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Everything posted by Booreatta

  1. I dont remember which side the white gear does not come out easily on but I thought it was the left. what I have always done is separate the motor housing from the base and then the white gear comes right out. the problem is that the brushes are on small springs and they will pop off the windings. what I have done in the past when putting the whole thing back together is to make a hook in 2 paperclips and hold the brushes in place while putting the case back on the motor. It is the fastest way that I have found to do it with out breaking something. I hope that this is clear as it is hard to explane.
  2. I like them both so I have a car with each
  3. Howard you bring up a good point. Lets put names to the faces of these photos, as there are a lot people who never get the chance to meet some of these folks so if any one can identify any of the people make the post. of course a lot of people know who Barney is but Nancy Eaton is the pretty lady on the left in photo 11. In photo 24 you will see Pete Phillips on the right side of the photo he has done a outstanding job as the editor of the Buick Bugle. In photo 30 is Roberta Vasalow who is one of the moderators of this discussion group and one of the co chairs of the up comming National meet in Flint. In photo 38 is Nancy Book of the national office and in 45 you can see Mike Book of the national office. Everytime I attend a Buick function I try to match a name with a photo I have seen in the past. So If you can add any information to this post we can identify everyone. If you dont belong to the BCA the folks in the photos are the best reason to join
  4. Google Michelin Tweel airless tire. Here is the future. I would bet stop sticks wont work........
  5. Does $3.25 per gallon of gas weigh less than $1.29? I think that it weighs less in my pocket. Where are we going as a country? Sorry for the vent
  6. Here is a nice car Reatta Convertible with 2511 miles. Where will the final price end up ebay#200206900967. car is in Ohio. someone here needs to buy this car
  7. does it smell like rotten eggs? check your smart box
  8. Just found a white coupe burgandy interior 80,000 miles at a dealer. Dealer wants too much money but he said he would listen to offers. Car looks to be in great shape. No 16 no cd no sunroof. Rubber looks ok and interior looks very good. Car has correct floor mats. no major flaws on the body. Car has a clean carfax. Dealer info if anyone wants to contact him Jeff Moore general manager AdvantEdge cars 316-262-1200 I have not started or driven the car and dont have any information on the dealer other he has been around for a long time
  9. I have purchased lots of parts from them and never a problem, I always think that the price of the part is good but their shipping is way to high. Other than that they have proven to be very good for me over the years.
  10. DUH Jim the difference between 2057 and 1157 is 900 LOL Chuck
  11. hey post your vin number and let some of the guys and gals see what they can find out.
  12. No comment on this mod at www.disappearing-car-door.com I dont even know if this could be done
  13. King Midget post a photo I havent seen one of those in years and I would bet a lot of guys on this group have never seen one. Talk about a great 2 seater Cool
  14. I need some high speed muffler bearings if anyone has some?
  15. already have the plate, everyone should have a couple of those. They are good looking
  16. Hey hopefully there will be people from all over the country at the Buick National at Flint. The nationals are always a good time. The Reatta div always gets togather and have a good time, getting to know some of the folks on this discussion group. If you dont belong to the BCA and the Reatta div., do so now and lets all get togather in Flint. It will be a good show for sure. Any body going thru the middle of the country lets try to caravan. It will be a 2 day drive from Kanasa, and there is already 4 Buicks hoping to get togather in the KC area. Hard to wait till warmer weather but spring is just around the corner. Some body up north needs to shoot that groundhog.
  17. Are only cheese heads invited? Why dont we ask what Reattas are planning to be there?
  18. yu are right, all of my cars have had names even the old Ford Aerostar that was the worst car by far in my life. And I cant tell you the name of that one???????????????
  19. Well I can add my 2 cents I own 2 Reattas one is a blue coupe and the other is a red convetible. The blue car (booreatta) has less than 60K miles and it has been judged at two Nationals one in Plano Tx and One in Rochester Mn. and both time was awarded gold. The convertible has never been entered in the BCA nationals but we are going to take it to Flint this summer. Both of the cars have all of the options that were offered in 89 and 90. My third Reatta is the pewter car, and It might be worth more that the real cars in the long run. I dont drive mine much as I have 4 other daily drivers so the Reattas just get out in good weather. I would love to have a good Select 60 in the future I want to make a pitch to everyone who is not a member of the Buick Club of America and is not a member of the Reatta Club of America. Join up and lets keep the Reatta one of the best future collectables on the road. Happy motoring Chuck from Kansas Ok I have been asked how Booreatta got its name, a long time ago a very small child was with his parents at a car show and my wife overheard this child say "Hey Mom look at the BOO car". Thats how that happened. Thats my story and I am sticking to it.
  20. Way to go Barney look what you started now and I always thought that I was the trouble maker, I take my hat off to ya
  21. Packers fan? how bout them COWBOYS and Kansas Jayhawks. Our coach can eat your coach
  22. Yah you guys have fun it the frozen north, why do they call it the midwest, It should be the frozen north. Kansas is the midwest and we are under a blizzard warning tonight. Stop sending us your frozen weather. It looks like this year we are going to have 2 seasons, July and agony. Everybody stay warm. signed Global warming Al Gore (just kidding)
  23. I would buy it if it wasnt so darn far from Kansas. It sounds like a perfect daily driver. Any body going west?
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