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Everything posted by mikewest

  1. Jeff Thanks for the picture . I have not contacted that man yet. I will in the next week. I think this car is as sharp looking as a any I have fixed. The colors just seem to work together. When Im picking 2 tone colors I always try to pick two in the same color plain. Just to clarify, the dark cherry on the body and the wine color are both the same color , just one darker than the other. I have a automotive paint color fan from a high end paint store and I use 2 colors on the same spectrum from light to dark.
  2. Thanks Jeff for the picture of my 1932 Peerless Master 8 I restored around 1990. The body color looked almost black in low light. When I bought the car it was all black. Back in the day... I painted everything 2 shades of red or maroon.
  3. Interesting.... How much was he asking for my car?? Im curious. So you dont have the currect owners address? The first buyer bought the Continental 12K that came from the 1931 I parted out.
  4. Someone in SC bought what? My 32 that went to Calf? or the restorod from my area?
  5. Ive owned 2 - 1932 Auburns , both had a kick shackle ... no problems noted.
  6. Jeff, I dont remember if I every sent you a picture of the 32 I restored. I painted the car Studebaker Black cherry. This car sat in a barn with a 27 Peerless 6 cyl sedan also thats now in the Norwich NY museum. When I restored the 32 , I went to Sanford Florida and bought a 31 Master 8 sedan for the fenders. They were cherry and mine were hammered. The remains of the 31 is still here in town rebuilt as a rest-o-rod.
  7. Amazing how the gas has gone up since the new administration....
  8. Here is a Autocar I I bought for $600.00 , a 1919 2 cyl model. It was part of a fleet of trucks at Dispatch Coal and Produce Co Rochester NY . Tis truck serviced the furnaces in East Rochester at the "Car Shops" where rail road cars were built and repaired. If you look close the name on the side can still be seen. It had a high lift coal body on it that 2 compartments. I rebuilt it to good running and driving condition before I was 20 years old. (Im 63 today) The body was power up and gravity down with a hand brake on a drum. It was 3 speeds forward . It had a real jack rabbit clutch that I never bothered to take apart and investigate. The new owner had me install the whitewalls before it left NY. I remember tracing the rusty seat tins on some galvanized sheet metal I bought at a local heating and cooling shop. I guess I didnt pickle it enough because its started to trew its paint. The red brackets above the fender is a cab mount. I never got around to making the C Cab. On the left front wheel is a Veeder Root wheel odometer . I think it showed like 3000 miles. Today its in a museum in Calgary, Alberta. Hope you enjoyed the story. The older I get the more I like to tell the history of vehicles that went through my ownership.
  9. I took a Franklin for a drive tonight. Hoping its going to be warm threw the weekend.
  10. Hi everyone, curious if there is a Kelsey Motorette group or a person that keeps a roster of cars known. There was one here in Livonia where I live until the 1940s. I recently ran across a article of where it went to. I have a video of it being driven around town in a parade. Mike West
  11. You need to call him as I just remembered its only advertised on the club Service station mailer. He is a great guy , give hinm a call.
  12. Yes Get new wheels made. We had a guy in town who had a teens Federal truck and he soaked his hard rubber tires/ wheels in the pond for a few days every year until he tried soaking them in oil. I think that solved the problem longer that soaking in water.
  13. On the H H Franklin web site is a very cool 1930 Franklin pickup for sale . The seller is Gordon Howard. 860 871 6442 Make sure if you call him his friend Mike West sent you.
  14. Im cleaning out some odd tools from my tool chest Ive never used and one item is a K-D 339 Valve spring lifter. Its a neat little jack with a ratchet action to raise and lower the valve spring to remove the locks . Google says its correct for 1935 1936 1937 1938 and 1939 motors. Its in perfect condition . Im pricing it at half of what others are asking on Ebay and the net. $65.00 plus $5.00 shipping. Mike 585 738 1541
  15. Here is the 1932 Peerless Master 8 sedan I restored in the early 1990s. It is a funny story how I came by it. I had just come home from Carlisle PA fall flea market and had a pocket full of money. I sold a car and a truck load of parts. My brother had told me weeks ago about a guy he worked with had some cars for sale as he was moving soon. Rick knew two of the cars were Nash Metropolitan's but no idea what the others were... So it was Sunday ,I made the call and was invited to come look. The seller "Earl " let us in a oversized garage pole barn and said everything is for sale. There was the two Metros, a Model B Ford Doodlebug, Alis Chalmers B tractor and in the corner 2 Peerless cars. I didnt want to look to anxious so I looked over everything else first and the Peerless cars last. It wasnt long and I owned the 1932. There was a lot of stuff to move so I stayed put and sent my wife home to get the F250 and the trailer. Within 2 hours the car was loaded and headed home. The other Peerless was a 1927 6 cyl sedan. I eventually bought it also and and resold it to a friend. Its now in the North East Classic Car Museum In Norwich NY . I painted my 32 Studebaker Black Cherry . It was a good car , had a Continental 13K straight 8 motor. I didnt run it too far or long as the wrist pins rattled pretty good after it got warm. It was a a speedy car by any means. Plenty of power , but very gear bound. My 1930 Franklin 7 passenger sedan would run the ass off it on any grade and had better brakes. The car is in a garage in Calf. now and never heard any more about it. Note - The 1932 Peerless cars were actually leftover 1931 models . There was no difference in them.
  16. Actually those #s are pretty nice.... Try striping off all the paint and use a sharp ice pick and clean out the numbers.
  17. What is the outside diameter?
  18. They ate some of their own lunch posting that first start. It sounded like a worn out Franklin. Was there oil in the motor?
  19. Remove wash # 2. No idea why it would be there. The gasket is supposed to be thin. Lock it down with the #1 washer and gasket. See if you can feel lash between the gears.
  20. It sounds like a COUPE that has had a BRUSHCUT. Stay away from it.
  21. For 55K they would have to threw in a airplane ride. It does look good though....
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