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Everything posted by mercer09

  1. well Matt, they are calling for 100-150. but the car does have a good bit of wear. 840 is a top of the line model........... who knows. time will tell.
  2. If things were different out here I would jump on it. And would not change a thing. You will find a buyer/trade. Tough to beat the looks of an open Cord. I had your Auburn, timing is everything. couldnt agree more. 5 years ago I would have been all over this cord. I am winding down a little and carefully choosing my battles........ time is running out and I have plenty of cars to spend time on for the rest of my life.
  3. well, if it were mine, which it wont be- black fenders and aprons and black carpet would do the trick.............. in your period image note the fact the fenders on the car are painted black and the carpets are brown. I am guessing it also sells for 110k with fees. very desirable car, if it is correct.
  4. same car as Rainmain except for colors............
  5. Also, the folding rear windshields are an abomination to styling and should always be removed from the car for resale. Now, A real dual cowl is a 50% premium on the phaeton, but that is a different story. very interesting.........while I understand there is a difference, never realized it was that great on all of the configurations.
  6. It’s not a phaeton..........it’s a seven passenger touring........about half the price of a phaeton. Ed, would you be so kind as to explain the pricing? curious why the 5 seater is worth double the 7 seater..........
  7. I love it and am surprised that I do, as I dont like the normal thunder birds at all!
  8. ttttttttttttttttttt can trade with cash for pre 1940............ rdz69@aol.com
  9. ford 1920-1940 trucks 1930-1950s motorcycles 1900-1950s rdz69@aol.com
  10. ford from 1920-1940 all trucks from 1930-1950s motorcycles 1900-1950s looking for ten lot minimum............ rdz69@aol.com can also trade
  11. 70 is the new 50. yeah, sure. keep telling yourself that.................. wish I could believe it..............!
  12. Those hinged bed sides were a great idea - too bad other makes didn't copy them. The corvair vans had fold down sides that turned into ramps. they were even cooler if you owned a landscape business!
  13. dont forget shipping...............................
  14. ’m getting older now.......and my time is getting shorter, and my effort to fix things is getting much harder. I now wear glasses to read and fix things........makes it much more difficult to make repairs and diagnose problems. sounds like someone is on a Geritol diet.............
  15. It depends on how one defines affordable. reminds me of people saying throughout life- that guy is rich................... what is rich? please define. I am rich in spirit...........................................................................................................................lol!
  16. Yeah, I just let the qualified engine builder do whatever he suggested. Sticker shock? Absolutely! But that wound is healing slowly. all depends who is doing the work- if you are having everything done by somebody else, well sure you are losing money. Many of us on this and other sites have actually made a decent buck on the cars. Its knowing when and how much to sink into a car. no diff then rebuilding a home. There is always a cut off point depending on location and scope of said project.
  17. I know the voices aren't real but damn they have some good ideas!
  18. there was a set on ebay recently for 1200.
  19. 38 and 39 was the barrel nose grill- doesnt appear to be that divided windshield and pu makes sense...........
  20. Merry Christmas Vicente!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would like to trade places with you right now. ronn
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