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Everything posted by Booreatta

  1. I totally agree. Lets be civil to one another, It used to be that way, go back several years and you can see we were a friendly group. I guess it goes back to my childhood training, if you cant say something nice dont say it. I talk to a lot of members from time to time, I have met a lot of you and what I hear is a lot of members that used to come to this site, wont do it anymore because of the backbitting. Im glad things are going to change. Maybe some of the old timers will return.
  2. I agree a larger car is the best choice but I gave all of my kids a car with out a back seat. Solves lots of other problems. Son had a Fiero, daughter had a Reatta a and now my grand daughter will have a Reatta. Too many teen kids in a car cause problems.
  3. I have had that happen in new cars, keep smiling its not getting old, its just getting better. A little love goes a long way.
  4. I always have a problem with snow, but thinkiing back to North Carolina at last summer national when it was over 106 it think, snow might have been nice lol
  5. It is a breath of fresh air to see everybody posting positive items. When I became part of this group 9 or 10 years ago everybody had good things to say and most of the time it helped everybody keep their cars running great. We had a source of reasonable priced parts and they were good parts most of the time. Then came the parts wars. High prices and lots of bitterness. I think it is important to remember that we are guests of the AACA and the Reatta Division have zero to do with the management of this great site. Not all owners of the Reatta visit this site some dont even know about it. I commend Matt for the action to control the Reatta site...Good Job... Now Dave...Thanks for sending all of the snow you could muster to Kansas....21" in a week is unheard of...now I know the meaning of AGONY, but keep your white stuff in WISC. Hope to see everyone in Southbend this summer, If the snow melts in time Chuck
  6. I saw this thread on the Buick site but somehow missed it on the Reatta division. I met Bill at a Reatta Rendezvous, we sat across the table and he mentioned that he had a long career with Eastman Kodak. It was an easy conversation after that, because my dad worked for Eastman Kodak for 60 years. He was a quiet unassuming gentleman and the Buick Club and Reatta Division lost a class act. My thoughts go out to his familly as it is a very difficult time. It takes me back to December 2012 when I lost my father. He had all the same qualities. Rest in peace. Chuck
  7. I met Bill and Annette because of the Reatta connection. It was at a Reatta Rendezvous that my wife and Kathy sat accross the table for dinner and found a common bond as Bill and my father both worked for Eastman Kodak. Bill was very softspoken but it was clear that he loved the company as did my dad. The BCA and Reatta division lost a good friend. My thoughts are with his family and friends. RIP Bill
  8. I am looking for a photo of a metal part that would fit in the barrell of the flashlight. I have all of the parts except some sort of metal to make contact to complete the circuit to light the bulb. If someone out there could send me a photo of the metal parts I am sure I could make something. I can make it work with a paperclip but that is a bit unrelable and crude. Anybody would be appreciated Chuck
  10. I have a set of high speed muffler bearings if any one need some.....still in factory boxes inquire about price....
  11. Welcome to the BCA and the Reatta Division. It looks like you already own a lot of cool rides. Try to make the national meet that the BCA and Reatta division this comming summer in South Bend Indiana. Should be a big show
  12. Had one a long time ago and I wish I would still have it. If you end up with one they are fast runners. That was the engine I wish they had put in the Reatta. That would be a kick ... car
  13. thanks Jayson can you are talking about the wire that runs to the tank? Chuck
  14. no I dont get just the __ I get F and then it goes to 13 and then back to 17 and then anything else at random. I am afraid I will have to drop the tank, and I was hoping to avoid that. thanks for your help Chuck
  15. Last weekend I had the Riv out and the fuel guage was not working. I know that the tank is around half full but it reads full. It is the digital guage. Any ideas where to start to trouble shoot. I am hoping that someone has an easy fix like a ground on the outside of the tank, and if so where do I start to look. Any info would be appreciated
  16. Well welcome to the BCA and the Reatta Division the best dang car club in the USA. Hope you make plans for our National meet in South Bend In. There are lots of folks from Texas and everyone will have a good time. Chuck Kerls
  17. I have a friend who lives in International Falls and he says where he is there only 2 weather seasons. July and agony go figure
  18. And let me guess the radio only plays one band..... BEE GEES "Stayin Alive" it is a stange looking thing. must have been some kind of test equipment
  19. If you want a say in the direction of your club then it is time to become a candidate for a leadership role in the reatta division of the BCA. The following positions will be elected for Director, Asst Director, SecTreasurer. These 3 positions are elected on a yearly basis and will run from the National meet to the National. This would be a chance for other parts of the country to run and serv. If you are interested please write a BIO and submit it to the Nomination Committe attention Nancy Eaton or Chuck Kerls and we will take it from there. The National BCA meet will be in South Bend Indiana in 2013 and in Portland Oregon in 2014 and then in Springfield Mo in 2014. Lets get an active ballot to move the club forward Thanks Chuck Kerls
  20. Pete this is a very difficult time in your life, and Kathy and I share your sorrow. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Chuck and Kathy
  21. It is with great sadness that I was notifed that Carole Madsen passed away in November from a short illness. Carole was very active in the Reatta Club. If you needed any Reatta wear stuff Carole was the one to take care of your order. Carole would spend many hours at the Reatta table for the club and will be missed.She worked behind the scenes for a long time. It was never easy to pack all of the clubs Reatta wear to go to a national and pack it up and take home what didnt sell. It was a big job and she always did it with a smile. For her hard work she earned the Peterson Award in 2011. Her husband George and Carole have been married for 53 years, George can be reached at their home at 708-349-8878. Rest in Peace Carole Chuck
  22. I just now saw this post and i know that the question is already put to bed, but I just wanted to quote from the 2005 judging handbook 7th edition that is posted on the BCA.org website. While the paint code is not listed, the color name listed on page 25 is Medium Metallic Blue. I have always used the Judging Handbook for questions and while I dont know who wrote the handbook, but until the handbook is changed I would have to deem it correct. Im no expert so I for one would would look for the Medium Metallic Blue. It may be a different name today so maybe somebody in the know needs to revisit the handbook. Just a thought. This is one of those things that could cause a discussion on the showfield. It sounds like everybody is on the right trail but I would think the proper color should be listed on our Judging manual Chuck
  24. Dave I totally agree and with the mess the world is in lately, we all need to practice a little kindness and understanding. Not everyone is as lucky as we are Merry Christmas Chuck Kerls
  25. I really cant see much difference here on my puter.
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