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Peter J.Heizmann

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Everything posted by Peter J.Heizmann

  1. Hi, Diz... I still have the "DF Meeting" sign from the past few years...check that off your list. Brewskis ?...welp, pard, the only thing I can suggest is ask Ron Flory to clean out the fuel tank of his '64 Allstate scooter and hook up a tap... <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" />
  2. Thank you, Rick...you hit the nail on the head. Peter J...
  3. 1:00 on Saturday at Class 5 has been the traditional meeting. Reason being, there are many that come just for the Saturday show. If you want to arrange a get together on another day for those, of whom, are at Hershey for 4-5 days, please do it. Again, the meetings are totally informal chat sessions to meet DF folks. Regards, Peter J... <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
  4. 1:00 p.m. at Class 5: Motor Scooters/Cycles. Regards, Peter J...
  5. Diz, thanks for bring this tradition to the forefront. I'll make a note to be there...gives the DF'ers (Discussion Forum participants) a chance to put a face to a computer keyboard... Peter... <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
  6. Hi, Bob... As recently as 3 weeks ago, the Duryea Hillclimb was held by the Blue Mountain Sports Car Club of America. There is a second yearly hillclimb called the Pagoda Hilclimb, so named as Reading has a Pagoda on the top of Mt. Penn. Of note, the timed race follows Duryea Drive (2.3 miles of serpentine roadway). Duryea Drive was used by Charles Duryea circa-1900 to test his 3-cylinder autos. Charles set up shop in Reading, PA in February 1900 and for only a few years. The Duryea Days show, of which, I noted was cancelled, is a totally separate venue. It is held in Boyertown, PA (16 miles SE of Reading, PA) Duryea Days is the AACA Pottstown Region's "premier" annual event, of which, draws 4-500 vehicles. Partnered with the Boyertown Museum of Historic Vehicles, the show is absolutely great, weather permitting. Shuttles take show visitors a short distance to the museum. Well worth a visit next year. Regards, Peter J... <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
  7. The Annual Duryea Days Show, Boyertown, PA, sponsored by the Pottstown Region & the Boyertown Museum of Historical Vehicles has been cancelled due to impending rain from Ernesto. There is no rain date. Peter J. Heizmann
  8. To the many, of whom, do not belong to the Anique Automobile Club of America: Please consider joining. Our magazine alone is worth the dues. Send me an e-mail, or, a Private Message and I will mail you an informative pamphlet, or, join on line by clicking on "Become a Member" icon on the home page. Regards, Peter J... <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
  9. bchevy...Please read the mission statement of the Antique Automobile Club of America. In short, "the preservation of vehicles 25 years old, and, older as they left the factory". You may have more success on Street Rod websites for a buyer. There are many AACA participants, of whom, are in need of various original condition cars and parts. This AACA website could benefit you and others. Regards, Peter J...
  10. Hello, Liz...Welcome to the AACA Forum. At your leisure, scroll through our forum, the mission of the AACA, history, library, museum, and, much more. Noticed your duplicate post in the Hudson, Essex, Terraplane Forum. In addition to posts you receive, do not overlook the AACA Library & Research Center. (Click on "Library" within the home page. The AACA Library & Research Center retains a full time staff to serve you. Give it a try to see what literature may be available. Copies of any "research" material could be forwarded for a nominal fee.) Again, welcome... Peter J... <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
  11. Based upon the length of the pen cap and dime dia. reference points, it appears to be roughly 16.875" long. Is it a solid piece, or, a stamped part? What is the weight? Bronze, or, brass appearance? Does the "door knocker" piece hinge like a handle? Any "drilled holes" for mounting purposes? The "1" you note on the back side could more than likely be an "impression number". An impression number is normally used for any foundry related cast product. The impression number is used to identify any potential molding problems with a particular impression, should the working pattern have multiple impressions to cast multiple, identical parts. (i.e.--Impression 1 of 6 created a defect. The remaining 5 Impressions poured created acceptable castings. The foundry can go back and re-work Impression #1 to fix the defect.) Peter J...
  12. Hi, Bob... (This is tough. Did a "Search" on Advertising and the first hit that appeared was made by John Packard, a dear friend to the AACA (deceased) made the post on 8/30/05. One great human being.) Bob, Click on "Search" in the header. Left column, click on "AACA Editor (Web & Print) Right column, --Key word: Advertising --Click on: "in subject and body" --Newer than: 5 years --Older than: 1 month --Submit Terry Bond and Moepar made posts with good guidelines. Regards, Peter J...
  13. Hi, Tom...Never an admission fee at any AACA Meet. Enjoy and meet some great people! Peter J... <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
  14. Hi, David... <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Peter, sorry about the technical questions about this subject. </div></div> Please continue to question this trailering experience subject as it will benefit all of us. I am throwing out my towing set up experiences and maybe I am doing something wrong. Who knows? I welcome any suggestions to max-out safety. Guaranteed, there is a miriad of trailer subjects in the "Search Function" above. Let me ask this to all on this thread. How many times have any of "us" arrived at a venue. Say hello to friends!, how was your trip?, etc., and, immediately make statements about the "towing experience" during one's trip. Let's continue sharing as any tip could save a life. Of note, tire pressure, too. I personally keep mine at the maximum: "65 p.s.i.". Also, I had the family car, the pickup, and, trailer tires purged and had "nitrogen" injected. Benefit that I have found so far: I drive the pickup an average of 900-1100 miles per week on business. So far, I am impressed with the constant pressure retention over air pressure, and, the improved handling is noticeable. I recall Howard Scotland making an important comment some years ago: What about the "Receiver Hitch" mounted to the tow vehicle?? Personally, I have checked the underside mounting of the last 2 trucks I owned every time I hook up the trailer. Never know, folks. Those of us residing in the cold weather areas drive the tow vehicle throw all sorts of road/highway treating chemicals--corrosion reality check. We have bantered this trailer topic many times on the forum over the years. What is alarming, is one has a valued car, yet, the trailer sits for a long time, and, is totally ignored. Regards, Peter J... <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
  15. Hi, Barry... Sorry, guys. Forgot to mention how I arrived at the 600# tongue weight. Nothing really scientific. You will receive a booklet with the scale, which, I assume, is pretty much what you read on Sherline's website. It has a calculation forumula on the last page. Went to my trailer today, and, the booklet has my tabulations that were made in 2002. Basically, Sherline, and, in my case, Southwestern Trailer advised tonque weight of 10-12% of the trailer's G.V.W., so, that's what I did and it works well for me. Again, in my case, I have only the TR6 so I never change anything with the set up. Where the scale will be more useful, is, folks that tow "various" vehicles with the same trailer. I can envision it coming into good use for safety. My scale has been loaned out to friend's more than I ever used it, but, it was a good investment when I first bought the trailer and knew little-to-zip about towing. Regards, Peter J... <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
  16. Hi, David... Bought my Sherline Scale quite a few years ago. It is in a Camping World box. Maybe they don't carry them any longer, or, I put it into a Camping World box for storage. Really don't recall...It has a weight maximum of 2,000#. Sherline can be contacted directly: Sherline Products, Inc., 3235 Executive Ridge, Vista, CA 92083 (Ph: 800-541-0735) How did I determine the 600# tongue weight. Kept moving the car until the scale measured 600#, marked the trailer floor for the Wheel Chocks to be located, thus, every time I put the car into the trailer, it is right on the mark. I do not know exactly how much weight gets transferred to the tow and trailer wheels. But, I do know that the current weight ratio has worked very well for over 12,000 towing miles. The truck drops 3/4" when the trailer is hooked up. Also, I installed load leveler snubbers on the rear axle of the truck. This helps greatly when weight is in, or, hooked to the truck. I hauled a 977 # machine fixture and the truck went down only 1/2". The snubber bolts to the frame in-line with the axle housing below. The rubber snubbers will rest upon the housing after 1/2" of sag. Peter. <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
  17. Hi, Bob... As you know, I haul a 2450# TR6 in a 16' enclosed trailer. Bought a "tongue weight scale" from Camping World at the time I bought the trailer. Use a Reese anti-sway bar system with a 2.75 dia. ball hitch. First, I hooked up the trailer, then, drove the car into it. Placed a cinderblock below the trailer tonque. Unhooked the truck. Lowered the tonque onto the tonque weight scale. Moved the car a few times back and forth until the scale read 600#. Then, marked off on the trailer bed for the proper location of 2 steel wheel chocks. Bolted the chocks to the trailer floor. Hence, every time I load the car, I know it is in proper weight ratio balance. When using the anti-sway bars/load leveling bars, remember that they make the tow vehicle and the trailer into "one unit". (Only problem I ever encountered with the load leveling bars is driving over a dip, such as leaving a parking lot and driving over a drainage depression...a few times I had to switch to 4 WD as the rear tires lost traction. (Let me know if you want to try the scale...I could UPS it to you...) Regards, Peter. (Say hello to Patty)
  18. Hi, West... I believe the thread you reference was titled: "This one has got me stumped" dated 3/20/06. The author was "mcgreg". Search issue: Left column, highlight "What is it?" Right column: Keyword: 1932 Rockne In Subject Newer than 5 years/Older than 1 Week Submit Try it, West. If all fails, I'll e-mail Peter Gariepy. CORockne: mcgreg's e-mail noted in his profile is: mcgregor53@hotmail.com Regards, Peter J... <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
  19. Hello, Lesli...Welcome to the AACA Forum. You could "try" the following, and, hopefully receive advise: 1. You appear to only want to sell it...any chance you would consider joining the Antique Automobile Club of America and make a "hobby" of the Rockne? 2. You could scroll down this site's Main Page and make an identical post within the "Studebaker" site,...or, 3. Click on "Search" on this page's header... On the left, click on "All Forums"... On the right, type in search word "Rockne" in "Subject". Type in Newer than 5 Years/Older than 1 Week. "SUBMIT" There have been many posts about the Rockne's. Enough to keep you busy for quite awhile, if, you want to enjoy the hobby... 4. Click on "Resources in the header, then, AACA Library. Check out the "AACA Library & Research Center" to see what we have within our highly regarded archives. You possibly could obtain copies of the Rockne's history, build records, technical information, and, so on, to obtain the utmost knowledge of the vehicle. Regards, Peter J... <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
  20. Hello, Steve...Welcome to the AACA Forum. You could try the <span style="font-weight: bold">"AACA Laurel Highlands Region"</span>. Within the page header above, click on Community, Local Clubs, scroll down to Pennsylvania Regions/Chapters, <span style="font-weight: bold">Laurel Highlands Region</span>. Their site shows last year's meet only, however, there are links to some officials, of whom, might assist. While your at it, please consider joining the AACA if you have not already done so... Regards, Peter J... <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
  21. Hi, Dave... I have no fear of the "Valley" hitch system, as I so noted. It has worked for over 12,000 miles of towing, and, as I mentioned, 5200# G.V.M. in my case. Please elaborate about any failures you experienced, or, heard of so we can all learn for our own safety. One thing I do know, is a safe anti-sway bar/load leveling system is a must for stability (especially for air drag left & right depending on what lane one is in when an 18-wheeler, or, bus passes you.) I remain that Barry's trailer frame shackle-to-chain & sway bar looks flimsy "based upon the photo". Peter J...
  22. Barry... Looking at the photo of the trailer / torsion bar. For the weight and size of what you are towing, it looks awfully flimsy to me. I tow only 5200# with a Dodge Dakota. My "Reese" anti-sway & load levelling bars are "FORGED STEEL". What concerns me is the "U" Flange that is affixed to your trailer's frame. The unit I have fits entirely over the frame, and, each unit is affixed with "2 horseshoe bolts EACH" with a "steel plate on the trailer frame underside that is "pulled tight for equal torque". To boot, the sway bars fit into a heavy duty hitch, and, a receiving unit on the trailer frame. Electronic Brake Control: Did you perform the normal adjustment after about 25 minutes after starting out on your trip? This is the "adjust the tow vehicle to the trailer adjustment so both are in "synch". Have had my own panic situations in adverse conditions with no problems so far. Again, based upon the photos, the trailer-to-tow vehicle anti-sway/load leveling set up looks weak considering the weight your are towing. Glad you are OK. The car and trailer can be fixed. Peter J...
  23. Hi, Greg... Let's put it this way. As of last Friday at Macungie, there were about 240-244 tickets left. Here we are one week later and I was informed today that there are only 47 left. These are going fast, folks. I would not wait until Hershey to buy one. You more than likely will be disappointed. Spread the word to any friends, or, relatives that are laying back until Hershey. The odds are so great, that, at the Dover Grand National, the manager of the slots parlor and 2 employees bought 6 tickets stating: "They know good odds as they are in the slots business and took adavantage..." That says it all. Please remember, everyone is a winner as all 3 AACA entities will benefit. There will not be a Mustang, or, Corvette raffle at Hershey, so, contact Steve Moskowitz at HQ quickly. Not many left... Peter J... <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
  24. Hi, Dave... Nope...absolutely not to blame you for the title, however, I have wondered for years how to spell the '50's cowboy terminology. Mystery solved...thanks <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" /> Again, thanks for the link. This MG sure is a departure from what you and I know. Regards, Peter J...
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