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Everything posted by Booreatta

  1. Nic I am like you I have never heard of the convertible model. Maybe it is the pewter, No such luck
  2. My Fiero tossed the belt 2 years ago when the ac comp locked up car has been sitting since. Will restore this car some day in the future, they are really neet cars
  3. Send an email to Barney Eaton, www.barney@texas.net he will get you everything that you need and at a good price and it works well
  4. Thanks guys Dave on this discussion group has located one and maybe with luck it will work, if not I will take one apart and try a repair. Thanks for the help and advise Chuck
  5. Nic you can access the judging manual at Reatta.org. I dont see anything about the bolts that attach the lic. tag. It has been a long time since I have read the whole manual but you can download it at Reatta.org Chuck
  6. I had the Riv out tonight and have a problem with the dash lights. With the headlights off the dash is bright. With the headlights on the dash lights are very dim. Adjusting the brightness at the switch does not make a difference. If I turn the light switch all the way to the left the interior lights work correctly. I guess the place to start would be with the switch itself. Any other ideas of where to start? It does have the twilight feature and it seems to work correctly Ideas? Thanks
  7. I am needing a power window motor for the rear window in my 84 convertible. Does anyone have a source for a new one of repair of my used one. The side I need is the left side in case that makes a difference Thanks
  8. Its easy go to www.buickclub.org and you can join on line.
  9. This would be a good time to make sure that everybody knows that the Buick Bugle is the magazine of the BCA. If you dont belong to the BCA then it wont be mailed to you. If you want it mailed to you around the first of Dec. you might want to join the BCA. There is still time. I know that there are several people here that do not belong to the BCA and will want the magazine. I have a feeling that this will become collectable
  10. Tom Keep the snow....I used a product named diamond gloss from Eastwood Garage on a couple of wheels that I had. It was easy to use and looked good. I had an art student with a steady hand paint the BUICK part of the wheel before I sprayed with the diamond gloss. I was happy with the result and it still looked good when I sold the car Chuck
  11. Well congrats you just doubled your money....My offer $400.00 and I will pick it up tomarrow. Send photo
  12. For those of you guys that enjoy custom cars the world has lost one of the best. Eldon Titus passed yesterday. He leaves a lot of friends around the country. He has touched a lot of people in the car business, you might recognize some of his car, and he will be missed. You can view some of his work at www.carnut.com
  13. Padgett I have owned both a coupe with a sunroof and a convertible and I have not had a problem with either one. I am 6'4" and I will tell you that I cant wear a hat with either car but my head does not touch. Get the vert, you will love it. If you like the Fiero then the Reatta is a joy to drive.
  14. Roy I sounds like it is a radio from a newer gm model. My 99 Malibu has an anti theft that I could set a code on and if anybody removed it from the car it would show LOC. I never set the code because I would not remember it but you may look into that. Good Luck. Bee Carefull Booreatta in Kansas
  15. Lots of good information, does anyone have a lead on a service manual? I am thinking that I am going to take it to a good tranny shop and take this information with me. I appreciate all of the information and I will keep everybody posted when I get it resolved Thanks
  16. Thanks guys I will be able to get to the car when I get back to town and start checking things out. I had a mechanic tell me yesterday that there is a cable under the aircleaner that some time went slack and would allow the tranny to shift much too early. He was a fast talker but said that there is a self adjustment on the throttle cable, he left me thinking but with out the car at hand it is hard to check it out. I do most of my work but I know nothing about trannys Any thoughts on the cable, I really appreciate your help Thanks
  17. My 1984 Riviera mostly when it is hot seems to shift into higher gears too fast and then the motor boggs down. My question is there a cable or servo and if so how is it adjusted? I can manually shift it and it works fine? Any help? Thanks It is the V8
  18. The BCA Bugle is scheduled to feature the Reatta in the December issue The current issue was devoted to the 60 Buicks, next month will be coverage of the National Meet in Flint, November will be part 2 of the 60 Buick and the bingo December the Reatta's.
  19. I saw a 1954 Buick (series 50) Riviera 2 door for sale in Wichita Kansas. It has been restored but it looks like a good restoration. Auto, PS. It has some aftermarket interior but it is in good shape. It has expensive wheels but they are wrong. I am not an expert on the 54s but if some one is looking for one let me know and I will try to get more information. Booreatta@cox.net
  20. No it was the eyes of Texas is what you remember at least you think you remember
  21. Back in the 1970 there was a company that made an air horn named Jubilee Air horn. I think that they were in Nebraska somewhere. It was a compressor and used disks that were interchangable. My question is has anyone everheard of them and are they still in business? Any help?
  22. Kevin, You are 100% correct the December issue of the Bugle is going to be dedicated to our Reattas. That being said, if you are on the discussion group and not a member of the BCA and the Reatta division you are going to miss out. Now is the time to join up and get all of the information, you know that the December issue of the Bugle will become a collector issue for future Reatta owners and it is less that a tank of gas to join up. The Bugle is one of the best club publications being done today and Pete Phillips does and outstanding job and he will be assisted by our own Nancy Eaton for this issue. Join now Don't snooze and loose. Chuck
  23. Welcome I know that you made the right decision. I wish that everybody here would do the same thing, again welcome
  24. Dave Dave Dave pay attention.....Next Superbowl Jets VS Dallas Cowboys or the last qback standing? Get back to cars, something you know something about..... lol
  25. Before I would repair I would check the date of the tire, If it is over 5 yrs old replace it and dont even consider repair. I just replaced the tires on my Convertible due to age even though they had lots of tread on them. My neighbor just had 2 tires on the same car just blow with lots of tread. the tires were over 10 years old. I would do the safe thing replace, it is cheaper in the long run.
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