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Everything posted by Booreatta

  1. I would think that you are lucky that you ins company covered the cost, I have heard that some companys want to decline to repair or simply total the car
  2. Padgett you are correct and this car has been on E-Bay several times. It is an interesting car but I dont think the value is there yet.
  3. Dave I had no idea that you were having health problems, I wondered where you were in Colo Springs, we miissed ya. Keep us posted as to your progress and we will pray for a speedy and complete recovery. Chuck
  4. craig the Reatta Division is a division of the BCA. With out the BCA there would not be a Reatta club as we know it. I really dont think that a Reatta club would survive due to the number of cars and the distance to get everybody togather. Most of the members of the Reatta division also own Buicks of other years and makes. I think it is the right thing to do, bring everybody togather to socialze and compare notes, something that could not be done with out the Reatta Division. I realize that some people dont agree with this but if someone started a Reatta club outside the BCA I dont see how it would survive. Most places would only have a hand full of cars in the area. The Meet in Pa. had 10 cars and I think that is super to have that many, but that is also the problem. there are a lot more cars out there but because of distance more cars can not make the trip. The BCA will have a lot of cars and the Reattas will be the largest group and the are a bunch of good folks having fun with our cars. Give the BCA a try and lets cruise to Iowa. in 2010 Chuck
  5. Good Job in getting the cars togather, it is a rare site indeed. It is my mission this year to get all owners of our cars to become members of the BCA and Reatta Divison members so we can all get togather at the National meet in Ames Iowa in July 2010. Please contact all the car owners and ask them to Join the Reatta Div. It is hoped that we have the largest turnout of cars for the cruise. It is in our best interest to make the Reatta grow and last year we did. While the membership in the BCA shrunk a bit we grew so lets grow some more. You have made a great start Lets show the rest of the Buick guys that we are the leaders of the club and we can show the way of growth in the future BECOME A MEMBER OF THE BCA AND REATTA DIVISION and join the fun Booreatta in WIchita Kansas
  6. there is still a windshield for sale on ebay item number is 230355345367 you might want to give then a shout. I agree with the above post that Jim Finn is a good source of parts and he is and honest person
  7. I was honored to meet Domenick on several occasions and can remember his sense of humor. He was quick on his feet and did a lot of good for the Reatta Division. He is already missed. Chuck Kerls Booreatta
  8. Just wanted to take a min and thank all that attended the Buick National in Colo Springs. It was a good time for all. Our cars looked great and it was good to see everybody. I am really proud of all of the quality cars that we have in our club. It was not a good thing when our meeting was ended when the fire alarm went off and we all had to leave the hotel. No one was hurt and I was told it was a boiler that had issues and some of the members of the BCA had no hot water. Not a good thing. Congrats to all who won the awards, it takes a lot of work to win a gold, silver or bronze, award, it shows the quality of our cars and the respect our club is getting. Take a few min and display your BCA and Reatta DIV number in your signature line. If you are not a member you need to be. The national next year will be in Ames Iowa. It sounds like a good time Drive safely
  9. Well I know that some of you left for the Nationals in Colo Springs, so who is going and is anyone comming thru Kansas? We are leaving on Monday sometime and will make a stop in Lamar Colo and then on to Colo Springs some time on Tuesday and arrive late Tuesday nite. Anybody close let me know Chuck
  10. we will be leaving Wichita Kanasa heading for Colo SPrings on Monday and will spend the night in Lamar Colo and then on to the springs on Tuesday at noon. Should arrive in Colo SPrings by 5pm Anybody heading our way?
  11. I dont know what caused the issues with the Host hotel, but from knowing the area, I can tell everybody that the Double Tree is just as nice if not nicer than the host hotel. I am looking forward to the Nationals this year because the Springs are a great part of the US and the weather is usually great and there is a lot of stuff to do. I look at it this way, I usually dont spend much time in my room so it really dont matter much to me. George has promised a good rendezvous and I think that we have 20 to 25 Reattas registered already, so let the good time roll and forget the hotel issues. Everyone will have a great time See ya in Colo Springs Chuck
  12. Jerry sorry that you want to sell your car. I remember it from Seattle and It is a very clean and well maintained car. Good luck I will vouch for it. See ya in the Springs Chuck Kerls Booreatta@cox.net
  13. Saw on the news tonight the "CASH FOR CLUNKERS" is working its way thru congress, wonder how many great cars will be crushed? Will this make the parts for our cars dry up? This is something that needs to be watched. I guess if you turn in your car for a more fuel efficient ride the government will give you a voucher for $4500.00. There are a lot of our cars out there in that price range.
  14. vincent who bumped us I have not gotten a letter, what does your letter say and who is it from? you can email me at booreatta@cox.net if you please Thanks Chuck
  15. Ihave loaned my Riviera Convertible several times to be used in parades. I make sure that they sit on the front of the boot area and always make them use a pillow. Have never had a problem. As someone mentioned before watch the high heels, they must come off before they get in the car,period
  16. There is a book on the market that you can get at most book stores and the values are somewhat better OLD CARS PRICE GUIDE
  17. Dave nice stuff, which one are you driving to Colo Spgs for the Nationals? Bring both of them......
  18. Barney and Bob the one that I have has PROOF stamped on the muffler. I had another one also with nothing on the muffler and it did not have the stand with it. I sold it a couple of years ago to another member in Arizona. There was also one that was for sale by a vendor last summer at the Nationals in Flint. There was nothing on the muffler of that car. I think that Bob Neumann told me he also has one. That all the info I know of Chuck Kerls
  19. Not odd just crazy. I also own a Reatta, Fiero, Riviera and just today a 65 Mustang covertible needing restoration, Yep crazy is the word. I really like the Reatta best, but the Riv is really nice with the grandkids, so each car has a purpose. The Fiero has not seen the light of day for several years
  20. I dont know for sure about how many are left that George has as I have not been able to reach him due to me traveling, but I see where Barney still has some. I would take him up on his offer and make sure that you get one
  21. everytime I have changed one it does the same thing, now I simply put a shop rag around the base and it wont get all over the motor of the car. I doesnt seem to make much difference if you pump the petal 25 or 50 times. Once the petal gets hard it is hard to get any more brake fluid out anyway.
  22. The Reatta Rendezvous this year will be held on Thursday evening July 2, 2009. The total information is in the lastest newsletter. If you are a member of the club and plan go get your registration in asap, if you are not a member and want to join the club its not too late to join up and register. This is always a good time, you will meet new and old friends and everyone has a good time. Colo is a great place for us to see the country side and have a good dinner. The route includes the Garden of the Gods and other places along the way. Thanks to George Madsen for planning the Rendezvous this year and he always does a good job. Make your plans soon and lets have a good time this summer. Chuck
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