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Peter J.Heizmann

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Everything posted by Peter J.Heizmann

  1. Ken, Had I seen the post originally it would have the same impact on me that Steve had. On the bright side. Your AACA has a Book Review arena. On the home page click on "Library" in the right column. When the AACA Library site is open click on "Book Reviews" in the header bar. Scroll down a bit past some recent book reviews and there is a "Submit a Book Review" link with instructions. Forward it to our Librarian, Mr. Chris Ritter. [submit A Review Have you read a good book about automobile restoration, history, a special marque, people or anything else that relates to the hobby? We'd like to include your suggestions and reviews on this Library site.] Trouble I have seen and actually became quite frustrated with over the years is everyone systematically goes to the "General Forum". We have all sorts of services available on this AACA web site however no one dares venture out of the General Forum. Take the "Search" function for example. No one bothers with it however many queries are constantly repeated. All one has to do is take the time and venture out of the General Forum. Regards, Peter.
  2. Scott...Welcome to the AACA Forum. Moved your thread here. The "Forum Questions" forum is for web site navigation assistance only. Regards, Peter.
  3. Rattiac... You do not have to send remuneration upfront. On this web site's home page you will see "Library" in the right column "below Forum". (click on "Library" then in the very top bar you will see "Request Form".) Fill in your questions with as much detail that you have available and your Library will respond via e-mail what research material may be available. I copied the on-line instructions as follows: _________________________________________________________________________ Research Request Form In order to identify your vehicle with certainty, please fill in the form below as completely as possible. We will search our collection and send you an e-mail containing a list of the available information and the applicable duplication fees. You may then decide which items to order. Research requests may take 4-6 weeks to process. Duplication requests are fulfilled via the US Postal Service only. Because we are a nonprofit corporation, our archival information and research services must be self-supporting. The following schedule reflects our fees in time and materials to fulfill your request. Please note, the processing fee must accompany this request form and be in US Dollars. We accept: major credit cards, PayPal, and checks made payable to the AACA Library. __________________________________________________________________________ Keep us posted should you have any further questions. I have also sent our Librarian Mr. Chris Ritter a memo to better address your request. Regards, Peter J.
  4. Rattiack...Welcome to the AACA Forum. Thousands over the years have had "good luck" with AACA Library & Research Center automotive info request forms. Your L&RC retains an enormous amount of literature for research. If you are a member of the AACA you receive 1 1/2 hours of free research time per year. If not the research fees are nominal and very well worth the fee. Have you tried a research request to-date? If not you could contact our Librarian, Mr. Chris Ritter at 717-534-2082 direct or critter@aacalibrary.org Regards, Peter J.
  5. That is wonderful, Melvin. Sounds like you folks are cranked up. Reminder that there is the "Youth Program" for your grandson. Also, the Race Car & High Wheeler condition runs in the stadium, plus the AACA Library/National Headquarters/ and, just up Rt. 39 North (1 Mile) is the AACA Museum which is an absolute "must see". Have a good time, Peter J.
  6. {Copying back Quadfin's post from the original deleted thread} Re: Next season. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, I'm over the "Trolling for Trophies" phase, so I only put my car is as "Do Not Judge" or "Display Only" at local shows. I look for shows that have potentially large spectator traffic. I enjoy chatting with the natives, and sharing the car with them, maybe inspiring a few youngsters into Car Culture. (See my comments in the latest issue of Hemmings Classic Car...) It is also nice when there are activities that interest kids, so my 9-year-old will be interested in going with me. At the Richmond Region show in June, I saw a herd of kids flock around several different cars, as the Youth Program Leader explained the finer details and components. THAT was great to see. My daughter enjoyed the kids program at Blacksburg. Also, more than that, she LOVED the way she was treated - virtually adopted - by the other AACA members at the show. She can't wait until the next one. I'm not really into modifieds, but if they will draw more spectators, I can be pleasant. To each our own. The perfect show, to me, was New Bern. Shows in a "Downtown" setting seem to draw more outsiders in, rather than just the entrants, sitting in our chairs back by the trunk. Another thing that is a necessity, is enough room to spread out. Cars crammed together look more like a retro parking lot, rather than a car show. I like to have lots of room between cars, so spectators can view the car from all angles, and not have to slither between doors. Sometimes, I know, these are difficult to reconcile. The large remote field in the fairgrounds provides lots of room, but is usually lacking in road appeal to draw in spectators. A city park or parking lot may generate more interest, but the cars may be too close together. I have left several shows because they became too impacted, and I knew that I would not enjoy them. I'll post again Sunday, after the Northern Neck Region show. __________________ Jim Eccleston 1961 Coupe de Ville BATILAC
  7. Marty, Could you post a photo of a Founders Tour banner? It was perfect old car driving conditions today in Pa and to see old vehicles on the road on a Monday would grab my curiosity, too. Regards, Peter.
  8. Hi, Bob. I do not know the details however the 2010 Founders Tour was held this past June in the Greensburg, PA area. Perhaps they left the banner on as a token. The Glidden Tour is the next one however held in Michigan. Regards, Peter.
  9. Susan and Dick, I agree the National Anthem should be played each day. Have you contacted the Hershey Region yet? They are the hosts of the Fall Meet and I would not assume all of these suggestions by you and others on this Forum will be answered here! Contact them and let us know how you make out. Peter.
  10. Hi, Judy. You are an Administrator so just do it! My advice is you should send Susan a PM and explain your reasoning. Regards, Peter.
  11. laddy...Welcome to the AACA Forum. May benefit to post in the Dodge Forum (scroll down a bit and you will see it.) To check with "your" AACA Library & Research Center as Susan mentioned click on "Library" on the Home Page. It is self explanatory how to make a research request. If you join the AACA which is a great deal you will receive 1 1/2 hours "per year" of free research time. We retain the finest automotive archives within the old vehicle hobby. Your Librarian, Chris Ritter will handle any requests. Regards, Peter.
  12. Hi, Bill...hope all is well. In the "Annual Plea" thread in the Judging Forum, Ron Heberle posted the following: "Yes that is correct the CJE follows the judging school on Wednesday and Thursday at the Music Box threater. I always attend both judging school and CJE on one of those days, works out real well." Regards, Peter.
  13. Dick, As West noted it was moved to the "Garage/Towing" forum. When you see "Moved" just click on the destination forum. "Towing" in this case and it will automatically open the thread. Peter J.
  14. Charlie...as usual nice seeing you at Blacksburg along with your brother Chris. Hope you had a good trip to Hagerstown. You have been to a lot of Meets. Let's take Blacksburg for an example however it applies to all meets that I have attended plus non-AACA events. There was absolutely no fencing around the premises. No entry gates at all. Question: How many signs would it take at Blacksburg and how would you propose that every visitor read the signs not to mention adhere to the listing of rules about show cars? You may have a good idea here however I am at a loss as to how it could be enforced. Hope your idea was not generated by damage to your car. (I cannot fathom how many signs or other media it would take to get the message across to the thousands of spectators at mega-meets let alone the cost and army of volunteers to police it.) Regards, Peter.
  15. You are welcome anyway, Max. We tried... Peter J.
  16. Max...have you contacted the AACA Library & Research Center? Click on Library on the Home Page or contact out librarian Mr. Chris Ritter: critter@aacalibrary.org (Ph: 717-534-2082). Regards, Peter J.
  17. Likewise, Mike...Welcome to the AACA and our Forum. Thank you for the time it took to post the great experience acquiring your car. Really nice! Peter J.
  18. Jack, I was just the messenger. Thanks go to Karl Krouch. Glad you received his professional assessment. As for the plug wires you may want to post it in the "Packard" forum. On the opening forum menu page scroll down to the Packard forum. Regards, Peter.
  19. jw...Welcome to the AACA Forum. A long time member of the AACA, one Karl Krouch is a highly regarded source for lug wrenches, antique jacks to include antique security devices sold or utilized thoughout the history of automobiles. I just sent him an e-mail to bring your thread to his attention. Regards, Peter.
  20. Larry, I am absolutely not a scientist however what I wrote works. Use nitrogen on my company car and tow vehicle with the same "very satisfied" results. The constant pressure of nitrogen for such a cheap price has definitely reduced having to hook up a compressor in bitter winter weather or going to the storage facility monthly with a compressor to cap off the trailer. Another note is the tire dealer I have used for years will add nitrogen "if needed" without charge if the tires were purchased from them. Also includes "free" balancing and rotation even on the trailer. What I posted is from very satisfied results over a long period of time. Too each his own. Regards, Peter.
  21. Good points, Matt. I never thought about the axle alignment. What I do: --Nitrogen instead of air. Nitrogen does not create moisture as does air and thus prevents possible rusting of the trailer rims from the inside. Also it is cooler to keep tire heat down. The other advantage is constant pressure of Nitrogen. Have pressure of 50 p.s.i. in tires and after 7 months of winter storage each tire was around 49 p.s.i. Nitrogen costs only $2.00 per tire at a local tire store. --Rotation: I have this done every 6,000 miles if for any other reason than to give myself the benefit of the doubt. 21,000 miles on the trailer without any problems. Regards, Peter. --
  22. Robert. I just googled Skagway Aklaska History. Found the following interesting if not the whole web site: Quote: " Bobby Sheldon, 14, builds first automobile in Alaska for 1905 Fourth of July parade. He will later drive first car and run tours over Alaska's first highway between Valdez and Fairbanks, where the Skagway car will end up in the University of Alaska museum. In December, a meeting is held in Skagway about building a road from here to eventually connect with the Valdez road." If the Skagway car is in the University of Alaska, possibly the trail of inquiry may be better defined. (Maybe I have too much time on my hands today but I must admire whomever wrote the very detailed chronoligical history of Skagway...really interesting. References the first roads built into Skagway although your photo vehicle is a later model.) Re: Skagway History Regards, Peter.
  23. Dave...Welcome to the AACA Forum. Please see the procedure to research "your" AACA Library holdings of original & factual automotive materials of which I just posted in Bill K's "Military Vehicles" thread. Regards, Peter.
  24. Bill...Welcome to the AACA Forum. Out of curiosity I just did an Online Catalog search of "your" AACA Library's holdings on the subject of Military Vehicles. We have a deuce and a half full of materials for researching. Procedure: --On the your web site's home page, you will see "Library" in the right column. (click on it) --When site is open, in the very top right click on "Online Catalog". --You will see "Search the AACA Library". click on it. --3 topic areas show. I checked out "Automotive Literature" and "Automotive Reference Books" by typing in "Military Vehicles". There are many listings of various War Year periods for you to investigate. Your Librarian, Chris Ritter can also be contacted at the Library: 717-534-2082 or critter@aacalibrary.org for direct contact. Regards, Peter.
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