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Everything posted by dustycrusty

  1. I >think< the Ford inline 6s had the three bolt pattern, and starters for their V8s had just two bolts.
  2. I'm not sure why it has the hexed portion on the backside(?) but various agricultural and industrial manufacturers used adjustable pulleys what you screwed in or out to change the dimensions of the groove so the belt rode deeper or higher in it instead of physically moving the entire generator assembly to adjust the belt tension. You cant be sure without a set of dimensions, but your pulley looks similar to pulleys used on Delco Remy generators used on Farmall tractors and power units from the late 1940's and 1950s. Hard to believe, but there is a whole clan of demented folks who collect and restore such woefully obsolete machinery and there is a pretty good niche industry that reproduces parts to cater to that crazy crowd so you might be able to find a suitable stand-in there. If you cant find a replacement, that pulley would also be easy enough to reproduce. You just need a good friend with a lathe and a mill. GOOD LUCK!
  3. Speedway (among others) still sells them new, but order soon, as they only have one left in stock! I love the cooling fins- wrap your hot, heat-radiating oil filter in a thick, heat trapping cast aluminum cylinder, but hey, we added some stylized cooling fins to kinda, maybe help expel 10% of the newly retained excess heat! https://www.speedwaymotors.com/Speedway-Finned-Aluminum-Engine-Oil-Filter-Cover,5724.html?utm_medium=CSEGoogle&utm_source=CSE&utm_campaign=CSEGOOGLE&gclid=CjwKCAjw6vyiBhB_EiwAQJRopkITPwxGsaxEOsytgn3Vl5jiY2l2RizR-yov-zoYCjVUXnd92SVxbBoCmj8QAvD_BwE
  4. That cast aluminum piece with the swing-out priming door is definitely off of an early Gravely "L".
  5. It looks vaguely Datsun "240-Z"-ish. Maybe it was supposed to be a 240-ZGT-40 mashup? No clue what it would be worth, but to find an eager buyer, try putting some "For Sale" flyers of it on the streetlight poles facing the exits of any theater playing the latest "Fast & Furious" flick...
  6. Oldsmobile favored those slanted louvers...
  7. Come on, man- If you dont know, what are the chances anyone else here would??
  8. https://sloanlongway.org/1912-little-motor-car/ Little automobiles were built in 1912-'13 to take on Ford's surprisingly brisk-selling Model "T". Manufacturer Billy Durant (creator of, and recently fired from G.M.) realized rather quickly that it was a poor name to attract the male consumers (compared to the less-than-subtle advertising of competitors like, say, Apperson with their "Big Dick" line of speedsters) so he re-badged it after a race car driver named Louis Chevrolet and tried again...
  9. Here's probably the world's most famous early post war Harley Davidson, done up in much the same way as "Wild"...Bills(?) bike, on the April 7, 1951 Saturday Evening Post cover. It is a slightly later (1949-) Hydra glide "FL" Pan Head that obviously belongs to a ne'er-do-well named "TEX". It gives a better look at that extra long, sheepskin covered "buddy seat" they both are fitted with. That magazine cover probably led more kids astray and cursed them to be perpetually broke than The Wild One, On Any Sunday or even Then Came Bronson!
  10. A late 1930's Harley Davison "EL" a.k.a. a "Knucklehead", slightly customized in a style typical of the post WWII era. The "Beehive" taillight was used in 1939-'40 on the "EL", and those tank decals were used from 1936-'40. That would be a nice bike to have today!
  11. Its an odd one. Definitely not a Ford body, but it COULD be a different body on a Ford Chassis. Notice how poorly the "turtledeck" fits the short (100"?) wheelbase, overhanging the chassis and sticking out beyond the protection of the rear fenders by almost a foot. Willys Overland also had a roadster of the same general styling as the Oakland in that post-Great War era, with doors (or at least A door!) that opened rearward like the OPs photograph. They were even one of the very few manufacturers that also used that Ford-like traverse spring suspension.
  12. 1930-'31 Model A Ford Tudor
  13. Its the same kinda car Jay Leno learned not to trifle with.
  14. The 1955 GM Motorama "LaSalle II" hardtop sedan. Also available in roadster form!
  15. Interesting alternate use for CV-joint boots...
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