposedly you have had to work with OD of the lining (not ID) or brake band ID. If you use PI factor (3,14) on 2X lining thickness (I assume 2x1/4"=1/2") then your calculated difference is approximately 1 1/2" on lenght, which is the difference you observe. You cannot negotiate with math - the formula for circle lenght is PIxD as you likely know. My 28 part list show the exact lenght of lining required for a car, so it could be the same case for 25 part list as well. Another reason to spend some money on part lists. Josef
  10. Hi, two remarks from Bohemia :-) Czech carmakers started to produce LHD cars in first half of 30s in anticipation of the changeover (from left side traffic) but the official authorities were hesitating with the change. Once Germans entered the country in March 1939 the changeover happened just overnight. The registration is from Bohemia, county Kraslice. The style of registration is of 1932 and onwards. Josef
  11. Its easy, I started my search with Horch and then among Horch pictures spotted this Audi. :-) You can see beautiful examples of this model under links. August Horch Museum 2010 Audi Museum Ingolstadt 2005
  12. looks like an Audi :-) Audi Worldwide > Company > History > Audi Type SS "Zwickau" Pullman saloon, 1929 I am also surprised with logo, but being no expert I take it as is. Everyday you learn something new. We have to remember, that famous 4 rings Audi has today had different meaning before the WW2 - it stood for Auto Union trust that incorporated Audi, Horch, DKW and Wanderer. And yes, the Rickenbacker connection is there too :-)
  13. try me :-) http://forums.aaca.org/f165/need-fabricator-1930-60-series-water-294037.html
  14. I think Chevrolet had an assembly plant in Germany, but typically these product loked quite the same as american counterparts. This body seems to be one off by one of local coach builders.
  15. Hi, yep, I would think the picture has been taken somewhere in central Europe (Czechoslovakia, Germany or so...) Unfortunately no story with the picture.... I think not only Graham introduced new model year in the middle of previous year - e.g. model years at Buick were from August to July. Josef
  16. Incorrect headlamps I would say....
  17. They suggest custom built body, but 1932 Chevrolet looks just right...
  18. Does enybody recognise this roadster? Seems to be american... Josef
  19. Keiser, have another look at that "smoke" and check the outline of the "smoke" around windscreen, sun visor, roof and then upwards around leaves on a tree. Photoshopping of some kind that also cut sharp edge of radiator- I bet.
  20. John, unfortunately I cannot help you - I am almost sure I found this picture on ebay / internet and downloaded it because I liked it.... Josef
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